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Today or rather tonight was the night that he had decided to try and make something for everyone to enjoy. The atmosphere of Sunhaven was always happy, always festive with commerce flowing in and out and travelings moving about their town to visit their shops and just have a good time. Everyone always did their share of work and that was seen in the way that customers were seen leaving their shops with smiles on their faces and those working were happy too. He knew he was happy and he was happy with the life that he had come to know here. With that though came others that wished to join and live and he felt bad that he didn't know most of the names of those who have joined. It was unacceptable but he understood that he'd been busy as of late. So he had devised something to try and get everyone out of their homes and to gather around for some much needed R and R with just the main crew who lived and worked here.

It had taken him all day to really get all of this together and he was sure people saw him struggling. But he wouldn't accept the offer of their help. Apollo and Artemis above he couldn't count how many times his pyramid of driftwood and timber had fallen down because he placed something wrong and he tried his best. At one point he almost gave up and retreated into the ocean for the day to try again tomorrow but he had promised to himself to get this together before the first star was seen in the night sky. And he worked his fin off to achieve this. Now the bonfire was ready to be lit and he had blankets spread out along the beach. He had found some skewers to use to steak some fish and hoist them near the fire to cook for something that they could eat. He was sorry he didn't have variety and he hoped the guests would understand thing. But that was practically all he ate and hunting on land had become a strange chore for him. He needed some practice he supposed. Regardless of that he also had an octopus simmering near the flames and some rice wrapped in seaweed because that stuff was the best.

The fire itself he lit up right as the sky started to become a deep blue hue and the stars shown brightly. Artemis had done her job and cast the sun down to bring the moon up. Because of the salt in the drift wood the fire was blazing a brilliant blue green and he hummed lightly. Though he was extremely uncomfortable too close to the fire he knew that others would enjoy it and he backed up a bit before he called out. "Sunhaven! Come on down tae the beach for some good old fashion get taegather! Yar's truly is hostin' and I swear I won't bit none of ya. Introduce yaself if ya want tae and have some fish, play in the water and make some sand castles cause we are all friends here!" He chuckled softly before he settled down, wrapping his tail fin around his body as he breathed in, flexing his gills a little bit. "Me name's Monroe. I haven't been here long but boy I'm enjoyin' myself. I'm almost 3 years old and I keep the hearth, tis my job and I'm a fish merchant here as well."


Sunhaven is growing faster than Jericho could've ever imagined.  It's only been a few weeks and sometimes when he finally gets into bed at nice he's struck with the magnitude of it all; this is his place.  He started this.  And it's becoming something greater, something bigger.  It truly isn't his place anymore, it belongs to all of them.  Everything is still so new and Jericho knows that their growing pains are only beginning, but even now, soppy as he is, the thought takes his breath away.  Though daunting as leading may be, the feline thinks about all who share his dream of what he wants Sunhaven to be and his heart warms.  He knows the burden will never be as heavier than his gratitude.  Yet as their numbers expand Jericho struggles to know everyone as well as he wants to.  There aren't enough hours in the day — strangers are always sitting at the border, new faces popping up around the seatown.  The Helion feels as though he's failing when he greets someone he does not yet know, but keeping up with each and every newcomer is seeming more and more an impossible task.  And yet he tries (and fails) nonetheless, for he cannot let them down.

The little tomcat has heard about the Hearthkeeper's little get-together, and thus pads lopsidedly across the shore in the direction from which he hears the crackling of a fire.  If he's being honest, this is a tad past his bedtime.  Jericho (and he must seem like an old man for this) tends to rise with the sun in the morning and fall with the moon at night; but for this, of course, he makes an exception.  The scent of seaspray and fire is warm and cozy — not exactly in a literal way, but it's the type of smell that just feels like home.  He notes the fish cooking over the open flames, and though the ginger tomcat himself isn't much of a meat-eater, it's a nice touch.  The other male has certainly worked hard on this, and even without sight it shows.  The tiny feline comes to a stop, having paused to admire the setting for a moment before his honey eyes flicker in the other's direction, only just staring beyond.  "Th-This is... very nice, Monroe.  Thank you," he speaks up softly, a gentle smile gracing his maw.  Jericho slowly seats himself, the summer air having turns cool since the sun's departure from the sky and ruffling his fur.  The fire casts him in a mellow glow, his ginger pelt bathed in gold as he shifts his weight in the sand.  He supposes he ought to introduce himself for those who show up next.  The Sunhavener clears his throat lightly and settles in.  "Um, well, I'm Jericho, and I'm the Helion here — or, ah, leader, if you will.  I have a garden shop and I... I really enjoy flowers and herbs.  I also like books but I, uh, c-can't exactly read because I'm blind."  The last bit is spoken rather sheepishly, but he gives a small, lighthearted laugh on the exhale.  He blinks, and his attention follows his tender unseeing gaze back to Monroe expectantly as they wait for any of the others to arrive.

Re: BURNING LIKE THE SUN || BONFIRE + MASS MEET AND GREET - buckingham barnes - 08-10-2018

[Image: iD505lD.gif]
It's been a long time since Bucky found himself living in a group, a peaceful one at that. For the majority of his life, Buckingham was surrounded by war, violence, and murder. The only times in his life that he'd consider to be calm and happy were his times as a kitten. His parents were not the violent types- rather instead, they were quite the opposite of that. They didn't raise him to be mean, instead they tried their hardest to shape him into a respectful, kind individual. For the most part, it worked relatively well- even after their deaths. But unfortunately, as hard as he tried to live a life as they wanted for him, nothing is ever set in stone. Bucky could remember getting kidnapped like it was yesterday- getting ambushed by a strong, larger feline who took the advantage of him being alone. He remembered waking up in a chamber, a malicious grin on the strangers face. And then, he was torn apart- brick by brick, until there was nothing left. That stranger quickly became his handler, that horrible being reworking Bucky into a dangerous, sneaky, and valuable asset.

For the longest time he believed he was nothing but a weapon. He thought he was meant to destroy, take orders with no hesitation or expect any sort of punishment. He followed almost every order from his handler, until something in his brain clicked and he abandoned them. Even after he regained his identity, Bucky couldn't stop the person he was shaped to be- he didn't have the strength at the time. Instead, he had to mentally prepare himself to let go of such a dark life, and make sure he goes through with it, even if it feels like he can't. It took him months to finally feel comfortable enough with living in a peaceful group. Bucky could only hope no one knew of his past, it would be much easier for him if no one mentions he's a former assassin.

The male found himself padding over to the bonfire, eyes glancing at the large fire for a moment. He watched the flames lick the dry wound, before his ears pricked up at his new clanmates voices. His head quickly turned, light blue eyes landing on two people he didn't recognize. Bucky didn't really know his new clanmates that well, but perhaps that's the reason for this event. It will help him get to know them, vice versa. With a flick of his ear, the former assassin spoke up. "My name is Buckingham Barnes, but feel free to call me Bucky. I have a metal prosthetic limb and I'm turning 3 years old in two months."

[ rushed at end sorry !! ]


[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Sunhaven truly was just that- a haven, a safe place for people of all kinds to come together, to live without fear of war and danger. It was a place of peace, a home for whoever was in  need of one. Pierce had discovered at the exact right time, when he and his daughter were completely alone and without a place to go where they could finally breathe and stop worrying. When the two of them had finally arrived in their new home, he had realized it was even better than the stories he'd been told. Little houses and shops bobbed atop the water, connected by warm, sturdy wood planks that were the boardwalk. Lights from the individual homes reflected off the water at night, creating a lightshow of Sunhaven's very own for its inhabitants. It was beautiful, and so were those who lived there- they were all rather different, certainly, but Pierce had yet to meet someone he genuinely disliked. While that was disliking others was a rarity in and of itself for him, he didn't think he'd ever gotten this far without just a twinge of irritation from a clanmate. Back in his first clan, there'd been troublemakers and jackasses everywhere- outnumbered by their more respectable clanmates, sure, but very prominent nonetheless. Had he just not been here long enough? Perhaps, but only time could tell, and either way, Pierce told himself, he was here to stay.

Drawn over by Monroe's call, the slender feline approached after Buckingham, glancing down at his fellow Sunhavener just long enough to offer him a friendly smile - a silent greeting, of sorts -, before he allowed his honey gaze to drift, resting on the fire that was crackling before them all. It was large, an intimidating force, but contained, one that he knew would cause no harm so long as no one did anything stupid. After a moment, he focused on Monroe, his tail waving enthusiastically behind him. "This is lovely, Monroe!" he complimented the other's work, silently appreciating the fire's warmth even from this distance. "Oh, I'm Pierce, by the way, I just joined this place a couple days ago. It's a pleasure to meet you!" His greeting was friendly as ever, but he couldn't help but be distracted by the setup - the food, the glowing fire, all of it was pretty impressive. Looking over to the others, he went on, "Uh, you as well, Mister Buckingham. And, uh, I'm two years old - my birthday's in May -, I have a daughter who lives here with me named Clementine, and I really like painting, reading, and music! I'm really excited to get to know all of you."
