Beasts of Beyond
woof + open - Printable Version

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woof + open - Dog - 04-01-2018

Mud splashed across the golden retriever’s pelt as he crossed the winding and whipping trails marshes. Despite that, his golden locks bounced with glee. The trademarked bright pink tongue sloshed out the side of his mouth and his lips pulled back into a wide smile that caused his eyes to come to a glorified squint. His tail wagged excitedly as he came to a pause at the edge of the camp. Friends! It seemed that there were friends here! From feline foes to glorious gorillas, Tanglewood seemed to have it all, but not just that. Other dogs.

An excited howl reminisced from the back of his throat and his paws began to tip-tap at the ground gloriously as his ears flopped here and there. At every passerby, he let out a sharp bark as a greeting. His head would crane, awaiting a response, but nothing came. Though, many gave him a weird look. Eventually, they walked away. Dog found this very disappointing and he expected more, but the golden retriever kept trudging on.

Another loud yelp left him. This time, perhaps, someone would approach him.

Re: woof + open - valo-kas - 04-01-2018

[color=salmon]whomst...” the word bubbled from their jaws as a complaint, brought on by the sound of barking in the area. barking that valo-kas was determined to find the source of. if some feral hound-mutant had crawled into their domain, valo would lose their shit. hope it ain’t hostile.

they proceeded with caution, tail a bottlebrush and ears so flat against their head that it seemed almost as though they had none. when they had eyed on the dog, valo-kas rumbled with a full-body snarl.

[color=salmon]dude, keep it down! can you like, talk regularly?” the thing didn’t look mutated. shit, it looked about as vanilla as they come.

Re: woof + open - Dog - 04-01-2018

The golden retriever's back paw took a step back in fright. A whimper reminisced from the back of his throat as his stomach began to slowly move in the direction of the ground to appear smaller. His ears flattened in the process. The tongue that was once within his mouth was clasped inside his mouth and his lips were pulled back in a stern expression oof fear. He did not expect such a violent reaction... or at least what seemed like it. Dog was a... dog. Not a sentient animal like those that were here, but someone who did not understand a thing about these nonsentient animals. It was like he spoke a different language. He did not understand a word that Valo-Kas mentioned, seeing that all he knew was body language and a few growls. Other than that, he was useless. Perhaps, in the future, he would come to learn.

Lowering to the ground completely, he craned his head off to the side. Dog's ears perked a few. "Awrooo," he attempted in response. Not much luck, it seemed.

Re: woof + open - ghostpact - 04-02-2018

. . . . . . . .
There was a light smile on Luke's face as he watched the canine, unsure at first of how to react to it. It obviously wasn't something he was used to, which was rather a funny thing if taken at face value. It was just a normal dog, not a pink furred beast or some great winged dragon. Just... a dog. His ears perked as Valo spoke and he looked toward them a moment before looking back at the golden retriever. "I don't think he can speak. He's not going to hurt you, you shouldn't be so harsh." Judging from the way the canine responded to Valo's approach, he assumed he was right.

Re: woof + open - Dog - 04-02-2018

At Luke response, the retriever's head craned a bit farther, causing him to roll over onto his side. His tongue lopped out of the side of his mouth playfully at the site of the large lion and his assumed kindness(at least from what he could tell). A sharp bark left him in response. This dog named Dog just wanted some attention, even if it was negative. After all, everyone was a few barks away from being a positive influence for Dog.

Re: woof + open - valo-kas - 04-02-2018

[color=salmon]well i didn’t know it was a feral.” valo-kas responded testily, bristling around the shoulders and sending a pointed glare in luke’s general direction. “[color=salmon]anyway if it ain’t sentient we might as well eat it, right?” valo-kas was much too small to eat a golden retriever and the dang dog didn’t even look yummy but what else could it be kept for?

[color=salmon]woulddja like that, poochie?” they carried on in an enthusiastic, sunshine-y voice. “[color=salmon]you wanna get all eaten up? yum!

Re: woof + open - Dog - 04-02-2018

The once hostile male seemed perky again! This time, he was even encouraging Dog to play with him. Such a lovely and enthusiastic voice too. How astonishing. Dog fumbled to his paws excitedly. He stumbled over quickly in Valo-kas' direction with a playful bark. Pausing in front of him, his tongue popped out of his mouth and he lowered his frontal chest to the ground. His butt rose into the air and his tail began to wag wildly.

To Valo-Kas' words (that he did not understand in the first place) he let out a shrill howl of excitement and challenged for the fellow Tanglewood member to play... or whatever this dog meant... I'm not a biologist.

Re: woof + open - COSMIIX - 04-03-2018

A dog and a pretty looking one at that, it had a glossy coat that resembled gold which Amunet really took a liking to. The jaguaress approached the scene with a twitch of her whiskers and stared briskly at the dog with her beloved snake, Moses, wrapped around her loosely as she stood next to Luke. Her whiskers twitched for another moment realizing that the dog didn't understand a single thing that Valo said and she frowned lightly "He thinks you wanna play. He doesn't know you want to make him literal dog food." She sat down curling her spotted tail around her dainty forepaws watching the scenario go down and wondering what they would have to do since the dog didn't seem to understand them but maybe if it was domesticated before then it knew a few commands. She somewhat doubted it as she would say in a stern tone "Sit." She was just curious to what it could or couldn't understand, Moses slowly slithered away from her and made his way towards the dog to get a better look or well, smell. The large python's forked tongue flickered out and in taking in Dog's scent only to let out a soft hiss. He didn't like them was what he decided.
