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can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - Printable Version

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can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - dead sons/daughters - 08-08-2018

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // solo tour, open - axiom - 08-08-2018

© lexasperated
By sheer coincidence, Quantum walked past on the way to the library - she needed to return a bundle of Stephen King novels, and she planned on picking up a few more while she was there. The psuedo-melanistic tigress's ears twitched as she heard the small feline's question, her own large body turning slightly as she looked to spot the inquirer in the crowd. Quantum, while technically an extrovert, usually dislikes conversation unless she finds the topics interesting. She usually avoids talking to the chatty members on her way to and from her favorite building, but she knows she'll make an exception for a fellow book-lover, especially since she might manage to have an interesting conversation with the stranger.

As soon as her vermilion gaze spotted Jeanne, the cream tabby dropped down with a crack! Moving quickly, despite how that caused her bundle of books to jostle uncomfortably on her back, she lunged towards the hole in the boardwalk. Much to her annoyance, her size - for one of the very few times in her life - worked against her, as she doubted she'd be able to put her head through the opening without getting stuck.

So, instead, she cups her paw drops her belly to the ground as she shoves her arm into the opening. Suddenly feeling very much like a horse gynecologist, she stretches her shoulder as far as she can. "Latch onto my paw!" she ordered, her voice as stern as a drill sergeant despite how ridiculous she feels - she starts to wonder if she should have simply jumped off the side. Either way, as soon as she felt Jeanne hold on, she'd attempt to yank the tiny cat up and safely back onto the boardwalk.

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // solo tour, open - PIERCE - 08-08-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Pierce had just been returning from the library, heading back to his home to show his daughter all the books he had grabbed for her, as she'd been sick with a cold lately and unable to really get up and do much. He hummed lightly to himself as he waltzed down the boardwalk, an additional bag to his satchel slung over his shoulder and holding a few books. The air was fresh and salty, and there was a slight breeze to it- it was a nice day, today. However, he was soon shocked out of his thoughts by Jeanne's small shout. "Oh!" the soft exclamation of surprise escaped Pierce's lips before he stopped it, amber eyes wide as they quickly found the source of the sound. It would have been impossible for him to move fast enough to cross the boardwalk and save her from falling right down into the water, and perhaps it was a good thing that Quantum had gotten to her first- after all, it wouldn't have ended well if Pierce had fallen in as well, for he could hardly swim. Not the best weakness to have when you literally lived on the water, but he hadn't ever really had the chance to learn how.

Hurrying over after Quantum, Pierce came to stand near the two mollies, and, assuming the slightly older woman had managed to haul Jeanne out of the water, he would question gently, "Are you okay, love?" He doubted she had swallowed much water, if any, but things wouldn't end too well if she freaked out, either, so the best thing she could do was breathe; he was thinking as if he were an authority on medicine, but really, he only knew what he'd been taught by his big sister- he was just trying to stay calm himself.


Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // solo tour, open - dead sons/daughters - 08-08-2018

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - madster - 08-09-2018

amnia, like the others, had been formerly in the library. he could read, but found the practice boring when there was life to experience- like meeting new people, or looking at the sun until his eyes felt funny! there was so much to do and not enough time to just sit still and read about things. so he had spent his time in the library just kind of running in circles.

he had approached the conversation, not talking to anybody, but still could hear- so she had fallen into the water and needed a drying apparatus? he thought long and hard, and trotted over. "i have an idea!" the kitten said, and grinned. he attempted to lick jeanne's side over and over, thinking this was a suitable replacement for a towel or something. spoiler alert, it was not, and not much changed.

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - dead sons/daughters - 08-09-2018

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - renard - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ I need to know if you're feeling it
Or I'm wasting my time Your way, or mine
Curious. Foxtrot had no business with the Library, unlike the others, and was simply watching the events unfold, his anxiety washing over him and rendering him useless to the spot. He watched as she fell, as she was rescued, and then as others crowded the female, all worried and mewing towards her to ensure her safety. Yet, he simply stood there, glued, frozen. Yet suddenly he shook his head, whining, and finally jumping down next to the others, beating himself up mentally. You did it! You did it again! Did you not learn from last time? He whimpered at his own thoughts, tears threatening to burn at his eyes before he quickly blinked them away, breathing heavily as he further neared the group.

"I'm- I'm sorry! I don't have anything, I should've- I probably should've -" Foxtrot starts to whimper and finds himself getting even more upset than he was before, shaking in his own fur. "I- I'm so sorry, I don't - I don't mean to - I should get you a, towel, a blanket, something, I'm -" The poor boy just keeps rambling and going on, almost hyperventilating at this point.

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - GRIMNYTE - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Stellamaris had not been at the library, as she had no reason to be - she'd just been passing by to head down to the forest. To her utter annoyance, she would not be able to stop by because of the nearby commotion; an unfamiliar voice and a few she barely recognized seemed to be up in arms about one of them falling into a hole, so instead of sitting around, she looked around for a towel. If she was going to waste her time sticking her nose into something, why not spend it by doing something helpful? Luckily, she managed to pinpoint a towel clipped to a clothesline nearby. The resident of the house behind it was a bird, a bird that was fixated with letting it go.

It was when the bird finally managed to unclip the towel with its beak that Stellamaris dove forward and caught it between her teeth - "Hey!" - and bound forward. With a slight huff, she aimed to throw it over Jeanne's smaller form.

"Can you stop doing that to each other? It's disgusting. I can smell the spit from over here." the clouded leopard protested, glaring at where Jeanne and Amnia were hugging and (unfortunately) rubbing against each other. It was a crude way of getting dry. She almost forgot the other feline nearby, having a fit over getting a towel, and she cocked her head at him. "Calm down. She's fine."

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - axiom - 08-10-2018

© lexasperated
Her attempt successful, the tigress stood back and moved her shoulder around in its socket for a minute. The unnatural action, while working out well for the rescued domestic cat, caused her muscles to feel stiff and stringy. But, soon enough, most of the tension dissolved and she set her paw back on the ground. The skin around her eyeridge bone-piercing lifted up as she saw the odd swapping of saliva - not even in the usual manner, with gross tongue-in-mouth action - and the dark tigress thought all this a bit... odd. "Hey, kid, don't drink the saltwater; it'll make you sick," Quantum spoke, her tone lightly chiding. She doubted licking the saltwater off Jeanne's fur left a good impression in the kid's mouth, but he was an odd kid. She wouldn't be surprised if he tried to pet a cactus some day.

Looking over at Foxtrot, she frowned slightly. "Hey, you alright? Nobody's got hurt, and there's plenty of towels - we're in a beach town, after all." She attempted to pat the top of his shoulder with her large paw, the diameter of which was, by itself, bigger than his face.

Re: can beauty come out of ashes? // intro, open - dead sons/daughters - 08-12-2018