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I WANTED TO LIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU — OPEN - crownedprince - 08-09-2018

{ .:*・° } i had been gone for a little over three weeks. you must be asking yourself why. well, i'll tell you. it's just three simple words. the jungle juice. a feral feline had attacked me as the jungle juice still worked inside me, making me believe the figure was my friend. and i knew i couldn't hurt my friend. but luckily i was found by my father who took me back to camp. soon enough i was healed up, though aunt rosemary made me stay with her so she could keep an eye on me. until today.

i was standing outside of the jungle temple, breathing in the familiar smell of salt water. i had been gone for longer than i had expected, but i didn't mind too much. my family would come visit me; goldenluxury bringing me sweet cupcakes, which i appreciated very much. my father would come in often, and we would chat. i found myself beginning to like him more and more as time went on. i was a lot like him, it seemed. and i have to be honest, i'm quite proud of it. i've never exactly loved myself completely- yet i would say i would normally as a joke because of my handsome face- but maybe this was me learning to love myself more. shaking my head, i placed a crooked paw on the sand, a smile crossing my lips as i laughed softly to myself, breathing a sigh of relief. it felt so good to be outside again, to feel the breeze and... slight humidity. otherwise, from the heat, it was quite nice out. and i was hoping to see someone from my family, and i even thought of visiting goldie sometime soon, since i had heard what happened to her. i would kill the son of a bitch that hurt her- maybe i was going too far, but the thought of it made my blood boil.

standing there for a bit, enjoying the sun, i decided that i should probably announce my presence, unless someone would find me beforehand. "hey, guys! it's me, crownedprince... or desmond, as i go by now. actually, it's dessie, but whatever. but i'm back." i said with a smile on my face. it felt so good to be back.

Re: I WANTED TO LIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU — OPEN - raz - 08-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The lanky hound trotted up to Desmond, head tilted. "I don't know who you are!" She announced to him cheerfully. "I'm Elia Slys, and it's nice to meet you, I guess." She didn't sound certain, but a little politeness never hurt anyone. Except if you lived somewhere where rudeness was mandatory and you'd get tortured if you dared to utter a "please" or "thank you." Elia shuddered at the thought - not at the thought of being rude, she could adapt to that just fine, but the thought of being tortured. "Crownedprince is a more - uhh -" What was the word? Better? Easier to remember? "memorable name than Desmond. Why didn't you just stick with that?"


Crownedprince was a name Caesar vaguely remembered, although he definitely couldn't put a face to the name. Until now, obviously. He couldn't recall a time they interacted if he was honest, and he just remembered hearing the name occasionally. "Welcome back I guess." Caesar grunted as he approached Desmond, blinking at them once. "Name's Officer Caesar Cipher."

Re: I WANTED TO LIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU — OPEN - Grey - 08-10-2018

Hah, the jungle juice. Bakugou was lucky when it was his round. Although it had the potential of driving him mad, the delusions which spun and weaved his mind only made him feel sentimental and lonely. They were the happier times, the memories he wanted to relive. He could have done better then, not be fooled by the strange behaviour of his killer. It was lucky that the drink hadn't delved into his darkest fears, crept into the chasms of his worst nightmares. In all honesty, he is not sure what in particular he is most afraid of. Bakugou fears a number of things (not that he'd admit it of course) but it was the idea of facing something unknown to himself that he was most afraid of. Nonetheless, Bakugou survived and thus he was here, walking about being a pain in everyone's asses. Of course, the ragdoll's unpleasant personality was thankfully shadowed by Officer Caesar. Compared to him, the fiery beta was actually quite tame...much calmer, much less disliked by The Typhoon. On the topic of Caesar, Bakugou arrives shortly after the serval hybrid, blinking his scarlet eyes in Crownedprince's direction.

Hmph. There is no way in hell he would know this male. It was only two weeks ago, after all, that Bakugou had first arrived to this world and stumbled across The Typhoon by unknown, mysterious means. Regardless, he speaks reluctantly to the stranger. "Bakugou," he introduces himself plainly, quietly noting the name Desmond as it was far easier for him to remember. The old name that the other has seemed to discard was too long and Bakugou didn't like how self-centred it sounded. "Welcome back." The words didn't sound particularly genuine but the effort counted, he supposed.

Re: I WANTED TO LIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU — OPEN - bubblegum - 08-10-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl had been sure to visit dessie plenty during his time away. she wanted to give him nice things to look forward to and make sure he was having an okay day. she certainly wouldn't like to be alone while she healed, after all. visiting him and giving him treats such as cupcakes was the least she could do to at least try and help him feel better.

but, her visits had stopped the past several days. she hoped he didn't mind, but she sort of had other things on her mind. that small worry about him being bothered by her inactivity had been pushed towards the least of her concerns now. she had more things she needed to focus on right here and right now, such as deldrach. she needed to find a way to keep deldrach safe. she needed to figure out how to keep everyone safe. decius had warned her, after all.

she was currently struggling through the territory - she would only be taking a short walk, as her legs became more useful. she used a little stick to help her move and keep balance as she walked along, leaning on it pretty heavily. her legs shook as she moved, and her hind legs were quite close to the ground as she made small movements. she was trying to make sure her legs didn't grow too weak and also secretly wanted to make sure everyone was okay. she was afraid still.

however, the girl was drawn by the sound of her brother, surprised, but happy to see that he has returned fully. the girl awkwardly moved over, legs struggling with each step. her expression was happy to see the male, though her striking, tired green eyes seemed to hold a mixture of fear and guilt within them, paired with that, would be her stutter. "h-hi, dessie!" she greeted with a glad tone, huffing as she sat down. "i-i'm sorry i st-stopped vis-visiting the past few d-days. i can-can't walk too well ri-right now."