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SEEKING ANSWERS [&] open - Printable Version

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SEEKING ANSWERS [&] open - EXODUS-- - 08-08-2018

★ --
Exodus had significantly grown over the four short moons of her living.

Downy fluff that enscapulated her body began to grow coarser. Thinner. Preparing itself to fall away for the molting season.

She had grown in size, though not so terribly large. The youthful feral was still smaller than most of the typhooners, but the wild, untamed aura that shrouded her presence had grown thicker. She had grown bolder, and far more self assured in her and her abilities. Like a child yet to face the world.

And with her boldness, naturally, came a sense of independance.

That wasn't naturally, a utahraptor's life style. They were social creatures. Dependant on each other and a sense of hierarchy for comfort and efficiency in finding prey. It was with their combined efforts, after all, that they found suitable sustenance. Scenting out wriggling worms together. Trapping rats, for Virgo to take the killing bite.

Yet Exodus wanted individuality. Wanted to be able to scope out food for herself; didn't want to be reliant on her siblings. As she grew older, she would come to see dependability as a weakness.

It was by the break of dawn's light that she arose from her family's nest of feathers and bones within the divot by the hollow of the baracudda bay's cliff.

Exodus was beginning to master the art of silence, carefully stepping over shattered bone fragments of the small critters her siblings had managed to fell.

Feet crunching softly against grainy sand of buttery hue, Exodus fixed a beady gaze off to the horizon. The young creature's nostrils flexed; her sense of smell was improving, and exponentially. She could already scent the delicious aroma of lizard amongst the sand's beach. Ready for her to consume. To hunt.

Exodus was no loner. But she preferred the satisfaction of taking her own life into her claws. Not to left to anybody else.

She was still young.

She spotted the reptile, gliding amongst the vein's of leaves and nearly blending in with it's earthy hues.

Exodus breathed slowly. Willing her her body into stealthiness. Stealthiness unrefined; one that would surely cost Exodus her hunt.

Exo slowed her gait to a crawl. Creeping in range of her oh so helpless target, before her muscles prepared to spring.

She leaped moments too late.

The lizard had sensed her. Scuttling into the undergrowth as her jaws snapped precariously next to it's hide.

She knew that it had disappeared far too soon for her to chase after.

And so she stood, crest flattening sourly in wake of her failure.

// dkdofurj here have this trash post. Feel free to interact with her

Re: SEEKING ANSWERS [&] open - goodsprings - 08-08-2018

captainpaw was just beginning to learn how to hunt. for a while he had been used to going to the tavern as his source of food. taking dishes of fish and breads off empty tables. snatching partially eaten chicken bones and licking them clean. he didn't think of himself scavenging, more or less just finishing what others couldn't.

his first hunt had come when he seen a toad no bigger than his paw hopping away from him. it had struck a spark in his instincts, and his limbs tensed. his body crouched and he began to stalk without thinking. an untrained performance though led to failed catch, but captainpaw wouldn't forget how it had made his heart race. his mind so focused on one thing for so long and the only thing he allowed himself to hear was his own heartbeat in his ears.

the striker had yet to meet the utahraptors that had made home on the typhoon's land, though now was a better time than ever, right? seeing exodus had caught him off guard originally. he had never seen... well, he had never seen a dinosaur before. he saw some creatures resembling them in the books he read. sometimes pirates would interact with scaly sea creatures that tipped their boats and killed their crew. though he doubted these were the kind of monsters in his books. for one; they were on land!

"did you want help?" cap asked exodus with a curious approach. "i'm not too good at it myself, but we can try to hunt together!"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: SEEKING ANSWERS [&] open - no more - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; font-size:9pt; font-family:calibri; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]Too young were they when upon them was bestowed the title of healer, training beginning a few months before lessons on how to defend themself or to hunt their own food had been given to them, a child in every right. Instinct guided them in moments when they found the want rose within them for no other had ventured to teach them, yet their refusal to request help had done just as well to stunt their learning, clumsy and slow were their movements, however. Their first hunt had been of little note, the choice of a bird rather badly made for it had ended in failure, their head faintly ringing for they had found themself slamming into a root rather painfully.

It had been some time since that first attempt but it had dissuaded them from attempting anything more, enjoying being able to make their own meals for the tavern seemed a second home to them now, such could never truly remove the want to be independent all the same. For a time they had pondered over questioning others about lessons, seeking to learn more on ways to care for themself, seemingly thinking better for their time was largely taken with herb study.

Dark ears perked and for a time Aita thought of merely ignoring it, continuing their walk along the beach, but curiosity is hard to shift once it has taken root. Slowly their steps turned towards where they thought it had originated from, a greeting upon their lips they couldn't get out before their attention was taken. They had been present when Owen and his own little pack had shown up, their disappearance one they noted with some relief, and when the eggs had been found. Never had the thought the colourful eggs might contain more raptors crossed their mind though it seemed to have ended as such, these were different in ways that captivated the child, the plumage about the young dinosaur rather pretty if drab.

“Don't tink it can talk,” directing their words towards Captain they remembered the series of clicks and other noises the larger raptors had used to communicate which the border collie they followed had used in turn, something pushing the sage to try it themself. Opening their mouth they clicked their tongue against the roof of their mouth, watching Exodus to see if she might react in anyway.

Re: SEEKING ANSWERS [&] open - Luciferr - 08-09-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Indeed she can't, like not us anyway" rumbled a deeper voice padding closer with the sound of deep treads sinking into the earth as obsidian claws ate up the distance - he'd watched from afar as little Exodus had run after the small lizard, to failure yes, but he still held something of a pride that the baby raptor was taking such initiative.

to which he offered the child a small chuff bending down to nudge her briefly "A valiant effort - though no one is a hunter on their first try" she wouldn't understand but he felt compelled to speak anyway before glancing back to Aita and Captainpaw with an incline of that horned cranium.

"I'm sure maybe a team effort might help - or repetition, though if she allows since she seemed to want to take the initiative given her siblings aren't awake yet" he mused answering Captain with a small shrug of spiked shoulders.


Re: SEEKING ANSWERS [&] open - EXODUS-- - 08-09-2018

★ -- Exodus's keen senses picked up the scent of an approaching body. Through all of her frustration, her ability to scent had not been made dull; the din of soft shuffling across sand made itself known to her.

Inhale. Exhale. Nostrils flaring once more, the youth whipped around upon captainpaw. He came to her with no fear. No aggression, and he spoke of gibberish and foreign language. In that moment, he was of the most peculiar thing to her youthful mind. And she was captivated with his appearance.

He was an unfamiliar face to her. The felidae did not speak in harsh, grating screeches or warbles or squeaks betraying the status of prey. He was trying to communicate with her, though she could not speak his tongue, nor could she decipher his language. In that moment, he was neither friend nor foe.

Another had arrived; dark grey in color. Horns curled from their head like a wreath of bone, and their stature and physique seemed oh so similar to Captainpaw.

Interest took ahold of Exodus's features; piqued her body as the reptile cocked her head to one side. Beady amber eyes inspected the two feverishly, pondering if she should test them; snap her jaws near their vessels to see of they'd react with fear or hostility, before a series of clicks errupted from Aita's tongue.

Instantly, Exodus's head snapped in the stormy-hued felidae's general direction, body raised to attention as her crest raised ever so marginally.

Aita was a mystery. An enigma. She spoke, and Exodus had truly heard. Truly understood. But she did not look like the quilled softness of her siblings, nor of the ebony plates and armored hide her mother.


Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Lucifer came, all sable hues and motherly aura. The powerful rumbling of Lucifer's steps instantly told her where her mother might be. Lucifer's deep, smooth rumbling, calming like the tides against the shore of a beach, made Exodus pipe up with excitement.

Her attention flitted from one being to another, the muscles within her tail flexing to quiver eagerly in greeting upon Lucifer's arrival. The creature carried no food within her maw, but that was fine. Exodus would learn to hunt. For herself. For her family. For mother, who stood so tall

Already she and her siblings, the venandi were beginning to learn how to master the ancient art of predation. They were born for it, as it ignited their very bones and being. Despite Lucifer's maternal and loving care, they had begun to develope a life style for themselves. Living on the carcasses of lazily drifting insects and mammal eggs they managed to pick off within the edges of the jungle. Wounded birds and fallen fledglings provided sustenance for them. But that had all been a team effort. Exodus had never hunted by herself prior.

// mobile. Excuse mistakes