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a chirp of joy [introduction] like a cricket song - Printable Version

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a chirp of joy [introduction] like a cricket song - galexiux - 08-08-2018

  Blue was one of the rare creatures that lived in Zealandia his whole life. Though, when he first lived here, it wasn't called Zelandia. It was just called Home. He didn't mind the new clan being formed on the oceanside, though. It was nice to have so many new friends to play with. The water cat jumped out of the water in the Serpent's den, giggling under his breath as he ran through the fifth floor, out the door, through the prisons and outside of the facility. It was a dump, honestly. It was disgusting for a reason. Blue hopped up onto some destroyed concrete structures, happily staring out into the sunset. He tried to come up here every night, just to wish the sun goodnight and say hello to the stars. He took a deep breath with his lungs, sighing happily as a smile sprouted on his face.


Re: a chirp of joy [introduction] like a cricket song - Sympathy - 08-08-2018

SAY X AMOUNT OF WORDS ![div style="width: 90%;overflow: auto;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 8pt;text-align: right;"] DEACON - SHE/HER - ZEALANDIA - VIPER SHARK HYBRID
The aquarium was a dump. It was run down and broken and overgrown with flora on the inside, and yet she managed to keep up with the little upkeep they provided to the building. Plus, broken things only provided more places to explore. That was how they managed to find the Serpent's Den in the first place, or maybe they found the aquarium through the Serpent's Den? Honestly she couldn't quite recall the details anymore- that had been so long ago. Unlike Blue, Deacon had joined Zealandia back when it was a nameless home for creatures of all shapes and sizes. She'd been very young then and she'd just stayed ever since. She loved the place to bits- flooded floors and all.

Deacon had been rummaging through some tattered papers she'd found in one of the many desks out of sheer boredom when she heard the pitter patter of small paws and caught the glitter of fins through the shattered window. Blue. She liked having the kid around. He never failed to fascinate her, even now. And with her curiosity peaking, she couldn't help but follow slowly behind him, watching him skitter outside and up onto some rubble. Sunsets were pleasant. Nighttime was her favorite time and sunsets introduced the stars and moon, and most importantly, food- which reminded her to make a mental note to go out hunting at some point later that night. For now, the shark made her way up the rubble to join Blue, offering a light smile to the child. "Hello Blue." she greeted simply, electric eyes flicking from the kid up to the darkening sky.

Re: a chirp of joy [introduction] like a cricket song - guts - 08-09-2018

She and her sister had only recently joined. They had never been in big groups before, either, as it was just them and their family for the majority of their lives. Everything was still odd, especially living in such a facility, but she would manage. Besides, it was a lot better than being out on their own. She and her sister were tough, but there were a lot of odd things around. It was best to stay in a group of some sort. Plus it got lonely sometimes, not having other people to talk to--and cause trouble with, of course.

Sometimes she felt like she was still exploring, as there was always something else for her to find about the aquarium. It was exciting. But, for today, she was tired of finding stuff. Instead, Aineias would head outside, ready to find something to eat. Her tongue rolled over her teeth, though she was distracted by the forms of others, her pink irises studying them from a far before she decided to approach after recognizing Deacon.

"What are you doing, watching the sunset?" she asks, turning to glance over at the sun that was steadily dipping behind the horizon. She had never really sat and watched it, as she was always too antsy to.


Re: a chirp of joy [introduction] like a cricket song - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-09-2018

look at what we've become
welcome to the age of the new evolution
Like Aineias, Bruce had recently joined Zealandia. For a long while, the panther had took care of himself and he honestly probably would have continued like that just fine. But he got lonely being by himself so he went around and asked if there were any groups nearby, and Zealandia just happened to be the closest. Which was absolutely perfect; he seemed to be fitting in quite well here. "'Ello, Deacon." Bruce rumbled as he made his way over, dipping his head to the leader before his gaze caught sight of Aineias and Blue - the latter whose name he just learned. "I don't think 've meet ya two. Name's Bruce Walker."
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