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IT JUST FELL APART // open, small development - Printable Version

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IT JUST FELL APART // open, small development - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-08-2018

There were often times that Caesar secluded himself and locked himself up in his room to escape the feeling of his emotions getting the best of him. But today was different for whatever reason, and the demon couldn't stop his thoughts from pouring out of his brain. It was no secret that the demon often thought of his family, but what was odd was the feeling of fear that he was feeling now. Caesar had been thinking of Atbash and how she wasn't fit to be a leader, since she had always been a follower even back in Dimension FiveX, but the moment he thought of her, a wave of fear crashed over him and practically took over his body.

Caesar was on the beach currently and the Officer collapsed on the ground as he tried to push the feeling back. His heart was pounding, and soon the demon was actually able to hear his heartbeat. This caused pain to shoot through his body and Caesar let out a pained yell, digging his claws into the sand. The feline's tail was lashing about wildly as he tried to fight back this feeling of pure, unadulterated fear. In the back of his mind, he was mentally screaming at himself to retreat to his room, but he couldn't move. He was frozen to the ground as pain wracked his body, shaking as he tried to control himself.

Eventually Caesar felt some sort of wetness drip from his nose and he was faintly aware that his nose was now bleeding, his blood as black a tar. The Officer closed his eyes, trying to focus on the emotions he was feeling now. Stop. He growled at himself. Stop. This hurt. It actually, physically hurt and Caesar wanted it to stop. There were tears coming from his eyes by now and he was aware of his body trembling. Everything is fine. You enjoyed destroying home, remember? He kept telling himself that, but he was lying. Caesar knew he was lying to himself, and usually it stopped this from happening. This is what he did at night, but out in the open like this, Caesar was more worried about being seen like this rather than stopping it, and that was only going to lead him into more trouble with his subconscious, because the amount of stress that this was putting on him could force him to Corrupt if he wasn't careful. Luckily though, Caesar was nowhere near the point of Corruption at this time.

Re: IT JUST FELL APART // open, small development - purgatory - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:120%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]Relating to another individual's problems was something the feline always struggled to do. It wasn't like they could help it though. They didn't ask to be different from anyone else. They didn't ask to be born and yet, here they are. If they could, they'd feel angry and betrayed. Lonely and hopeless. Lost and frightened. But to them, those all were just words with no meaning. They didn't think of their situation as anything special and didn't see how it could be considering they don't even know who they are. But that was alright in their books. It's okay to not know who you were and it was more important to focus on who you want to be. They wanted to be knowledgeable in as many aspects as possible. They wanted to be someone who is able to learn and share their knowledge with another. You don't need emotions to have a better understanding of things and that's what they clung to. Their stability is learning all they could to be better prepared for what life had in store for them. They knew they weren't as equipped as the next guy, but they were going to do their best with the limited resources they had.

Though they will admit, at times like these, having emotions would be convenient.

Cronas first heard the yell which sparked their curiosity, pale blue eyes looked about before blinking slowly. That was Caesar, if they weren't mistaken. Perhaps he was training his turtle again and growing upset with it? That was fine though. Last time, he had turtle treats as a reward which meant free food. Rising from their spot under a tree, the child walked towards the beach. They weren't far to begin with so they were able to see the yellow feline in a matter of seconds. Now that Cronas had him in their sights, they stopped in their tracks and tilted their head to the side. They didn't see any treats, let alone his turtle... Why was he making such a ruckus? Did someone anger him? That wouldn't be odd. However, it was odd to find him not taking it out on the individual who upset him. Instead, he was writhing around in the sand. Peculiar.

Their lithe form approached on quiet paws as they meowed quietly. "Caesar?" Upon further inspection, Cronas could see tears in his eyes. Tears, they thought, a reaction to pain. Caesar is in pain? They only knew of this because they stared directly into the sun which hurt a lot and prompted tears to well in their eyes. Little did they know, Caesar was hurting, but the culprit wasn't physical pain. Cronas didn't want to upset him any more than he already is, but they didn't have enough information on him to go about helping him. They wanted to tell him to stop whatever he's feeling but they recently discovered one cannot simply stop feeling. Emotions were bothersome like that. "Cronas doesn't want caesar to be in pain," they began, wondering if the male was going to set himself ablaze. Fire is hot but they doubted it would hurt considering Caesar doesn't seem to be affected by it so that was the least of their concerns. Comforting someone wasn't their forte and though it wasn't clear, they were struggling to find something, anything to say in the hopes of cheering him up. "If Caesar's belly hurts, Cronas can make some tea for Caesar and they could eat lots of food with Caesar too." They didn't know how to brew tea so Caesar was going to have to cover that area but they honestly didn't mind sharing some food with him... Food that Caesar was going to have to prepare because they didn't know how to.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:8px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: IT JUST FELL APART // open, small development - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-09-2018

The last person Caesar wanted to see him like this was definitely Cronas, though it wasn't due to their lack of understanding what was going on. No, Cronas just got in his nerves in general and hearing the strange feline's voice made him snap his head towards them and glare, despite how much pain he was in. "Go away," The Officer snarled, trying to make his voice not shake as he did so. The demon's ears were flattened and did have half the mind to set himself ablaze, but he couldn't. He had to move in order to do that and right now, he practially felt frozen to the sand. "My stomach isn't upset, I don't need food." Although that last statement was a lie. Caesar hadn't eaten for quite some time, but then again, when did he eat? But that wasn't why he was in pain right now; in fact, he couldn't really feel his stomach at this moment.