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I'LL EAT YOU WHOLE | open, climbing & coconuts - Printable Version

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I'LL EAT YOU WHOLE | open, climbing & coconuts - GRIMNYTE - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]God, she loved climbing.

It was like flying - she jumped from branch to branch, her powerful legs working vigorously, automatically - she had done this for so long that it was as simple as walking. Better than walking, really. It made her happy, and no matter how tired she got she couldn't stop. If it got too bad, she'd just choose a branch, hook her claws in, and hang upside down to catch her breath. Stellamaris could remember racing with the monkeys in her old jungle home when she first learned how to climb as a kitten. "Whatta you doing out here, little kitty?" the capuchin monkey named Boomba had asked her. She had just meowed in his face. "Hey... you're one of those climbin' cat things! Too little to be out here alone, too. You wanna hang with us? My mom's cool - she has the best fruits."

Boomba had begged so hard to let her in. "Momma, she can keep up! She's a climbing cat! She's practically family!" she had been bigger than him even as an adolescent, so instead of picking her up and shoving her in his mom's face, he had itched behind her ears until she purred. "See? Harmless."

They had taught her everything. How to hook her claws into the wood, to take advantage of her back paws to climb down head-first. When she left, Boomba already had little monkeys clinging to his form. "You're too big to hang with us now, Stella. You gotta go. But come back if you need anything, y'know? We'll be here."

She missed having climbing buddies, admittedly; even if her friend was long gone and far older now, she could still imagine him beside her, still feel his young one's long digits digging into her back in an effort to hang on as she jumped through trees with them astride her.

Besides, all the cats she had met were either too big to climb or too small. All the smaller cats could do well enough, but they didn't have the ability that she had, and it got boring after a while to slow her pace down to match theirs.

"Almost... there," she was on the beach today, already having climbed all the way to the top of a coconut tree, right where it split down the middle to the broad leaves and coconut bunches. It wasn't hard to balance on the little space she had, leaning half of her weight down on one of the stems, and the other on dipping down to bat at the coconuts. "There!" she kicked out one of her back legs, sending a few of the fruits tumbling downwards. "That was eas- shit-" from underneath her, one of the coconuts fell just as she had moved forward. She would've went falling down if she hadn't slammed her paws into the tree trunk instinctively, and from there, she figured it would be in her best interests if she started shimmying down head-first before she actually fell.

Re: I'LL EAT YOU WHOLE | open, climbing & coconuts - rhosmari - 08-09-2018

The strange mutant had never climb. Not then and certainly not even now as he was. Before he was much better at controlling the masses and worrying about getting his fur dirty to even think about lifting a claw to try and climb a tree. Back then he would think it was barbaric to even try to scale a tree and what would be the point. Now though he wouldn't climb a tree because his skin was indeed thick but he had no wish to scar it up. It wouldn't take much to cut into the flesh of his body and he had to make sure that it stayed smooth and nothing could cause an infection in him. Much of what he did was to protect himself and he had a lot of protecting to do. Even though he was careful things could happen. So naturally he was more suited to spend much of his time in the water and when he wasn't looking out for little Pele he was out in the depths of the ocean, attempting to either catch his lunch or just to float among the waves where he felt more at home. Even now that was what he was doing, just floating under the waters, eyes half open as he scented the many varieties of plants and marine life that existed. He could feel every tug and pull of the water around him and it seemed to soothe his emotions a bit, make him calmer.

But he was snapped out of such reserves when the sudden vibrations of a shouted word entered the waves and shook his senses. Jerking his head up the shark cat would tilt his head to the side, ears pulling forward for a moment before he agilely pushed his way up toward the water. Such high speeds shot him out of the ocean and he landed hard on the beach, bouncing a bit and shaking the water from his body. Water fell like soft rain around him and he allowed himself a moment to catch his bearings before he eyed the round and brown fruit before him. Huh? His nose twitched before he realized who it was near him. Oh! Oh! It was her! He wiggled a little bit before he nudged the coconut, still wondering where it had come from before he gave a slick smile. She was climbing trees and that must mean... Gazing up at the plant he realized the coconuts were knocked down by the clouded leopard. Oh, she was a climber then and he was curious about that because he could never do that. "Oi there lass, climbing the trees? I didn't know ya liked coconuts."

Re: I'LL EAT YOU WHOLE | open, climbing & coconuts - jericho - 08-10-2018

Climbing is hardly something Jericho has ever considered — he was young when he lost his sight and his hind leg, and after that just navigating what's in front of him has kept him busy enough, nevermind all that lies above.  The again, he's not sure that, disabilities aside, it's something he'd be interested in anyhow.  Jericho is hardly the adventurous type; he's plenty happy to go through his life day by day, visiting his garden and sitting on the beach and being perfectly boring in the best way possible.  The most daring the ginger tabby gets is just leaving Sunhaven's territory (which, for someone as sightless and weak as himself, could certainly be a bold choice).  Given that he's such a worry-wart, hobbies as dangerous as climbing aren't among his favorites — the tom would certainly prefer sticking to horticulture, with his feet steadily on the ground and his paws buried in the soft soil.

He's on the way back from his daily greenhouse trip, sand shuffling underpaw witch each step against the backdrop of the waves lapping gently at the shores.  The sea is calm today, the air balmy and pleasant.  The Helion thinks of going back into town and perhaps tending to his shop or mingling with his clanmates, but the further he paces lopsidedly down the shore his parted jaws catch the scent of two familiar creatures.  The summer breeze carries with it a quiet exclamation and words exchanged, and out of curiosity the male himself feels his paws automatically bringing himself over.  It's only as he arrives, white-tipped paws crunching in the rough particles below, coming to a hesitant stop besides Monroe that he realizes that Stella is above him, not in front.  The thought is a rather alarming one to Jericho, who calls out with a doubtful, "Ah... a-are you alright up there?"  His head tilts up to better listen to her, ears angled forth until his attention momentarily turns to Monroe.  It seems that the shark-like Hearthkeeper isn't terribly concerned.  Jericho chews upon his lower lip lightly, brows upturned with slight concerned.  Goodness, he hopes the clouded leopardess knows what she's doing up there.  "Just — j-just be careful, please!" the Havener adds with an anxious shuffle of his paws in the sand, forcing his shoulders to relax despite the apprehensiveness that edges his tone.