Beasts of Beyond
BABY I'VE BEEN TRYING && o, accident. - Printable Version

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BABY I'VE BEEN TRYING && o, accident. - ONISION. - 08-09-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]After he had became a Fireball officially, Onision felt like he could rule the world. He was so tiny, but such a tiny creature had such a blazing fire in his blue eyes that nobody could put out. He was prideful, and it showed by the way he walked through the halls of the darkening observatory.

Well, up until he ran into a spider web. A big one.

A loud screech left his maw as he flinched, the sticky feeling making the young male flip out, rolling around on the ground like a writhing animal having a seizure. "SPIDER! GET IT OFF!" He shrieked out, claws unsheathed as he continued to roll around in a panic.

Then, he felt a sharp tug, and his piercing was ripped from his ear accidentally by his own claws. His own. Claws. A loud cry left the male, as blood dripped onto the ground, splattering as his ear twitched, trying to relieve the burning pain in his ear. The piercing took a good little chunk of his ear with it, a nice straight gash that told it's own tale.

This was a mess. He was bleeding, and he was tangled in spider webs.
Fucking great.


Re: BABY I'VE BEEN TRYING && o, accident. - HEARTEYES - 08-09-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Everyone had seemed to calm down once Bastilleprisoner put them to work. Hearteyes wasn't expecting anymore screams to echo out into the observatory, and this wasn't just a surprised scream, it was one of pain. The molly is immediately rushing toward the source of the sound, the fur along her spine standing on end. She sees the kitten crouched on the floor in the dim light, eyes widening at the sight of blood. "Oh, goodness. Oh, oh. Little one, are you alright? What happened? Oh my god." She speaks quickly, coming to stand beside Onision, pink eyes clouded in worry.

Re: BABY I'VE BEEN TRYING && o, accident. - tori - 08-09-2018

The darkness of the recently shut down observatory was definitely not going to bring out the inner grace of it's residents, quite the opposite actually. There was some stumbling, tripping, falling face first, but no real injury as far as he knew, unless he'd missed it. Regardless, this was a strange and oddly specific injury to get.

He'd only been trying to search out any stray prey animals that had snuck their way into the building somehow, having no luck so far. He couldn't be all that surprised, after all, the scent of multiple potentially dangerous animals probably sounded off danger to anything that could be made into food, but he was determined not to let anyone starve to death in here. And then, of course, the scent of blood following up some upset yelling.

Piercings, dangerous but intriguing objects. He'd declined them the first time around, but he figured maybe he would consider it again with age. There was just too much potential risk with them getting caught in things, or being pulled out in battle. Or...both. He frowned when the blood scent trailed back to the rebellious new Fireball, not quite in irritation but in concern. This kid was gonna kill him, if he didn't kill himself by accident first. "Oni, hey, sit still." Alex tried at least pulling the spider webs off before the injured ear could be properly assessed, that was not his job. And he didn't know anything about healing.


Re: BABY I'VE BEEN TRYING && o, accident. - lessa - 08-10-2018

✯ — honestly, it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, always hoping for good to be
The petite pine marten arrived on scene after Alexander, her visible eye widening sharply in the dark as she pieced together the scene.  Oh dear.  She bit her lip and quickly bounded over to the little fireball, watching quietly as Alexander pulled the spider webs off, allowing her a better view.  Her own torn ears - though they had been ripped by teeth, not claws - flicked back.  It was not a horrible wound, but she hoped he did not mind having a bit of a notch in his ear from now on.

"I-it's alright," the Halo murmured softly, "I c-can take care of it." Though her voice was naturally quiet, she hoped it was also soothing.  A fretful child was a little harder to take care of than a calm one.  Luckily, she did have her supplies on her, having her medkit attached around her middle via a harness, similar to what her hawk companion often wore.  Said hawk had not shown up anywhere and she was afraid he'd either retreated somewhere in the dark, or was actually trapped outside.  She could call on Shine and see if he could come to the bottom of that later.

With practiced ease, Lessa removed her medkit and began to dig through it.  Horsetail, horsetail... A-ha.  From a small jar of horsetail poultice, she began applying the herbs gently over the child's ear, using gentle touches though odds were the metal would feel a bit odd... Cold at the very least.  When that was done, she'd aim to layer it with some cobwebs from the same medkit, to act as bandages, a tiny smile creeping up at the irony of having to put more spiderwebs on the boy.  "G-good as new... Th-that should heal... Up nicely... B-but you t-tell me... If it s-starts bothering you, okay?"

"W-what happened, an-anyway?" The Halo'd finally inquire, brows raised in concern and curiosity.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px cornflowerblue; font-size: 12px;"]— lessa ren solo

Re: BABY I'VE BEEN TRYING && o, accident. - BASTILLEPAW - 08-13-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
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[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille would not pretend to think that he'd given himself a particularly easy Fireball to handle. No, he'd known Oni for the boy's entire life, and he knew first hand that his "little brother" was a pawful and a half. He had a lot of aggressive spunk though, and a clear desire to do the best he could, so Bast was willing to take all of his energy in stride and work around the more difficult edges to shape him into the talented Observer that he could be. Besides, it wasn't like he himself had been an easy Fireball to handle, so he supposed he owed it to karma to now be faced with his own shithead to deal with.

He was a bit surprised to hear Oni wailing, however, and immediately wondered what the hell he'd gotten into already. He joined them shortly after Lessa had already started tending to the Fireball, and scowled slightly as he glanced Oni over. [b]"What the hell?" he questioned, eyeing the ring caught around Oni's claw, realizing belatedly it was his piercing, "What did you do that for?"
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: BABY I'VE BEEN TRYING && o, accident. - ONISION. - 08-14-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Onision tensed when he heard a crowd draw near, relaxing when he felt Alexander pull at the cobwebs around his body. It wasn't hard for this to happen, he was extremely small after all, even for his age. Slim, stubby legs stuck out at all angles as he was released from his sticky bonds, wincing as herbs were pushed onto his wound. Soon, cobwebs were placed ontop, and he flinched slightly at the pressure. "I got caught in this fuckin' cobweb and ripped my piercing out on accident!" Onision grumbled loudly in response to Bastille and Hearteye's questions as to what happened to him. "We need to fuckin' clean this place up. Fuck these cobwebs." He cursed out the string of F-bombs that he of course had learned from his mother Suiteheart. She had a habit of cussing, but Onision specifically picked up on 'Fuck'.

//rushed mobile post
