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boy meets world + return - MOONMADE - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]He'd liked the plains. Green, damp, lively. Part of him missed the dried grasslands of Africa, beige lands as far as the eye could see, but, here, you could smell the petrichor in the air and he never curled up after a long day with dry paws scabbed from the parched land. It'd always been a passing thought, the fact that he liked this place. But he saw it now and swore he could cry.

If he was a little fucking bitch, that was. Which he was, possibly, but only to a certain extent, and not the point of breaking down in tears at the sight of the green expanse that now surrounded him. It'd only been a few days, he was almost sure of it, but in some moldy pirate graveyard basement, damp and bleeding, listening to the drip of a leak in the corner, it was difficult to keep track of time or sanity. So he kind of just-- hadn't.

He passed the border and headed towards the observatory. His surroundings passed in a blur as he dragged himself further, breathed heavy through his teeth, thought of every nursery rhyme he'd even known in an effort to distract himself from the burning pain that ripped up his side, his throat, his eye. The world around him was tilted on its axis, and there was a migraine gradually latching its talons into his head. , The torn up boy realized that he was probably concussed. Most likely he should do something about it. But first; the Observatory.

Moon walked head-first into the door. It rattled on its hinges, echoed across his surroundings. Pain hit him like a bulldozer, and he recoiled so quickly he gave himself whiplash. His skull wracked with a blazing ache, trailing down his jaw and into his neck, and if he had been more stable, he probably would've laughed at what he'd just done. But he was the exact opposite to stable, at that moment, and instead, frustration grew in him like a bonfire and he gritted his teeth and looked up. His vision was blurry, colors disoriented, but he could make out vaguely that the door was shut. What the fuck was going on? Glassy-eyed, the boy grit his teeth and made a terrible decision-- he shoved himself against it again. He was going to pass out, he could feel it gaining on him quick, but he could hear faint voices the other side of the door and if he didn't get the fuck in then he didn't know what else he'd do with himself. Collapse and turn into food for flowers. Voice scratchy, painful, desperate, he called, "Closed for some fucking holiday, or something? Mars in Gatorade? Let me the fuck in."

/ au approved by Madi herself where sound barriers don't exist uwu it's up to u whether or not u want ur char to be able to hear him the other side of the door

Re: boy meets world + return - VERSAILLESPALACE - 08-08-2018

Re: boy meets world + return - ★ HAZEL - 08-08-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Everybody seemed to miss the outdoors. The grass, the sky. The sound of the wind howling in their ears. Hazel missed it, she supposed - the aesthetic of it. But it was never the scenery itself that captivated her or kept her within the Ascendants; it was always the choice. The option to leave the observatory and stay outside until the sun went down, or after that. It was the raw freedom of the decision that had Hazel so entranced with her current postition. Now that the option was taken away again...she didn't know. She felt like she was shutting down all over again.

Versaillespalace's first yell was what brought the girl around to the main door, carefully following the light of the other's aura so as not to go by hearing alone. "What's -" Vi cut her off (though admittedly, Hazel's voice had barely risen, so there was little to interrupt), clearly talking to someone on the other side. Hazel jumped, wincing at the volume of Vi's voice, trying to hold down the small surge of panic that caught in her throat. Swallowing against it, she strained to hear who was yelling from the outside.

"Moon?" She queried, confused. Then, louder, more excited: "Moon!" He'd been captured, third after Thea and Cass. Just...there one moment, and the next? Whisked away. Gone like he'd never existed. Hazel had noticed it near immediately: the lack of carelessness among conversations, the way Peri seemed a little more on edge. Now that he was back, she felt a rush of relief, pressing her ear to the door to catch what he said. She was tempted to ask if he meant Mars in retrograde, but thought this might not be the time. It was funny, though, and brought a smile to dance on her lips. She ended up asking anyway, unable to stop herself: " you mean Mars in retrograde?" She purred, on the verge of laughing.

Hazel waited until Vi was finished speaking before she opened her mouth again. "Suite is good around medicine - if there's something wrong, find her." She sighed, glancing up at Versailles with a look of small defeat. "But yeah, we're trapped. There's not a whole lot of supplies in here, either; we really ought to learn to stock up better..." She trailed off.

Re: boy meets world + return - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-08-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
(Omg ninja'd sorry!)

Washington would be lying if he said that the situation that they were in was stressful. If they needed brute strength, both he and Suiteheart would have been able to take care of it. But he knew almost immediately that animals wouldn't able to break the likes of strong metal. Metal that he had worked with before in the past when it came to breaking and entering bases that were a common mission for them to do back and forth. He had to admit, he was probably the most experienced when it came to something like this, but that didn't mean he was going to be incredibly helpful at the same time. He was concerned about the children that were stuck inside of the likes of the Observatory, and he also didn't know how much food was in there either. Washington didn't have enough intel to stop them, but if he wanted to it meant that he was going to end up doing several things on his own without asking anyone for permission. Why did he have to wait around for someone to clear him to do something? Washington knew that he could technically do whatever he wanted, but his comrades were also trapped inside of the Observatory as well. He knew that his comrades would be able to take care of themselves, but the rest were civilians and probably had never been in a situation like this before. Washington didn't care who he was going to end up working with, but as far as he knew, there were only three other beings that were outside of the Observatory.

Suiteheart. Shininglight. And Anakin. Anakin was probably the most reliable of the group because he could go in and out of the Observatory since he was... a ghost. A concept that Washington had tried not to think about for a very long time, but he was just going to accept it and just roll with it. They needed as many resources as they could get. Washington wondered if the other group had planned a failsafe if the Observatory went into lockdown and have hidden bunkers around the territory for those that were outside with rations for food and other objects. Washington also wasn't great when it came with food, as he had to go all the way back to his room to get the food that he needed, and the rest of his group weren't exactly fond of eating raw meat. Which was probably all that was available inside of the Observatory. They didn't have a headcount of those that were around inside of the Observatory, and he didn't know if anyone was injured either. There were probably several medics that were actually inside of it, but one could never know as he didn't. Washington had devised several plans, but during this time in the span of a couple hours, he was working nonstop thinking of many different ways to get the building open.

His best option was probably going to a human facility that was several miles away and acquiring a blowtorch, but that would require a lot of time. He couldn't just snap his fingers and just arrive there after all. Washington had told those that were on the outside what they could do, and whether or not they did it was up to them. They probably would since no one else had given other ideas on how to fix the situation. It was frustrating to say the least, as this was the last thing they needed. What if the Typhoon realized where they were? They would take advantage of that and just let everyone inside of the Observatory starve and die. It would be the worst case scenario. He constantly had to patrol the border as well as inspecting the entirety of the building. Washington didn't know about the disappearances of others that were going around either. He was busy doing his own work and hadn't realized those that were missing while Carolina did. That meant he didn't know that Moon was gone. Hell, he didn't even know the guy's name, he just knew that he was around as they never held a conversation with each other. No one spoke the guy's name while he was around, so he just knew that there was a lion that lived in the place.

Luckily, the armored smilodon was around checking the perimeter of the Observatory again, when he heard someone slamming against the metal door. He knew the sound now because he had done it before trying to get his way in. Who the hell was doing that now? Washington was frustrated that someone thought it was a good idea to try and force the door open. He heard a muffled voice along with a clearer one as he began to appear around the corner of where the entrance was at. He flicked one of his ears as he noticed that it was the lion. Where had he been? The other seemed to have been out doing something if he hadn't seen in the past couple of days. As he listened to the voice that was talking to Moon behind the door, he realized it was Versailles and Hazel. Those were two civilians that he could account for immediately. That was the first definite voices that he had managed to hear inside of the Observatory. He would make sure to remember that the larger cat was inside of there. [b]"Don't bother trying to force it open, you'll waste your time." Washington commented toward Moon in his usual calm and deadpanned tone. He turned his helmet covered face in the direction of where he heard Versailles voice.

"Versailles! Has the situation changed at all in there?" Washington questioned the female, as he needed to keep up to date with what was happening inside if he was going to do anything. Then he listened to what Hazel had to say. They were running low on supplies. Well, that definitely what he had worried about, and he seemed to stop to think for a moment. Did they even know how to ration food? Probably, probably not. He knew how to but he wasn't exactly around here to give enough food to an animal. He didn't even know how much an animal needed to eat in order to survive. "You or someone else is going to have to start spacing out the food into rations, and regulate how much food that you all currently have. Do you think its possible to count what food is available in there and get back to us out here once that's done?" Washington shouted in Hazel's direction behind the door. She didn't have to do it right now, but food and water were a priority. How they were going to get the water though was slightly beyond him.His attention was then drawn back toward the lion, knowing that the other wasn't around when it happened and was probably pretty lost. "The facility has gone into lockdown. All windows and doors have been sealed and the electricity has gone out inside of the Observatory. We are currently trying to figure out how to get the place open. Those that are currently outside of the Observatory consists of you, me, Suiteheart, Shininglight, and Anakin." Washington explained calmly, which was basically the default emotion he had with everything.

The Freelancer craned his neck to the side until he heard his neck crack, a bad habit that he had established when he had a headache, although right now he had a terrible migraine. "Where have you been?" Washington questioned with some form of curiosity. It was also a genuine question as Washington had no idea where the other disappeared off to until just now. No one should expect everyone to know everything, and he had believed at first that the Typhoon wouldn't be his issue to deal with, but this was different. The armored smilodon just wanted his question answered so that he could move on and give Moon more details of the ideas that he had that would eventually help them get everyone out of the observatory.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: boy meets world + return - MOONMADE - 08-09-2018

[size=9pt]He sat alone at the door for mere moments. One second, two, three. But his surroundings grew on him, suffocating in their emptiness and vastness, and suddenly he wanted to be on the other side of the door more than he wanted anything else in the world. Anxiety tickled at his throat,  clasped its hands around his neck until he was forced to focus on his breathing. In, out. In, out. It wasn't working.

A voice. Versailles. Relief hit him, and he sat up quick, pressing himself against the other side of the door to listen. Instantly, he felt better. She was going to open the door, he'd get inside, get some help. But then, he heard it; 'We're locked inside.' For a moment, he stood, completely shocked, and stared at the space between where the door and the wall met, but then it all caught up to him. "What the fuck? I leave for 4 fucking days!" He didn't really know how long he'd been gone for. An educated guess.

He forces himself to listen to what Versailles has to say, despite the frustration and panic that was beginning to crawl up his back. Her words comforted him, if only slightly. At least he had Suite and Shininglight. Maybe Shining could take a look at him, make sure he lived long enough to see the door finally open. He hears the voice ask if he's alright, and realizes he's completely forgotten his state. Torn up side, neck caked in blood, one eye shut tight and crimson. He didn't want to tell them. He swallowed, cleared his voice in an effort to make it sound... Better. It didn't work. "I'm-- I'm fine." he said, stumbling over his words, and left it at that.

Hazels voice came and it distracted him from the pain, momentarily. He smiled slightly, a moment of warmth after days of nothing, and rested his head against the cold metal. "I mean whatever-the-fuck. Pretty sure it's Gatorade. All that star shit is made up, anyway." Maybe not the best thing to say to such an astrology-oriented Clan, but Moon had never been subtle with his statements on stars, either. He was half joking.

He opens his mouth to ask some questions, but then he sees that one half robot guy approaching and he quietens himself. Washington is dealing with serious stuff, getting down to business in the time they have to speak to the others the other side of the door. Moon tries to listen -- he does -- but his brain is too muddled, too slow to keep up with the creature's words, so he stares off into the distance with one eye and rests his head back against the metal. "I went vacationing." Replies the young lion, deadpan, once Washington turns to him, voice unusually bitter and spiteful. Everything fucking hurts. But it's fine. He's fine. They need to open the goddamn door.

"Bast in there with you? Does he not have some big red Astral Seraph button he can press? Rewire the mechanics, or something?" Not exactly the most helpful words. More cynical, than anything. "To think I thought I was the dumb one."

Re: boy meets world + return - VERSAILLESPALACE - 08-10-2018

Re: boy meets world + return - Suiteheart - 08-12-2018

Since being locked out, Suiteheart had once again taken up carting herbs and medical supplies around. Shininglight was on the outside as well, but she figured if the need arose, she might need to help him. She didn't carry anything grand - just bandages, marigold, and poppy seeds. The good medicine was locked away in the Observatory, and those supplies were probably dwindling.

A few thyme pieces rested in her maw as she made her way back towards the Observatory door. The sweet aroma of the herb blocked her nose and wreathed around her. She couldn't smell the blood from Moonmade until she was about twenty feet away. When she finally scented it, the plant fell from her opened mouth, and worry exploded in her eyes. She knew it was Moonmade, and her stomach twisted up.

As quickly as she could, the Ecliptic Admiral rocketed towards the Observatory. It took only heartbeats for her to reach everyone, and when she finally took in the sight of Moon, she murmured, "What the fuck did they do to you?" She moved closer to examine the lion's bruised and battered and bloody features. Anger towards the Typhoon burned so brightly inside of her that she trembled slightly. "Don't worry about that, Versailles. We've got places to stay in the territory where the Typhoon can't get us." She bit her lip and hoped that Hazel might be able to over the other girl some comfort from inside the Observatory.

"Washington, can you run and get me some water? Soak moss in it. We need to get Moon cleaned up before I bandage 'im up." Her voice was quick as she slid her bag off to retrieve marigold and chew it up.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags

Re: boy meets world + return - MOONMADE - 08-12-2018

[size=9pt]Moon shuts up as soon as he hears Versailles. A wave of shame hits him. She's right, there's other shit to worry about. He's being an immature asshole. Visibly turning in on himself, the lion sheds the brash tone and cutting words. "Listen, it'll be fine. I talked the ears off them fuckers; enough to be sick of us for at least a decade." He recalls his backchat that earned him a talon to the eye. "They're not gonna' come near us. And, if they do-- I heard you got Pincher's kids in there, huh? I'll give you a shout if I see them pirate bastards coming running and you can hold the Princesses at knife-point." It's meant to be reassuring, half joking, and though he's using his comforting nurse voice, he realizes afterwards that maybe Versaille won't be so happy about the notion of harming those kids. Honor and whatever. But he didn't care; to him, at that moment, it was quite literally an eye for an eye.

It takes him a moment to realize where Suiteheart's voice is coming from. His brain feels foggy and his head too hot, but he manages to spot the feline eventually and recoils only slightly from her analytical gaze. He'll admit he missed her foul-mouthed authority. There's something wholesome about her constant curses. "You want it in chronological or alphabetical order?" He jokes, but his ears lie flat against his head and he's bashful in his obvious pain. He slides back against the steel door and waits, uncharacteristically quiet as Suiteheart roots through her bag.