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⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - Printable Version

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⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 04-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]i needed a place to put aesthetics/post subaccounts and just generally ramble about ideas and whatnot. so, here is this i didn't know what else to put here so... henlo, i'm dead inside. i don't even think this is where this is supposed to be but oh well i did my best, i have this little gold star to prove it. anyway, shutting up.


Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - DEATH - 04-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]testing with death, probably edit this later i suppose; i don't know what i'm doing i'll probably find and quote those old icons i have saved but also i should find some new ones because death's aesthetic has changed from weird and creepy to just straight up goth bdsm and i don't know when or how but i'm just saying it fits better whoops.

old as fuck tags that need to be edited:

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - drachen - 04-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;"]


ffdsvfd, yeah, curious as to why their aesthetic is now bdsm

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 04-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]whoop testing with ukiyo!

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 04-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]whoopsie, tracking with faceless! reminder to self before playing this character (you need to buy shape-shifting and possession because i'll likely need it to properly portray how visage's powers work).


Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 05-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]me, realizing on any site that i have to buy powers for a character

muse? dead.

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 05-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]OH MY GOD I WAS STUCK ON CHARACTER IDEAS WHEN I COULD HAVE FUCKING USED OLEANDER BECAUSE


Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 05-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]god i love ollie, now that he's not confined just to traditional i could probably expand him as a character more; i know a lot of what his history is supposed to be and if i work up enough i could obtain some powers but overall... ollie's gonna be a pretty basic character with some shitfuck visions or something.

someone: *gives ollie a whole speech on why he's wrong, what he should do and that nobody likes him or that everyone struggles or something like like idk someone trying to be "deep"*
ollie: yeah mkay fuck you

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 08-13-2018

"daughter" of death
— reproduced asexually

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 08-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]Tritón or Marhada
[ Marhada Agwa Roux Dalca (?) ] xx
[ Tritón Agwa Roux Dalca (?) ]
⸺ Find more names that you believe would fit him, currently Tritón is the Spanish name for, well, Triton, the Greek merman messenger of the sea. Marhada is a mixed named that I made up and it just sort of means... sea fairy, with both the Spanish words smashed together—it sounds prettier than Tritón, though. Awga is sort of a play on words? In Haiti, Agwé is a loa who rules over the sea, fish, and aquatic plants and is also the patron loa of fishermen and sailors in Vodou; the Spanish word for water is água, they sound similar and are spelled out to sort of just... make a play without connecting it directly to either.

bengal cat | a highly mutated cat, although, mutated only to survive on the deepest parts of the ocean; while they were born with a darker fur it sort of lightened because of the lack of light—the same with their eyes, although, they probably aren't blue but sort of a nasty grey-ish color that glow blue when it's dark outside. they're a walking night light, i mean, along with their eyes they have the anglerfish decoy that sort of sprouts from their head and it also glows a soft blue/white. they have gills on their neck and teeth that seem more extended and chaotic... think, shark like? they sort of stick out of his mouth awkwardly and it can be a little uncomfortable at times but damn he's got one hell of a bite. his ears are pierced with weird fishbones and teeth probably, mostly from some spooky ass creatures in the trench they call home and his claws are either gone or replaced with jagged fishbones... or they grew on their own, i'm not sure yet. his paws are webbed and his body is probably pretty compact, while most deep sea fish can get pretty big he mostly stayed small which sort of sucks because being small surrounded by giant scary fuckers? wasn't the most fun. he's fast as hell though and was used to maneuvering and hiding in crevices or even along the ocean floor to hide from the bigger fish.

— hasn't seen the sun in ages, is probably very poor sighted and struggles to make anything out but his hearing and sensory functions are probably a lot more sensitive than others.
— once had a friend whale and for a good few months traveled the ocean in his mouth because why not?
— was raised by the sea, think sentient ocean raising this weird mutant kitten and you've got it.
** — guardian of the mariana trench, that's where he spent most of his life and where he considers home.
— can't really remember his family? he remembers certain aspects but just can't seem to get any details, all he really has are vague memories and a deep longing in his heart but he just :/ doesn't have anything

[personality ideas?] sort of a flirt? more elusive and cunning than anything, highly territorial and takes bigger animals as threats because in the ocean if something was bigger than you then it wanted to eat you.

uh... ideas are sort of shifty, subject to change. [member=64]Cheeters[/member]
cisgender, homosexual & homoromantic ?