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Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
(There is no sound barrier! Your characters are free to hear Wash moving around outside as he double checks things! They are also free to communicate with him while he does. A note however though is that all vents will be sealed, meaning there will be no oxygen going into the facility!)

There was a lot that needed to get done. There was also a lot that needed to be checked as well. He wasn't going to stop and sit around waiting for everything inside of the building to go straight to hell. His comrades were in there, and there were also children that didn't deserve to die from anything that could happen to them. It was frustrating for the former human because he had several ideas of what could have gone wrong, but he wouldn't be able to prove anything unless he was able to see the damn generator. He couldn't get to the generator, and he wouldn't be able to communicate with those that dealt with the generator unless they were close to the walls. The limited amount of communication could be changed with radios but he hadn't managed to fix that just yet so he was working on limited supplies and knowledge. He was doing his damn best though, as it was a familiar situation that he was used to. Search and Rescue from a secure facility. It was as if he was being put through basic training again. It was because there they would have to rescue their own soldiers if they ended up getting captured by the enemy. That didn't happen all that often, but it was still something to consider.

He didn't have any human tools on him, and unless there were others that had human tools that were on the outside when he was basically working with his bare hands. More like paws. He still wasn't used to working with such appendages, and it was certainly annoying to think about how easier this would be if he was a human. The Freelancer had been working nonstop since everything had happened. He wasn't sure whatever anyone else was doing, but he had his own agenda and no one was going to tell him not to do something. He constantly had to patrol around the area just in case to see if there were any weaknesses on the outside of the facility. Something of which he wasn't able to see, and it was from there that he needed to patrol the borders. They were still at War with the Typhoon, and if something bad happened and the Typhoon sent a scout into the territory, it meant there was a chance that Washington wouldn't be able to find whoever it was and take care of them before they could make it back. If the Typhoon attacked now, the outpost wouldn't stand much of a chance and the civilians would be slaughtered. Washington knew human buildings had similar schematics with the way they worked, especially if a facility was primarily used for the likes of research, such as the Observatory.

If a lockdown was initiated, it meant that they wouldn't be able to make it through the windows, doors, or any other opening. The main concern that Washington had, of course, was that the vents of the facility might be closed. He didn't have blueprints of the building, meaning he needed to move around at the outside of the building to see if he could see the vents himself and be able to see if the vents were closed or open. This was made his first priority, as too many bodies in one room meant that oxygen was used up a lot faster, and if the vents were closed it meant that they could die from suffocation if they weren't careful. Now they probably had a couple days of air inside of the facility, so they wouldn't be feeling any effects of lack of oxygen just yet. The air was more important than food and water though, as he figured that the group inside were rationing their food as much as possible. He wished that he knew more about the metabolisms of some animals so that he would give instructions on how to ration properly. But he didn't, and could only hope that they figured out they wouldn't be eating several meals a day until they could get themselves out. One could hear the armored smilodon walking around the main structure of the Observatory, that being the grand circle He had a massive migraine that was pounding his head and he was already physically exhausted.

[b]"What I would give for some damn pain pills right now." Washington grumbled to himself as he craned his head to look upward. The majority of the outside of the facility was composed of metal, but if there were spaces in between where the metal was and other portions of the building it meant that he would be able to get an outline of where everything was. He wouldn't be able to see past anything, but it could help him get an idea if he was below a vent and couldn't climb his way up to it. Washington stepped back a little bit as he looked up at a vent that was well above him, pressing the button on the right side of his helmet as he turned on his x-ray vision. The non-metal portion of the building disappeared completely, and he noticed that there was something in the middle of the vent. It looked distinctly like a metal shutter, just like what the door was made out of. He narrowed his eyes to make sure what he was seeing right, and then alarms went off inside of his head. Well. Fuck. Washington rushed around the perimeter of the outside of the Grand Circle before he found a vent that was close to the ground.

He raised the same paw again to turn off his x-ray vision, and since the vent was around head level, he raised one of his arms and stuck it inside of the vent. He was able to get his paw tapping to the vent, something that obviously anyone would be able to hear passed the shutter. The vents were closed. All of the vents were closed, at least that's what he could figure. He didn't know if any vents were actually open as he hasn't checked all of them, but this was one of the more worst case scenarios. "You gotta be fucking kidding me." Washington growled as he removed his paw from the vent and craned his neck to the side until he heard his neck cracked. This made everything even more stressful and his breathing began to increase as the gears inside of his head sped up. He could hear voices and bodies moving around considering he was so close to the vent, and he could simply order them to look for more vents for him.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:


[size=9pt]"Got more poppy seeds than will to live on me right now." grumbles Moon as he overhears Wash's words. He doesn't know what exactly the helmeted creature needs them for, but, frankly, at this point he doesn't fucking care. He hands some over as he stands beside Wash, stares down the air vent and waits for the ultimatum. Maybe this was it. Maybe the weird guy had figured it out.

But, no. "Fuck." Curses Moon when he realizes just what they'd discovered. He'd been getting all hyped up, too, at the idea of the doors finally opening and seeing those he hadn't seen in, what-- A week? He throws his head back, grits his teeth at the spark of pain and paces to the side. There's that frustration boiling under his fur again. The situation was getting desperate. "This has to be a joke. Some weird fever dream." But he's already pinched himself. No waking up.

There had to be a way. Who the fuck backs an Observatory up with that much hardcore security? What was it, preparation for the apocalypse? Had the Astrologist who built this place watched too much The Walking Dead? The door, the air vents, the roof-- Oh. "Have we checked the Roof? No way is that made of steel, too. There's got to be a way to get it open. Hell, tie some weights to me, drop me through it, I don't fucking care. We need to get them out."


Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
When it came to the likes of medicine here, Washington didn't exactly agree with most of it in the first place. The Freelancer didn't trust everything that a medic would push in his direction. He already had a distrust of medics thanks to what had happened to him before he had arrived here. The medics that he had used to work with were primarily just assholes and he would prefer never to interact with the likes of medics again. But that didn't mean that he knew that Moon was a medic or even what poppy seeds were. He wasn't even remotely educated of what every herb in this world was capable of doing or even trust it. He was used to taking prescribed drugs to be able to get rid of the pain that he was going through. It was a bit of a stretch to think that he could acquire some here, but it was better than nothing. Washington needed to do something about his headache eventually, but that could wait for later. Washington heard something that was getting close to him and looked over his shoulder to see the lion. He flicked one of his ears inside of his helmet at the mention of whatever that was and the other pushed something over toward him. His head looked down at the seeds, then back up to Moon again. [b]"I don't know what these do." Washington said in his usual deadpanned tone that he talks in.

He hadn't wanted to learn what each herb did, and never had anything given to him for the pain. He just dealt with the pain thanks to his high pain tolerance in the first place. And then the lion started to panic over the idea that the vents were closed. Was it the same for the rest of the building? Maybe, maybe not. He was going to have to check every vent and it was going to be a pain in his ass when he needed to do other things at the same time. The other was wishing it was a dream, and what Washington would have given to say that everything that had happened up to this point was just a dream and that he was going to wake back up in a medical facility where he would be human again. But no, they didn't get that luxury. Washington shook his head, and he seemed to be remaining calm. Like everything else, however, it was all a facade. He knew they were fucked if they didn't get air inside of the Observatory. "I wish everything was." Washington mumbled under his breath toward the lion as he lowered himself onto the ground and looked into the vent.

His x-ray vision was off, and the lights that were on his helmet illuminated the dark space inside of it. Then there was the mention of the roof. He had yet to actually check on the roof, but considering that most buildings either had concrete or metal there was no way they would be able to go through it with regular physical means. They needed some sort of explosion to go through the likes of concrete unless they wanted to simply kill their bodies and drop them onto the roof as well. "We need to check the roof to see if the vents are closed up there or not. And with structures like these, the roof is most likely made out of thick concrete or stone. Meaning, we wouldn't be able to get through it just by slamming you into it. Do you know the route to the roof?" Washington questioned as he moved himself up back into a standing position looking at the lion. If the other didn't know the way to the roof, then he would look around until he found one. Considering the security of this place, he wouldn't be surprised if the humans that left this place were trying to hide something. What could be so important that they would need all of this, Washington didn't know.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: TO THE EDGE OF THE EARTH | {OPEN, CHECKING VENTS} - Suiteheart - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][bump + reminding myself to reply later!!]