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HEY HEY | meet and greet - Printable Version

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HEY HEY | meet and greet - raz - 08-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The pharaoh hound wasn't used to anyone in this group aside from her family yet, so, being ever the social butterfly, she decided to rectify that immediately. Elia was sat near the bay, her posture surprisingly straight for a pup, watching the sea. "Meet and greet! It's fun fact time!" She howled, bounding toward the sea and splashing around. The hound was a true seadog. "I'm Elia Slys and my fun fact is that I drank seawater once and it made me sick." That wasn't actually going to be her fun fact, but watching the sea reminded her of it. Still, she looked out toward the seabound horizon, tail wagging softly as she imagined all the adventures she could have out there. Like being eaten by a kraken and discovering a whole other civilisation inside its stomach because of how huge it was! ...Or, you know, sailing the sea.

Re: HEY HEY | meet and greet - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-09-2018

Hearing Elia's call, Caesar quickly made his way over. He was recovering from the illness he had and it was definitely time he got out and got to meet everyone that joined while he was stuck in his room throwing up. "Yeah, seawater will do that." The demon replied flatly with a snort of amusement as he sat down. "My name's Caesar Cipher. I'm an Officer here." There. That was his fact.

Re: HEY HEY | meet and greet - rochelle - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]"Come see me or Rosemary if you ever feel sick again, little one ..."

The words fell loosely from the mouth of the feline who was sniffing closely to the ground, navigating over to Elia and Caesar. When she was close enough, her head went up nicely on her shoulders, and she took a seat. "I'm Fischer ..." The Soothsayer's lips twirled a bit as she tried to think of a fact about herself. All she could really think of was getting sick, since the hound mentioned it. The black smoke grimaced at the thought of a mouthful of saltwater, like when she first came to the island and was fishing ... it took a bit of getting used to. The taste of brine wasn't the best pairing for the sense of pride and victory when you caught a sizable trout, she thought. Oh, well, she had a fun fact. "My name is Fischer and I'm a pretty good fisher." The serene molly said, a smile just a dainty mark on her powdery smoke face. It was a comical thing to say, but she didn't consider herself too humorous- and she didn't really expect anyone to believe the blind cat to be a good fisher. But it was true, even though she kept her claws away most of the time, hunting for fish was a favorite pastime of hers ... she thought of fish to be a gift from the gods.

Re: HEY HEY | meet and greet - ADAKIAS - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]Sylvina would never openly express it but she quite enjoyed having so many crewmates around her age within the Typhoon. It was comforting knowing that they all would grow up with another — taking on the ranks together and all that sentimental stuff she always tried to suppress. The grownups were always so serious (with the exception of aunt Vandal, of course) and pressed into tides that the young kitten didn’t quite understand. She enjoyed watching her father be diplomatic and address clan alliances; but did she understand much of what the conversation held? No, not really. And that could get tiresome. And so she’d seek the familiarity of her age range.

Sylvina trotted forward, ears perked with interest at the forming group. She hadn’t seen Elia around before — although she knew the hound was Papercutter’s daughter and Captainpaw’s sister, the offspring of Pincher would make a mental note to formally introduce herself some day soon. ”I’m Sylvina,” The ebony pelted feline would reply as she carefully collected herself into a sitting position, body posture straightforward. ”And I know just about every square inch of this island,” She’d declare with pride lacing her voice. ”I like to explore alot.”

Re: HEY HEY | meet and greet - no more - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; font-size:9pt; font-family:calibri; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]Though they seemed to have settled well into their work it was clear Aita missed the days when they had been nothing more than a child, given to mischief and exploration, but one amongst the sea of faces, set apart only for their approach to others being rather unorthodox. Forced to take on responsibilities when so young, it took a toll upon both mind and body, shown in a trudging step and eyes marred by dark bags, yet they were unwilling to swallow their pride and seek assistance. Rather they had chosen to seek out others and enjoy simplistic tasks to get their mind off everything, enjoy company who spoke not of healing or politics, and so they were drawn towards the pup.

Slow steps drew the darkly toned bengal forward, a quirk to their fictional brow showing a look of both intrigue and a little disgust for they too had come to swallow some sea water, early attempts to teach themself to swim ending badly. They had thought better of allowing others to know though the sickness that had gripped them for a time after had been painful, pride was above even such. For a brief moment their dark gaze found Sylvina, pondering over moving closer yet seemed to think better of such, instead they chose to take a seat by Fischer, familiar to them now though interaction between the two was minimal outside of lessons. “Name's Aita an I never learnt how ta fuckin read,” a stupid joke it might have been and yet the sage spoke with a straight face, never allowing it to slip that wasn't entirely true. Rather they enjoyed reading, slowly teaching themself a few of the smaller words and getting closer to the point they would begin trying to write, such didn't seem as fun, however.

Re: HEY HEY | meet and greet - raz - 08-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]As people approached, Elia listened to all their fun facts, floppy ears straightened up as much as she could at her age. She was very tempted to snap at Fischer and say she wasn't little, but her softness and kind-naturedness of the Soothsayer's voice made Elia hold her tongue, and simply nod in acknowledgement. "It was a while ago- I know not to drink seawater now." She assured Fischer, tail wagging softly.

"I like to explore, too. We should go exploring together!" The girl suggested to Sylvina. "We'll steal a ship or build our own and find a new island to explore." The hound's tail wagged a little faster for a moment, before looking to the others. "Will you join us on our seafaring, ye scurvy dogs?" Elia took on a mimicry of leadership, holding her head high and curling her tail up regally, unaware that pirate captains were unlikely to be regal. "Aye, it don't matter if ye can't read." She kept it up for a moment more, before losing to a fit of giggles. "It's nice to meet you, Aita and Caesar!"

Re: HEY HEY | meet and greet - VANDAL R. - 08-10-2018