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SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - Printable Version

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SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-08-2018

Ever since returning from being captured by The Ascendants and killed by one of those members there, Caesar had been stuck in a mongoose body. He wasn't entirely upset in being in such a body, but he did want to return to his normal cat body. Of course, he couldn't possess his old one, but he could possess a new one and manipulate its pelt color to allow him to look the same. It was considered a mutation, after all. Caesar was walking back to camp in a brand new F1 Savannah body, though it adored all of the scars he had on his previous bodies. Still, it was a new body and Caesar was just glad to be out of his mongoose one. For once, though, Caesar decided to keep the body rather than eat it. But point was, the demon was currently striding back to camp with a huge smile on his face.

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - goodsprings - 08-08-2018

"woah... you look like someone i know! are you guys related? his names uh.. see... see-zar? he's pretty mean though, i hope you're not related to him." captain had approached the savannah, speaking right as he new the other male would hear him and rambling on aimlessly. the young striker was clearly unaware that this was in face caesar, his officer.

"if you are, though, you can be related to me instead! me and planecrash are really nice. i can let you on my pirate ship, and we can go sailing whenever you'd like!"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - purgatory - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:120%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]Cronas, also noticing the Officer's approaching figure, first thought nothing of it. Whoever they were was of no importance to them and thus they displayed no interest. It was only when they heard Captainpaw's voice did their ears perk up ever so slightly. As they listened to what the calico said, Cronas found themselves rising to their paws and walking over to join them. They had a feeling it was Caesar in a new body, but the nonchalant tone of the Striker convinced them otherwise as they found their place beside him. Picking up on the last bit, they meowed flatly. "Cronas is apart of Captainpaw's crew. Caesar's relative is welcomed to join if Caesar's relative wishes to." They finished with a nod of their head, agreeing with their own words and Captainpaw.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:8px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-08-2018

Immediately, Caesar's stance drooped upon realizing Captainpaw and Cronas didn't recognize him. Captainpaw was a bit understandable, but Cronas? The demon's tail flicked irritably and he narrowed his eyes at the two, abandoning any sort of pride he had to be back in a normal body. "You two are dumbasses." He growled. "I am Caesar."

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - snare - 08-09-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]”You look different.”  The wolf puppy would comment as he trotted up to the scene, his head titled at the sight of Caesar.  New life he was, he was only familiar with the smaller body of the Officer but was willing enough to believe that this was in fact him.  Snare was mildly weirded out by him in general, but still approached nevertheless.  ”Not bad.  Different.  It’s cool though.”  He commented.  Would he spontaneously change body one day too?  Unlike the wings he had observed a while ago, that would be a pretty power to have he admitted to himself.

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - no more - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; font-size:9pt; font-family:calibri; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]“Huh, didn think ya could get any uglia but here ya are,” a gentle tone of laughter, touched with malice rather than amusement, rose behind the comment, lips twisting into a sneer. It was no secret they held no love for the officer, even going so far as to make attempts to push his buttons each time they were unfortunate enough to come across him, thankfully an occurrence that proved rather rare.

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - Grey - 08-09-2018

Body changes are new to Bakugou but, when it comes to those he absolutely despises, he does note a few strange things about them. For example, there was an air of confidence that radiated in the male's stride, so much that Bakugou turns his head to the savannah with a burning gaze. But before he can say anything, he watches Captainjack and Cronas speak to the 'stranger' with much confidence without realising, to their future dismay, that the creature was in fact Caesar. Of course, the ragdoll doesn't recognise the male himself until the Officer growls at them, calling them incompetent fools (or 'dumbasses' as the male had used) in the process. Bakugou still doesn't say anything until the wolf pup appears, stating the obvious until Aita materialised into view only to insult the demon. Hah. He merely rolls his eyes from his position, still lying comfortably on his belly. "Well no shit that he looks different," the male snarls. Alright, too many Typhooners gathered in one place. His nap would have been a good one had it not been disturbed by Caesar. "Fuckin' pissfur." And so he promptly leaves to find a more secluded spot.

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-09-2018

"I wouldn't look very different if you knew me from before, kid." Caesar responded to Snare in a snappish tone, before looking over at Aita and flicking an ear at her comment. "Thanks, I try." He replied. Seriously, he wasn't aiming to look perfect or stunning, unlike his daughter Aphra. Caesar couldn't help but snort in amusement at the way Bakugou snapped at Snare as well, though he definitely didn't look pleased at being called pissfur. Since Bakugou had already walked off, there was no sense in saying anything more to him, so Caesar turned his attention back towards the group that was gathered around him. "Now leave me be."

Re: SUCH A COMFORTABLE LIAR // open, back in feline body - snare - 08-09-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare actually found himself shrinking back as both Bakugou and Caesar snapped at him, his ears down and his tail tucked at his hindquarters as he swapped his gazes between the two.  The young wolf hadn’t really minded or even experienced negativity aimed at him before, but this admittedly stung his pelt a little bit.  The boy’s eyes were big, and he suddenly felt very small.  In his eyes it was unwarranted, he had been taught that his group was tight knit and stuck together, and while he had viewed the hostility among some of his crewmates it didn’t feel good to be the target of it.

However, Snare lacked the emotional control and eloquence of an older creature, and he had very few emotions to fall back on.  So he reacted on impulse, instinct, and whatever limited feeling he had in his tiny body.  His tail was held down, his ears against his chocolate furred skull as his muzzle crinkled in what could be interpreted as anger.  Fine.”  The puppy would snap, not loudly as if he was unsure of himself and his emotion.  He would turn his nose up and spin around, and start to prowl off with big and wide set paw steps, his anger and frustration seeming to bleed out through his body language.  He didn’t really know how to express himself yet, though he tried his best too.