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i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - Printable Version

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i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - parker - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Finding himself completely lost wasn't exactly what Parker had planned when he started wandering, but it seemed to be what had happened. The place he'd found himself didn't exactly look bad, per say, but it definitely didn't look much like home. Of course, he figured he'd never see home again, as distressing as that was to admit. The mere thought of it made the puppy's ears fall down a bit, though it wasn't like they'd been lifted high and happy in the first place. He wasn't really in the right situation to be as optimistic as he normally was.

His eyes flicked around, gaze moving from one tree to the next without really processing any information that could truly help him. Smelling the air didn't do much for him, either. He was still just a puppy, and he couldn't really process the scents around him into something that he could follow. All he was aware of was that there probably had been other animals around here at some point, but... There were other animals everywhere at some point. That didn't really help him.

Tummy grumbling and hopes momentarily squashed, he moved over to the base of a large tree, laying himself down near the roots. He wasn't hidden, already well-aware that his pelt wasn't exactly natural. It was becoming more common to see pelts like his around, his parents had told him, but... He couldn't expect for it to hide him in the forest. Red and blue kind of clashed against green and brown, basically making him a beacon to anything that might want to get him. Or anyone. He wasn't sure yet if it would be good or bad if he was found. Stranger danger was a thing that he'd been warned about, but, with his parents gone, he didn't know who wasn't a stranger. Someone had to be helpful. He was sure of it. He relied on his trust in the good of others to get this far, so he kept on grasping to that trust to build up just a little more hope that things would turn around for him.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he curled tightly around himself to try to retain a small sense of safety. His ears pricked up a bit, listening closely for if anyone approached.

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - melody - 08-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]assuming this is retro to lockdown??

The little calico had been chasing a butterfly, practising her messy pouncing and hissing less than ferociously at the butterfly. Melody inadvertently ended up at the border, staring straight at a weirdly-coloured person at the border. Dropping to a fighting stance, the kitten's hackles raised and she hissed viciously at the joiner. "What do you want!" She shouted at him, ears flat, fear in her yellow eyes. There were no adults nearby, so Mels would just have to handle this solo. Ah, yes, just as a two-moon-old should.

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - MOONMADE - 08-09-2018

"Easy, kid," rumbles Moon as the injured lion lumbers over, head hanging. "Inside voice." He spotted the pup from afar, watched the odd colored thing curl up on the ground with some pity. What was up with orphan kids turning up at their border? Was everyone just getting knocked up and leaving their kids for the scavengers? He heaved a breath as he stopped, forced the frown from his face. No use scaring the thing. "Hey, Pup." He says, nudging the ground beside the child gently. "Never seen a multi-colored dog before. Your mom a rainbow? Where's she at?"

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - parker - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Jumping at the sound of a voice, one high-pitched like his own, Parker's head lifted up quickly, eyes flicking around quickly before landing on the source of the sound. A kitten, hissing at him. He barely had time to process what she had actually said to him before an adult made his appearance, and... Oh, man. That was a big adult, especially compared to the two of them. The lion moved to nudge the ground near him, and he couldn't help his immediate response.

"You're, like, really big." he said before he could stop himself. He swallowed, then, moving to sit up instead of remaining on the ground. "I, uh... She's not... She's not around anymore. Neither is Dad. Am I... intruding? Mom said intruding is really rude, and I don't mean to be rude, if I am. I was just lost, because I don't really know where I'm supposed to go without them to tell me where to go and..." His gaze flicked momentarily back toward the kitten before looking up to the adult in this situation again, assuming that he should make things right with him first. "Yeah. Uh... Sorry."

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - melody - 08-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Mels jumped at Moon, absolutely frightened of the lion whose paw was as big as Mels' entire body. But, still, she felt safer now that there was adult who could take on anything. The calico's big eyes shifted to the dog as he spoke again. "This 's Asc-en-dants. My mamma said t' follow my uncle when she wasn' there, but my uncle left me." She stopped for a moment. "I'm Melody! You sh' join if you don't have a family anymore." Her words was obliviously ominous, her tone and features lightening up considerably.

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - parker - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]"As... Asc... and ants?" he said, tone unsure. Ants didn't sound fun. He learned to avoid them already, having felt them bite his paws when he accidentally stepped in one of their beds. He didn't really want a repeat of that experience, so he really hoped there weren't many around. But...

"Is this really a place to go when your parents aren't... when they aren't around..?" he asked, voice hushed. Even if there were ants, having a place to call home that accepted kids that didn't have families anymore would be good. Pushing aside his momentary lapse of emotion, he looked down at Melody. "I, uh... I'm Parker."

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - MOONMADE - 08-09-2018

[size=9pt]He was kinda' big. It was something he was coming to terms with. Not exactly bulky, but tall and lanky with muscle lean and potentially frightening for the younger kids. He was still in his late teens, not even fully grown yet. He'd have to figure out a shrink ray. "Guess I am." mumbles the lion in return. Typically, he'd have some playful remark, but there was a headache wracking his brain and, at that moment, he couldn't find it in him. He hadn't had much energy, recently.

"Ass-en-dants." He says, pointedly pronouncing the word for the puppy with a slight smile. "Don't blame me, I didn't choose the dumb name."

He listens intently to the back and forward between the kitten and the puppy with increasing worry. Parents really were assholes, weren't they? He felt like he could have a heated conversation with these two about their family issues. For now, though, he could only hover like their newly assigned mother. "Yes. Definitely. It is." He says in response to the puppy's question, one passionate nod of his head. "You need some water? Food? I'll show you to the main Camp part. We're not all ants; we got some dogs too." Did Alex and Imperia count as dogs? Absolutely.

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - parker - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]"As... Ascendants?" he parroted, looking even more perplexed this time. That wasn't even a word! At least, it wasn't one that he'd been taught. Why'd such a big, weird word been made the name of the group. He was just about to ask when the, now completely understood to be friendly, lion told him that he didn't choose the name and assured him that he didn't think it was great, either. Neat! He also assured him that this was a place for lost children, which made Parker feel a lot better about his situation.

At the mention of food and water, he immediately perked up, barely containing his excitement as he got to his feet. "Yes! I'm really hungry, Mr... Uh..." He hadn't got his name yet, had he? That was fine. He was really good at making up names. At least, he thought so. He'd never really had to before, but he was pretty sure it was a skillset he had. "Mr. Big Kitty!"

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-09-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Washington had to admit that he wasn't that great when it came to dealing with children. He didn't know what it was, but it was extremely awkward to talk to someone that wasn't around his age already. Dealing with someone younger that probably wouldn't listen to anything that he said was certainly frustrating and a waste of time so he simply didn't. There were a couple of faces that he didn't mind being around because they didn't bother him. He was pretty sure Diya was considered to be one of them and Alexander didn't seem all that scared of him like most of the others were. He didn't care if someone found him intimidating or not, as he wasn't here to make the likes of friends and simply do his job. That job was getting back to being human again, and it was going to take a while before that was even possible with everything that continued to get in the way. Such as the aspect of the Typhoon who was currently marked as an enemy and Washington believed that originally they weren't going to be his problem because neither was the Ascendants and they were just another group. But, Carolina wanted to get involved with the War, so he wasn't really given much of a choice and had to join with the rest of them.

At the time of the attack though he had a broken arm, so if they were going to attack now he was going to make sure to kill anyone that got in his way. It seemed like the majority of the group didn't think it was possible for them to kill the enemy. But they were just that. The enemy. Growing up in a militaristic lifestyle his entire life, Washington knew that hesitating to kill an enemy was just going to make a situation worse and leave time for the enemy to attack them again. He wasn't going to let that happen, and if the group didn't like it, then they were going to feel bad when the entire group decided to target them. Washington was one of the animals that lived in the group that was fairly large. He knew that there was another lion in the group and that there was a 9ft tall thing. He didn't know what Anzareal was and didn't bother to ask the giant beast either. How everything worked in the first place was extremely confusing to the former human so he just didn't bother to really ask anymore. Washington was around the size of a lion, having the max height of one, but the weight was extremely different from one. Certainly, without his armor, he weighed less than that of an average male lion, but including his armor he almost weighed 1000lbs.

He was used to carrying heavy objects though, so his armor didn't really make him as exhausted as one would think. It was the same as going to the gym and working out over and over again and improving each time someone came back to said gym. Washington wore armor on the front portion of his body, including a helmet, a chest plate, and two arm pieces for his two front arms. The flank portion of his body was devoid of any armor and was covered with scars that looked anything but natural. Scars made by knives, old bullet wounds, and when he was impaled by exploded shrapnel. Scars that he had when he was human transferred to this new body thanks to whatever alien technology had brought him here along with the rest of his comrades. He was currently working on improving his helmet, getting the x-ray vision to work recently, but he wanted more than that. He wanted his damn radio to work. Washington flicked one of his ears as he went on his daily patrols of the canopy alone. He preferred to work alone as it was better this way and he didn't have to trust someone else with his work either. The Freelancer's presence was easy to hear, as his armor rattled with each step that he took. Despite being the size of a lion, he wasn't one at all. Instead, he was a smilodon, an extinct animal.

No, don't ask him how he could be an animal that was extinct he didn't understand it either. His build fiercely different than that of a lion, as most of his muscle was front in his front legs and shoulders. His front legs slightly longer than his back legs. He wished that he wasn't an animal in the first place, but he didn't have much of a choice in being able to pick exactly what he wanted to be when he crash-landed here. While he was walking around, he heard voices off in the distance and began to make his way over. He started to see figures in the distance in the forest and recognized the lion that was there as well. He noticed there were also two children, a small canine that had an interesting patten. But no strange colors were considered weird to the former human. He had seen outrageous different colors of armor through his lifetime, and he believed that was close to the way fur worked in these animals. Armor was their personalities. His light grey armor matched with the dark grey almost black portions of his fur that was visible. He stopped himself a little bit of a distance away from the group, his hidden gaze looking down at the canine.

He had arrived just soon enough to hear what the other had to say to the lion that was there, and a low and dry chuckle escaped his jaws. [b]"Sounds pretty fitting." Washington would say in a joking manner as he sat himself down. Although, he was being hypocritical as he hated nicknames himself. He craned his neck to the side until he heard his neck crack before rolling his shoulders. "I'm Agent Washington." The former human introduced himself, going back to the usual deadpanned and soldier-like tone he used to address anyone that he was talking to. The other did say he was hungry, and the Freelancer debated awkwardly for a moment if he should give the other food now or later. Oh well. He pressed a portion of his armor chest plate that opened a little compartment that had a back full of dried jerky. It wasn't fresh meat, but it was food and Washington refused to eat any raw meat that he came across. "I have some dried meat here if you would like any. Not sure if you'll like it though." Washington stated calmly as he placed the plastic back on the ground and nudged it over toward Parker. Obviously not wanting to get close to the kid. After all, he didn't know his strengths in this body and he liked his personal space. Washington hated being touched.

Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: i'll take your word | joining | like a best friend should - HEARTEYES - 08-09-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Oh, this puppy was just so cute. Hearteyes practically melts at the sight, a purr rumbling in her throat as she approaches Parker. She can't help but smile as he speaks, tail curling over her back, hazy pink eyes scrunching into half-moons. "I'm sure we have plenty of snacks around here." She meows, settling down nest to Moonmade, ears perking as she takes in Parker's appearance. A multicolored puppy! The animals around here became more and more interesting by the day. She can't help but giggle at the pup's nickname for the Halo, turning to look up at the lion. He definitely was a big kitty.

Deciding it was time to introduce herself, she comes forward to playfully nudge Parker's shoulder, her expression becoming more welcoming. "Welcome to The Ascendants, Parker. I'm Hearteyes!"