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can i be close | joining | to you? - Printable Version

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can i be close | joining | to you? - eobshin - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia;"]♡ — As it turns out, hatching on an island in the middle of nowhere made life just a little tough. Eobshin hadn't really been alive for that long, but she was already well aware that life wasn't exactly easy. The world was big, loud, and just a little bit overwhelming. Still, she was a cold-blooded creature made for survival, so she would find a way to make it work. Somehow. She was a runt, and she hadn't exactly seen anything that she could sink her teeth into that was actually small enough for her.

It was... Well, it was difficult. So maybe she wanted to throw a tantrum. And maybe she did, but that was to be expected from someone of her age, even if it was a little odd to have a little baby ball python letting out choked noises of protest on a place that was half-beach, half-woods. It might have been a little bit of a call for attention, for someone to do the work for her, but... Again, what could be expected from her?

After most of her huffing and puffing was done, she just settled for hissing softly and curling into a tight ball of frustration.

Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - raz - 08-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]80% legs and 100% attitude, Elia couldn't relate to a snake's plight if she tried. Practically bounding from the trees and padding up to the beach in long, lanky strides, the hound didn't hear the snake for all her ears. Still, when she came to a stop, she could hear the odd.. choking noises? Floppy ears perking up as much as they could, Elia's nose was to the ground in an instant, sniffing the trail till her long nose was right in Eobshin's grill. "Oh!" Her head lifted, blinking at the moving thing till she realised it was a tiny snake.

Well, quite frankly, Elia didn't know how to proceed. Was this thing prey? She wasn't sure she wanted to eat it. Her tail wagged softly, more in confusion than anything else. "Are you, uh, sentient?" The girl asked, feeling a little stupid standing on a beach talking to a snake which may or may not be sentient at that point. She hoped it was, because if she had to eat it she'd feel bad. For her stomach, that was. This thing could barely pass as a snack.

Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-09-2018

The last time Caesar had any run-ins with a raptor, he had gotten one of his bodies killed. It was frustrating to say the least, but at least his current body sported some pretty cool-ass scars because of it. "I'll chase it off if it isn't." Caesar said in a grumpy tone as he came up to stand next to Elia, frowning at the large reptile that was curled up in a ball. He didn't look pleased to see the snake here. Unfortunately, he did not learn from his previous experience to not fuck with reptiles.

Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - rochelle - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]"Be kind ..."

The blind Soothsayer approached on light feet, sweeping beside Elia and Caesar, whiskers twitching calmly. Her words to the two were gentle, not worth the worry of being a scold, just a faint reminder of how to treat the reptile. She could pick up on the scent of the snake, which seemed to always have a distinct smell, like each species on this island did, to Fischer. She sniffed a bit sparingly, not wanting to startle or alarm Eobshin more than she already had been, via the other two Typhooners. The smell of the snake was fresh, new, almost infantile, and she could tell, by the way if felt about her whiskers, that the python wasn't that old. "Hello ... what can we do for you, friend ... I'm Fischer." The black smoke murmured softly to the stranger. Surely the creature had done something to attract the attention of others, giving her a clue that she wasn't some average day prey on the beach.

Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - PINCHER - 08-10-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had been born on the island as well but more than a year ago had passed since that had event had blossomed from the dirt of the island. He remembered mostly everything but he knew that a lot had changed since he had been gone, some routes and pathways had been overgrown and covered with the fast vegetation that lurched from the ground due to the heavy rainstorms that would pass by. Pincher was rather used to how the island's climate and weather was especially with how short his fur was and sleek. In the doberman it had been easy although the jet black coloring had made it hotter to walk around in than his jaguar though the dark hue of gray was close to black. The broad-shouldered male was hiding in the shade of palm trees, his cool icy blue gaze locked on a book he was enjoying before hearing the commotion from nearby.

He glanced up, velvety ears pricked as he heard the voices of Elia, Caesar, and then Fischer join in. The hell were they talking about? He rose from his spot with his long shadowy tail twitching curiously behind him as the scarred male went to follow after the smaller figure of one of his Soothsayers, glancing down at the female as she softly spoke to the others. It caused a twitch of a smile to flutter over his muzzle as the towering predator halted beside Caesar and Fischer, letting out a soft snort at Caesar's comment. "Someone's grumpy." rumbled Pincher with his left ink black ear twitching before turning to focus on the small figure of a reptile. She was quite cute in his perspective, all curled up in a state of frustration and he was half tempted to ask what was troubling her but he remained silent for now since Fischer had already inquired a question.

Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - Luciferr - 08-11-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Another hatchling?" rumbled a semi curious voice from over Pincher's shoulder, the massive form of the greater black dragon peering down at the tiny python - ah, not raptor hatchlings this time anyway - said baby raptor would hopefully not try to nom this tiny new child.

/low muse


Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - VIRGO - 08-11-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Legend has it that the utahraptors can smell when ones think of them, like as if their blood was capable of boiling and tracking down whoever remembered their dreaded existences, causing their nostrils to flare and lungs to fill with toxic, salted air. In all actually, the young reptilian beast was hungry. She was busy chirping at tiny bugs, chasing after them with her gangling, quick-moving legs but she was no match for the speed of dragonflies. Instead, she stops to scrap a claw at an ant mound only to find herself being viciously mauled by the tiny but clearly superior creatures which begun crawling atop her downy-feather form. She was still wearing her newborn feathers, highlighted by her bronze flecks. Her true appearance was yet to grow in during molting season which by now was only four days away. Four more days and her warm, protective feathers will drip away from her skin, melting like gold and giving her an ugly, mangled appearance. She doesn't know it yet but Virgo will come to loathe this with all her might, become disgusted by the way she appears and perhaps even outwardly attack a puddle which dares reflect her horrendous form. But, as of this very moment, Virgo's mind centres instinctively on food. She intends to feed and her desires are met when she notices Luciferus go by, jumping on her weaponlike feet and about to chirp when a curiosity possesses her little mind.

She follows as stealthily as possible, waddling from side to side as she still lacks the balance and strength to run properly. Then, Virgo immediately comes to a phenomenal understanding. Luciferus was leading her to food! Her mother is always so kind to her, always spoiling the raptor who, in actuality, shouldn't be spoilt. None of the raptors should be treated like kings - it wasn't good for their development. Regardless, it was this moment that counted when Virgo, suddenly animating back into action, sprung her legs forward to run towards Eobshin with a very ungraceful screech. Since she is still far away from the poor, baby ball python, she can easily be scooped away from killing the fellow reptile.

[ ooc ] someone pls protecc that python child. virgo is a bbad raptor who needs a talking to.

Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - VANDAL R. - 08-11-2018

Re: can i be close | joining | to you? - eobshin - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia;"]♡ — Being as young as she was, Eobshin had no clue what was being said to her. Her eyes had traveled to the first creature that had approached her, eyes wide and beady and only half-focused. She let out a soft noise in reply to the words said to her, more a soft, unhappy whine than anything. She was still hungry and cold, wanting attention and safety to be provided to her in order for her to secure a meal and a place to rest. Hunting was hard, and she couldn't grasp it yet, so she needed someone else to do it for her.

Before she could fully process what was going on, many more bodies were moving around her, all making noises in different tones and with different inflection, and she tilted her head as she tried to make sense of it all. Why were they so noisy? She didn't get it, and only curled herself up tighter as they looked at her.

Suddenly, there was sand strewn about as a large creature pulled herself over her. Eobshin, unaware of the danger she was in, startled at the feeling of feathers brushing against her. It was then, tickled by them, that she let out a mix of a gurgle and a giggle, moving out of the protective ball she had turned herself into to pull back a little bit from the wings, only moving herself further underneath the maned wolf. Pleased with this development, she looked up at the creature protecting her, and she figured that this must be what her parent was. She wondered if she actually looked like her, too. She didn't think so, but she couldn't be too sure. After all, she wasn't sure of much yet in general.