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FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - Printable Version

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FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - madster - 08-08-2018

malphas had heard of so many issues with people and their brains, and he was trying his best to comfort them despite his own issues. he was honestly left overworked and tired at the end of every day. he decided to hold a quick emergency-situation first aid class which covered the dos and don'ts of comforting people with depression and other mental illnesses. after all, he wondered if he wouldn't have tried to kill himself twice if he had somebody to talk to. so much of his trauma could have been avoided if there was someone there. so, he set out to make sure everybody had someone.

"hey, tanglers and newtangs," he announced, red eyes wide as he sat in the middle of camp. "it's come to my attention that we're struggling a bit in the mental health department, and i want this clan to be equipped to handle each other's problems. if you're interested, come and sit and listen," he said, stretching. "i also brought non-alcoholic drinks, and i think they're pretty good." he had brought lemonade and different canned sodas, of course.

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - — MALKYN. - 08-08-2018

[Image: UNiGGOw.gif]
[color=white](i am barely a thing at all)
Perhaps her, Talia and Miyla’s points hadn’t been clear enough through Malphas’ skull.

The hellhound feels irritation pluck at her chest, impulsive, impulsive, impulsive. There’s always a reason, always something else to pick at her control and this might honestly just be something stupid, insignificant but she’s aggressive, twitchy, paranoid with the knowledge that Cain and Sola both were alive. If they were, what’s to say Roy wasn’t? What’s the say he wasn’t alive— She quickly stomps on her thoughts when she hears Malphas’ voice, the sudden bitter lunge of feral energy inside the Alpha hound is nearly overwhelming. The blind hound growls to herself, irritated because she had better control over herself than this.

”Do you think you’re qualified to hold this.” It’s not a question, more of a statement, her fur standing up slightly with the burning in her skin. Her mental health might be shit but she’s not telling her problems to him. (She’s fine, she insists.)

[ mobile + i just wrote this at work without getting caught agrjfhekfbwk ]

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - madster - 08-08-2018

malphas looked at her and grinned. malkyn was an edgy bitch who was trying to be a worse person than him, apparently, but he decided he'd just go along with her little game. "absolutely not." he joked in return, stretching his neck. god, he was sore. "but i'm the medic. i'll do what i can to make sure the people that need it are cared for. we can't all be complaining about people trying to better themselves and their clan, after all." he retorted. "but anyways, want a soda? i've got dr. pepper. that's the good shit."

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-08-2018

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - ANIMA B. - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana"][b]"What's the worst that can happen?" She says it with a shrug, not really believing that any good will come from this but still, she doesn't have much else to do. Her problems and her issues are not for the world to see, buried deep down and only to resurface violently, dragging her down like the strangling, choking waves of the sea in a storm. It's ironic, she's the Stormcaller, the Stormblooded but Odin doesn't exist anymore, and neither does Shiva. Anima is nothing but Anima, and what is left of the Goddess is fragmented at best.

Broken. Realistically - she is broken. Nothing that this can think.

She takes a coke, opening it and taking a sip. It's punctuated with a satisfied hum - oh boy, she's missed it so much. [b]"He's not going to wreck any future alliances giving us coke."

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - aya - 08-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]"He might." Aya mentioned to Anima as she came over and flopped down, immediately making herself comfortable. "If he happens to give someone a drink so vile that they're forced to leave Tanglewood due to the trauma and then they become a leader of somewhere else and declare war on us because of one bad drink." It was a completely outlandish theory, but the tortoiseshell said it with total seriousness. It could happen.

Her tail waved in the air as she shifted her gaze over to Malphas. "What are you teaching us today, sport?"

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - DELILAH. - 08-08-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]It hurt, to have to be one of the reasons why a class like this exists. She tried to drown herself, but of course Arrow and Morgan and, reluctantly, Malphas had come to save her. Save was the right word, right? She didn't know how to explain it, but she knew it was better to just watch from a distance. She didn't want to become a model for something like this, especially when she knew she had issues.

She didn't want help. She just wanted to find him.

Cherry blossoms blew through the soft wind of the swamp, tinting greens and browns with bright pinks. Magenta eyes watched from a tree root not far off, ears flattened against her head as she laid, quietly, her head on her paws. The pastel pink feline just felt like it was only right to listen in.

And to think she wanted to be a doctor at one point. Hah.

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - ABATHUR . - 08-08-2018

"Worst outcome from class?" The spider questioned, trying to answer Anima, whose name would be more accurately spelled as anim-osity to describe how he felt towards her, though her comments were still a neat stepping stone towards potentially undermining Malphas, who he didn't really have a big problem with but it was still fun to do. "Subject Malphas gives incorrect information inevitably insufficient in ending issues." Despite how harsh (and alliterate) the words were, he only meant it as a caution, for everyone to take what was said with a grain of salt, as that was what he would do - he wasn't a psychiatric professional, after all. His specialty was emergency surgery then general care after that, having not really given much focus to how to help his clanmates emotionally. It helped for him to have an anchor in reality for how he mended things - a hurt eye was easier to fix than a hurt feeling, in his opinion, especially since he didn't have any mental manipulation this time around. "Will still trust subject Malphas. Hope knowledge of psychological field, more extensive than own." With a quick shrug he sat down next to Malkyn, the bottom of his body touching the ground for once, as he felt this was going to be a rather extensive session. He did note Delilah over in the corner, who did seem to be part of why this session was needed in the first place, from what he knew of the situation.

Fingers crossed that this went well.
tags - "speech"

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - madster - 08-09-2018

to be honest, malphas felt he was pretty qualified to talk about stuff like this. he had a lot of experience in... wanting to die. he had tried to kill himself twice, and he knew that thought process well. he could understand their complaints, because he was a rude and abrasive person, but he would try to change. so that next time this would happen, nobody would complain about him.

he passed a dr. pepper to vigenere, before opening one of his own. i'm sponsored by dr. pepper, actually. "well, alright. let's get started, i'm not getting any younger. so... let's start. so let's say someone's suffering, whatever. here's some things not to say. don't say shit like, 'there's people who have it worse off than you.' that'll just make em feel like they're a burden." he took a long swig of his soda. "people with depression can't help it. it can happen to anyone, for any reason. it's not their fault. so if you say, like, 'just be happy' that's fuckin' useless. and uh, it helps not to say you totally understand what this person is going through. because let's face it, you can't, because everyone suffers differently. so instead, you could say something like, 'hey, i'm here for you,' cause that shit helps a lot. just be there for people who need it." he took another swig. "any questions before i move on?"

Re: FOR THE DAMAGED / open, mental health class - ophelia. - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia made a slow approach to the group that had gathered, steps soft and quiet. She wasn't really sure about most of the bickering, seeing as she was extremely new, so she decided not to make any assumptions about the medic based off of this. She didn't really know Malphas yet, but he'd seemed nice enough, and she was sure that someone put into his position had to be knowledgeable. She wasn't going to write him or his advice off.

Taking a seat near Anima, she pricked her ears up to listen passively. She did glance at the drinks, but decided against reaching for one. She had never tried them before, so she figured it would be bad if she didn't like one and ended up having to suffer through it the whole time this little class went on to appear as put-together as she wanted to.