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It's not up to me | p - Marko - Printable Version

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It's not up to me | p - Marko - Dragon- - 08-10-2018

Michael was currently being led into the town of San Creado, face tinged pink and hand intertwined with a near strangers. They had started at the board walk and Michael was expecting to begin there but nope, he didn't have a single clue of where they were going to be going. The sun was just setting on the horizon and it was gradually beginning to get cooler, a blessing with the insulated leather jacket that Michael had on. He would unzip the jacket regardless of the cooler weather, for he was feeling unusually warm right now.

Michael would be distracted by different buildings and structures along the way, only be able to briefly examine them before being pulled along by a hand that seemed much too strong to belong to its owner. They would finally arrive at their destination, Michael obviously had no clue where they were, aside from the fact that it was rather dark. This seemed like the type of place that somebody could get murdered and nobody would know or care. That wouldn't happen to Michael though, he was too smart to go anywhere with an actual murderer!

The teen would look expectantly and curiously at Marko, a gentle smile upon his lips. "Where do you wanna start? I saw some pretty cool buildings on the way. We could check those out?"
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Re: It's not up to me | p - Marko - MARKO ! - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — plans. marko had plans, and he was starting to get excited about them. after all, the kid he picked up knew absolutely nothing of what his fate would be, and marko just had to savor that vulnerability. he'd never done anything like turn someone before, so he had to do it right, and... if anything went wrong, marko figured he might as well spend time with the hottie while he gains his trust.

let's see, where were they? ah, at the specific little hill marko wanted them to be at. marko stopped in front of a specific abandoned building, which was some tourist trap that was well beyond his memory in terms of what they actually sold. he laughed when michael spoke up, curious as to how the human could be interested in the buildings of san creado when there was so much more. "we'll be starting here, michael. you up for a climb?"

taking no time to wait for an answer, marko began to scale the building, thankful that it had fallen into disrepair. made it easier to find or even make ledges and holds, even if he could hear ezra in his head telling him to sit down and let his body rest. while marko did agree with that to some extent, he had to be a bit of a showoff, make it seem easier than it actually was. he lifted himself up onto the roof of the two-story building, then turned and waved at michael, a cocky grin on his face. "the view of the waterfront from up here is incredible, michael, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better spot than this," he hollered.

while michael would climb up, marko decided to step to the opposite edge of the building, marvelling at the view. he'd forgotten how good it really was, especially with the sun starting to dip below the horizon. more importantly, though, he spotted a favorite creature of his who happened to have gotten a similar idea on how to spend the evening.

marko scooped up the pigeon before sitting down to face the boardwalk and the waterfront, deciding that he'd talk through a plan on touring the town once michael pulled himself onto the roof.

Re: It's not up to me | p - Marko - Dragon- - 08-11-2018

  It was a rather interesting thing to watch the gears shifting in Markos head, to watch the brief flickers of varying emotions that flit across his face, gone as quick as they had come. It was obvious that the teenager was formulating something in his head and, although Michael wasn't worried about it, there was always a curiosity that came with watching somebody think. Michael had always been seen as rather oblivious and, for the most part, he was. He knew that he didn't always know what was happening around him and he knew that he didn't usually pick up on obvious things that were going on. He knew this, and tried to make an effort to observe the world around him, but he was always distracted by such small things.

  Michael would have a curious tilt to his head as he watched Marko scale the dilapidated building. His gaze would shift to the building itself after a few moments. He would examine the worn and crumbling bricks that made up the lopsided walls, the broken and stained concrete that made up the roof, the shattered glass and crumbling wood frames of what had once been windows. It was obvious that this building had witnessed a lot in its existence and Michael was in a near reverent state as he inspected it. This lasted but a few moments before he was snapped out of it by the sudden thump of a fallen brick.

He'd acknowledge Markos words with a nod and a slight smile, although it seemed like a smile was some sort had been on his face since he met this dude. It was interesting to not know why you reacted the way that you did around some people. The curly haired brunet would begin his ascent when Marko was at the halfway point, figuring that it would likely be safe at that point.

  Michael found odd comfort in the climb, memories of all the trees and structures that he would scale resurfacing. He had been a rather hyperactive kid and, although it worried his mother to no ends, he would climb anything if given the chance. The activity had been stopped when his little brother, Sam, was old enough to follow him around and expressed interest in going up with him. Michael knew that he had to be a responsible older brother and that it was too unsafe to keep climbing, to set a bad example for Sam, so he stopped. This was the first time that he had climbed anything in a few years and he enjoyed the familiarity that it brought.

  The teen would curl his fingers around the lip of the roof and pull himself up, having to take a moment to regain his breath when he had finally made it. He would make his way to Marko, quietly as to not disturb the pigeon in his grasp, and sit down beside him. "You're right" He'd say, voice reflecting his awe at the view. "It's beautiful." There were certainly no sights like this in the near desert region that he had grown up in.
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Re: It's not up to me | p - Marko - Dragon- - 08-26-2018
