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COWBOYS ;; weekly tasks - Printable Version

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COWBOYS ;; weekly tasks - MARKO ! - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — it was time for the town to be spruced up. after all, san creado had events that would be coming up, and one that marko was especially excited for was, well, a whole festival. and that was kinda something that needed preparation, after all, and marko couldn't do it all himself. sure, he could stitch patches into a leather jacket, and he could climb buildings pretty fast, but... that was it. his talents didn't extend far past that.

luckily, marko had a workforce in the form of san creado's residents.

walking along the edge of the roof of a giftshop that had been vacant since before the tsunami even hit, marko readied his notecard of things that needed to be done. "excuse me, san creado! we have to prepare for the summer festival!" he hollered, pacing a little more before sitting down and focusing. it took some effort to read his handwriting, after all. "i have a bunch of tasks we can all do, so it can get goin' faster than if it were just me doing everything!"

if he did do everything alone, he might be able to get everything ready by the next year's festival, possibly. although, really, he had no clue how long anything would take. since he was in control, he had the power to decide to make a festival happen, even if that meant no one really knew if it would even take place in summer or not.

Re: COWBOYS ;; weekly tasks - Dragon- - 08-10-2018

Michael'd had a rather eventful day so far. He had finished unpacking and took the opportunity to go to town with his little bro. Sam, that little gnat, had run off and caused Michael to run into somebody, Alex? That was the name of the guy that he'd run into, he was pretty sure. He had met Alex and Marko after that!

Marko was pretty nice. He made Michael feel a bit more confused than usual, he didn't quite understand why he felt so embarrassed around the blond. He was still really nice though. Marko had shown Michael around town, showing him all the interesting crooks and crannies of the place and talking about some of the history of some of the buildings.
That had eventually come to an end when Marko had to go and do undertaker stuff? Michael wasn't quite certain as to what an undertaker was but it was still pretty cool that Marko was one!

Michael would now assume that an undertaker was either somebody who organized events or the mayor of the town, both of which were definitely cool. He seemed to be discussing a festival of sorts, a summer festival?

The brunet teen would stroll over to the building that Marko was standing on, rather interested in what was happening. He would place himself in front of the building, hands in his pockets and neck craned slightly up. "I'll grab a task!" He'd call out, a smile upon his lips. He hoped that he'd be able to help out.
Template by Quill

Re: COWBOYS ;; weekly tasks - alexander - 08-10-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]They should have never chosen Marko as Undertaker. Now he was the one that could boss them around, and the whole reason the vamp gang gang had taken the young blood along with them was just so they could tell him what to do. Alexander narrows their eyes when they see the vampire on yet another rooftop, hands coming to rest on their hips."What do I have to do to get it through your head that you have to stop climbing things, huh?" They call out, coming to stand beside Michael. Alex was rather surprised to see the human still alive after his first encounter with Marko, they had assumed the young man would just be another meal for Marko. Apparently not.

At the mention of tasks, the vampire turns his attention back to the Undertaker, raising a brow. What were they, his slaves? They snort under their breath, an amused smile picking up their lips. Good luck with this one, Marko. "What exactly are these tasks for? Why can't you and your little toy do them?" They question, genuinely curious.

Re: COWBOYS ;; weekly tasks - XENIA - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 70%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]This guy and roofs. As strange as his affinity for heights seems, Xenia can see the reason why. The concept of the high ground, very much unlike the high road, which she has never taken in her life, is a key strategic point on the battlefield. One fatal swoop and that mangy human unfortunate enough to walk underneath you is dead. All their blood just for you. Delicious.

Making her way up to the group slowly, each step predetermined and methodical, Xenia focuses her cold eyes on the undertakrr. "What is this?" she calls, releasing her gaze and scanning the two on the ground with her. Alex, an acquaintance at best, and a stranger who He looks off. She doesn't trust him right off the bat.

The vampire bites her lip. If she's gonna get any information out of these folks, she's gonna have to integrate herself into their society. "I'll bite."

Re: COWBOYS ;; weekly tasks - MARKO ! - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — ah, the civilians of san creado, showing off their main traits as per usual: adorable, loud and annoying, and edgy, respectively. marko would put himself in the first two categories, but that wasn't exactly on topic, was it? he grinned and waved at them (and by them he was referring almost entirely to michael), swinging his legs lazily. he just loved the attention.

what did alex say? what was this for? "i said what these are for, dumbass, it's for the festival that we're doing!" he said, giggling slightly. "the reason i'm not doing it myself is because there's too much that i wanna do; speaking of, can you, uh... tidy up the boardwalk, make it look nice?" he read that straight off of the notecard.

next, xenia. she was easy; seeing as marko had given up entirely in trying to befriend her, he could give her the harder stuff without feeling bad. "xen, could you, like, set up these booth things? cat gave me a good idea and i need booths for it. one near each, like, landmark of our li'l town." it would give her a lot more to do than the others. marko would be fine if she just set up one, frankly, but it was fun to threaten with more.

ah, and then there was michael. "get some refreshments rollin', michael. make sure they're... accommodating, yeah?" he threw another cheeky grin at the human, sure to show off his fangs, before turning slightly to see if there were any others who needed tasks assigned to them.

there weren't, but he'd be fine with waiting.