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TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - Printable Version

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TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - Starrynight ! - 04-01-2018

//stay tuned for more announcements!

It seemed the spot on the platform had been a good place for announcements the last time- so he wanted to try again. Clambering up the metal stairs, the white-furred feline reared and planted his forepaws on the railing to peer over the edge. He'd thought a lot about this moment the previous night. There were crumpled up papers and scratchy notes written down that were scattered about his room. Although they'd never really... concluded to anything about the ranks in the first meeting he'd held, he'd finally done it.

"Hey, everyone! It's time for another meeting! I've got a few things to say." The excitement in his voice was palpable. What was he up to?

While he waited for some NPCs to show up, Starrynight thought about how this would go down. "So uh, first things first! There's been a lot of new people since the last meeting! I wanna extend a warm welcome to [member=210]warboy[/member] , [member=203]SIENNA S.[/member] , [member=285]SCAR -[/member] , [member=287]KION[/member] , [member=176]rosepaw s.[/member] , and @venta. ! It's been a great pleasure to have all of you staying here with us! Welcome welcome!" What was he going to say next? Oh, right.

He dropped down onto all fours, momentarily pacing from side to side. "Also, from the last meeting! I thought a lot about the ranks, and I've come up with names for them! In order from lowest to highest, I have Starstruck Guardian, Kuiper Corporal, Lunar Lieutenant, Halos, Clerics, Cosmic General, and Ecliptic Admiral! Don't those sound cool? If you have questions about them and what they do, speak up! If not, I'll continue when everyone else finishes arriving."


Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - Character Graveyard. - 04-01-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
This would be Luna's first meeting in the Clan, as she had missed the meeting before, so she felt happy to show up. The female decided to take a seat beside a few NPCs and listened to Starrynight's announcements.

A warm welcome to the newest members and the rest of the ranks for the Clan. How interesting. She took a seat and looked around to see if any of her other Clanmates had shown up yet.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - BASTILLEPAW - 04-01-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille’s head was blissfully, suspiciously, free of the throbbing pain that had been plaguing him for days now. He felt... light. He’d been in constant despair for so long that it now felt awkward to be without, but he wasn’t going to question it lest just thinking about the headaches brought on a new one. He settled idly beside Luna, offering an inclination of his head, and nodded to Starry in greeting as well as he settled in. He was planning to be less... questioning this meeting, if only because he wasn’t particularly fond of the attention talking so damn much brought, but he couldn’t help it. Especially once Starry practically gave him permission. [b]”Uh, right — what are each of those? Unless they aren’t specialized in anything. That’s cool too.”

Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - ghostpact - 04-01-2018

this young boy is a problem you should call it in ! - tags
From what he learned last week, Immortal knew these meetings didn't work the way he was used to and no one would wait for him to show up before starting. A shame, but what could he do about it? When he heard the distant call for another gathering, he did his best to get there much sooner than he had last time. He was skittering up just as Starry was starting. He recognized a couple of the joiners, but that was it and so he made a mental note to himself to meet the others sometime. When he got around to it. Eventually. "Yo, yeah, the rank names are hella cool. I got the same question as Bast, though."

Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 04-02-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — Another week, another meeting it seemed. The days were passing by so quickly- hell, it was April already. That meant his birthday was only a month away... damn. It wasn't something Mementomori liked to think about very much, as his birthday reminded him of... well, you know. But- whatever. It was only a day after all, and just like the others, it would pass just as quickly as it came. Back to the meeting, the kangaroo bounded over silently, quietly listening to what Starry had to say. Some new people had joined in the past week, most he knew about, some unknown to him. That wasn't a problem though- he'd meet them eventually. The group wasn't that big, after all.

Then came the next part- rankings. Now, in Vinny's opinion, some of the names seemed... a bit long if you were to say them aloud, but they probably wouldn't be doing that very often anyway. As for Bast's question, he was curious about that too- what did those ranks mean anyway? Were they just fancy titles, or did they actually mean something? Deciding to let Starry answer instead of adding in a pointless "me too", he waited quietly, shifting slightly in the place he stood. — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE


Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - Daunte - 04-02-2018

The ashes fell like snow
Daunte — Male — The Ascendants — Observer — Very Difficult
Daunte padded over and sat back on his haunches in his wolf form since he figured the regular draconic body he used was far too large for a meeting, a comfortable distance from anyone else. He'd yet to really get to know anyone in the clan yet. Eventually, soon even, he'd make a concentrated effort for that. Until then he was interested to hear what exactly was planned for the group as a whole.

The questions he had were already being sounded out through those gathered, having been curious about what exactly each rank did. While they certainly sounded cool, it was a little bit of a toss up as to whether they were specialized or simply a measure of one's status. Either way though Daunte was interested to see how the Ascendants ran things and what exactly he'd need to do to progress himself within his new home. The lupine decided to stay silent and await the response of the later rather than being the second person to repeat the initial question. If anything else came up then he'd throw his input in then, but not before such a time came.

Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - Starrynight ! - 04-03-2018


As more and more people arrived, Starrynight tucked a small bucket further behind him. It was going to be part of the surprise, after all. This was more than last time! It pleased him to think that the others were getting accustomed to the new lifestyle. After his question prompt, he waited for the expected response before nodding to himself. (He could have told them from the beginning, but he was proud of himself and wanted to draw it out a little).

Somewhat self importantly wriggling his rump, Starrynight placed his forepaws on the railing again as he peered over the edge. "Right! So, Starstruck Guardian is the rank directly above Observer, which is what a- most of you are." Bastillepaw. "They're um... like... A welcoming committee! They're the members that deserve a some recognition for their hard work. Of course, all of you are great! Really! But still. Anyway, Starstruck Guardians are in charge of taking care of new members. Y'know, welcoming them into the Ascendants, showing them around, helping them find a room, being friendly... that kind of stuff! It's considered a semi-high position." Oh, just talking about it was getting him excited. A spark danced between his forepaws.

"Kuiper Corporal is one rank above Starstruck Guardian! They're the first high position on the spectrum. Their jobs are pretty much the same, but I have faith that they can perform them better! They also have some authority, so they can enforce some of our rules and stuff. Well, we don't have many rules, but common courtesy and stuff, yeah?" Right. The Astral Seraph's cheeks puffed out as he thought of something. "Oh, right! Anyone can do it right now, but once we get more members, Kuiper Corporals will mostly be in charge of weekly tasks and weekly prompts! For the most part, anyway. Starstruck Guardians can do that too."

"Next up is Lunar Lieutenant. They're really up there. If you ever get that far, then great job! But I believe all of you can do it! Anyways, they have the job of keeping their lower ranks in line. Enforcing rules and stuff. Assisting those who need help, showing newcomers the ropes if needed, and event planning all fall under the job description! They can host parties any time they want too." Parties were great.

"Right above that is Halos! They're like Fireballs, but... for medicine. Halos are in training to become Clerics, which are Clan doctors! They run errands for Clerics, collect medicine and herbs, perform checkups under supervision, collecting bedding for the sick and hurt, and stuff like that. We've gotta stay healthy! Sick and hurt isn't the best."

"And of course, Clerics come next. They're the main, fully-trained doctors of the Ascendants. They take care of training Halos, creating medicines, taking care of the injured or sick, hosting medicine training sessions, and other important stuff. I don't really know. I'm not good with medicine."

"Now for the really high ranks. Cosmic General! They're like, um... assistant deputies! They work directly under the Ecliptic Admirals. There can only be two of these at a time. They can accept event invites from other groups... if they uh, host any, enforce rules and laws, host private meetings between HPs, host training sessions for stuff, plan events and parties, and everything else the lower ranks do."

Last rank! Almost there, Starry. "Last but not least, before me, is the Ecliptic Admiral! There can only be one of them. They work directly under me to make sure the Clan is in tip-top shape when I'm not here to check on it! If I'm sick or something, they can host meetings. They'll take over as Astral Seraph if I ever disappeared. Which I sure hope I don't! Anyways, they can send and accept event invites, plan and host parties and events, enforce laws, and... everything else." Starrynight paused to suck in a breath. "That's it! Any more questions before I continue? I have one more announcement!"


Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - ghostpact - 04-03-2018

this young boy is a problem you should call it in ! - tags
Immortal blinked several times after the amount of information Starry just dumped on them. He wasn't sure he could remember that and he hoped there wasn't a test on all that stuff after the meeting. He liked the ranks that could throw parties and the names were already jumbling in his mind, but he'd figure it out eventually. The serval nodded once, scratching his head with a front paw. It was definitely a lot more organized than his old place. "Yeah, I really hope you don't disappear, Starman. You're way cool!" Then he would shut up and stand by for the last announcment. He couldn't stand still for long.

Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 04-03-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — Woah- that was a lot of info to memorize. Doing his best to pay attention, Vinny's  focus ultimately failed towards the end, but he got the general idea of the ranks. They reminded him of the ranks in the group he once lived in... but again, he couldn't quite remember the specifics. It'd be fine- he would learn it all eventually. “Alright.” The kangaroo said simply in acknowledgement, tail tapping against the ground in slight impatience as he waited for Starry to wrap up the meeting. — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE

Re: TWINKLE TWINKLE // meeting 4/1 - BASTILLEPAW - 04-04-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 70%; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Starry seemed quite pleased with the names he had come up with, which wasn't really a shock -- they were spaced-themed and nerdy and just the right amount of extra to be exactly Starry's style. Regardless, Bast didn't care; the positions were functional and resembled the discussion from last meeting, indicating Starry had listened to their commentary. He was not exactly promotion material (Bastille scoffed at authority), and therefore he never needed to concern himself with vaguely ridiculous sounding titles to begin with. Worked for him. "Sounds good, Starry."