Beasts of Beyond
DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND // open, shop - Printable Version

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i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash had finally finished up her shop after the months that it took to set everything up. The she-cat hung the sign up on the cabin, which read ATBASH'S GEM SHOP in big letters. The cabin that held the shop wasn't too far from her own cabin, just so she'd be able to travel between them a lot faster. On the inside of the cabin, there was a counter that separated the front of the house and the back, where the gems were stored. On the counter was a paper that listed the current gems she had, and their price.

Gems are priced by rarity, and all of them are currently found here in our territory!
Rubies - 2 rabbits or 4 mice
Peridots - 2 rabbits or 4 mice
Sapphire - 2 birds, 3 rabbits, or 5 mice
Lapis Lazulli - 4 birds, 6 rabbits, or 10 mice
Topaz - 4 birds, 6 rabbits, or 10 mice
Diamond - 6 birds, 9 rabbits, or 15 mice

Gems can be bought on their own, or put onto a necklace for 3 mice.

Atbash currently sat in front of the shop, a wide grin on her maw and her eyes shining. "Everyone!" She called out. "My gem shop is now open, if anybody is interested in getting some gems or gem necklaces!"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND // open, shop - arcy - 08-09-2018

Izuku had been waiting for this. By 'this' he means 'waiting for Atbash's shop to open'. Just like he had been since Atbash had told him she was setting it up. He'd always been intending to buy a necklace, honestly, even though he's not sure how it works. .. It was open, though. The dragon's ears prick as he hears Atbash's call, and he allows himself a little grin as his tail sweeps. Finally! He'd just been wandering around aimlessly yet again, so it doesn't take anything at all to change course and approach.
".. Are any of them yellow?" Izuku chirps, a little sheepishly. He'd turn up whatever he needed for whatever gem was available, as long as it was yellow. Not that he had a ton of prey on hand, but he could go out and bring some back if needed. Izuku liked yellow. .. Though. None of the mentioned gems were commonly yellow, so he had his doubts. It didn't hurt to ask, y'know?
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND // open, shop - madster - 08-10-2018

henri had no use for gemstones. he was blind and thus couldn't appreciate the gemstones as he should. he walked over, after hearing atbash's comment. unfortunately, the sign was no use to him as he had no idea it was there, and even if he did he wouldn't be able to read it since he was, y'know, blind.

still, he thought maybe... he'd want to get a gem for somebody special. he was going to visit him soon, he knew, after that last letter he had received, so... maybe he'd want a souvenir from snowbound? satisfied with the idea, he happily spoke. "greetings and salutations, miss atbash! would you trade one of my eyeballs for a gem?" somebody had to tell henri no, henri, your body parts, even if they didn't work, are not a currency.

Re: DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND // open, shop - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-11-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
"I have a couple, actually!" Atbash chirped in reply to Izuku, quickly heading into her shop as he asked the question and poking around her store. Eventually, she found one of the few yellow gems she had, which was a topaz. "How's this one?" She asked, holding it out to him. Though as soon as she did, Henri came up and started to offer his eyes in exchange for one of her gems. Although he probably couldn't see the look on her face, the expression she held was one of absolute shock and horror. "Henri, no!" She exclaimed, her tone revealing how she felt with his offer, even if he couldn't see her face. "Th-that's not... No." That was all she could muster in reply to him, honestly.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi