Beasts of Beyond
SUMMONING 101// OPEN + JOINING - Printable Version

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SUMMONING 101// OPEN + JOINING - Leonidas - 08-08-2018

it has been quite a long while since the demon had felt this realm's mortal presences - hell they seemed to have multiplied tenfold. the last time he could remember existing here would be during his time as the second-in-command of his old home. ah now that brought back memories; good and what used to be considered bad ones. during time out of this emotion-oriented world, he was able to gain some knowledge on life - finding out the proper way he is to live in any world. frankly, it's turned out to be that much more beneficial towards his own existence. he didn't plan on going back either; he had way more fun with this lifestyle.

eventually, the time finally came for him to leave this realm and exist in others since this one grew to be entirely too uninteresting to him as well. he decided that he should explore the universe a lot more than he already had, and that staying here would only limit his endless possibilities - which there were, fortunately enough. he couldn't recall how long it's been since he left this world though - inter-realm travel [or whatever the hell you wanna refer it as] has different meanings of time within each one. he doubt anyone would have paid attention, not like he cared about that anyway from the others. for all he knew, they were all long and gone and residing in the ghost realm after eventually dying. hell they probably thought he was dead too. of course, such wasn't the case for the maned wolf and never would be until some overpowering force says otherwise.

a chuckle escaped his lungs as he spawned nearby what he was able to make out as a clan and what they would refer to as the shore. it most definitely was not the exiles, but he supposed this place would suffice for the time being. paws and ankles wet due to landing in what appears to be a swamp, the male flicked his tail idly as he examined his current location; cyan blue visionaries meticulously inspecting every crack and crevice of this area in case he may need to make it useful in the future. were they just going to keep him waiting until he starts trespassing the place? now that wouldn't be fun for them; and it probably wasn't the best part on him in light of him possibly joining this place. a disappointed sigh left his jaws as he decided to take a seat into the water since it was quite the comforting feeling in this body.

//sorry if it's bad it's late ahhh




Re: SUMMONING 101// OPEN + JOINING - Morgan - 08-08-2018

Seeing as Morgan lived right near the shore, he emerged from his cave in mild confusion as he noticed the presence of a sentient stranger not far from himself. The samoyed approached the newcomer and let out a friendly bark to announce his entrance. However, he cut himself off as Vigenere arrived, deciding to wait for him to speak first. The cream canine found that his tail was beginning to wag, so he gave the feline a quick smile before turning back toward the newcomer.

"Hello!" he exclaimed, stepping closer to the maned wolf. The dog took note of the outlander's unique presence and committed it to memory, pausing before continuing his usual speech. "Are you here to join us?"

Re: SUMMONING 101// OPEN + JOINING - aya - 08-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]hey, it's aya's brother from another dimension!

The tortoiseshell trailed after the others, ears twitching as she gasped at the joiner's coat. "Are those markings natural?" Yellow striped with black... What would his parents have had to look like for this to be natural? And would their markings have been natural, too? "Oh, I'm Aya!" Her tail waved, yellow eyes watching the other with interest. She hoped he was joining, she'd have loved to check out what the hell his DNA was up to.

Re: SUMMONING 101// OPEN + JOINING - Leonidas - 08-08-2018

//eyyy i remember aya~!

maybe trespassing the border would have been more entertaining for him, along with the chance to stretch these somewhat stiff muscles of his. well, finding a place to reside for the time being was the smarter thing to do; he could trespass as much as he wanted to in other clans as long as he's in one for now. the demon eyed the other being as he approached, noting the somewhat similarities of the two as well. there was no point in asking vigenere if he knew who leonidas was nor if he knew of anyone else in this realm who would. he knew not of where he originated from; where he himself spawned from. he only recalls being left within the most vicious clan at the time in his earlier days. but that hope and desire has been long discarded from his list of goals.

the maned wolf shrugged the thought out of his mind since that bit of his life was one of the least relevant events to ever occur in his life. leonidas would sigh as the other demon spoke those bland words that seemingly every average being here seems to go to in greeting. were they trying to be stone-cold and intimidating? was it the best way to communicate to strangers ? hell if he knew, it's been lucifer-knows-how-long since he's been in this realm and many things could have changed; many things did change - made him feel as if the existence of this place is somewhat different, like a replica of the other dimension. maybe it was, maybe it wasn't; doesn't really matter, now does it? during his thought process, morgan made his own appearance as well; inquiring the larger canine of his purpose for being here also. "leonidas - i'll be joining." the demon would respond to the both them.

then came yet another familiarity to exist within this tanglewood clan, with a name that shares that very same scent of him possibly knowing her. "huh? of course they are." the demon would respond as he began to eye aya lol for a brief moment. everything about his markings were natural; one would be able to see how well-connected the black markings are to his yellow pelt. the only thing unnatural thing about was his existence, but that was for later inquiries. he pondered on how much he could actually do here; hopefully a good amount of things to keep the ball rolling.



Re: SUMMONING 101// OPEN + JOINING - madster - 08-08-2018

malphas vehemently hated demons. it was no secret- at first, it was just his jealousy, but now that he had worked through some of his self-esteem issues it turned out he just hated them because of what they were. they were literal creatures of evil. even vigenere- a relatively good tangler- was still a demon, and thus malphas assumed all his bad qualities came from him. as he padded over, his crimson eyes glanced at the savannah. at first, malphas had considered the regent his enemy, but ever since vigenere had tried to calm him down that one night... well, he didn't like calling him his enemy now. they were working towards the same goal, the betterment of tanglewood. that was something malphas could get under.

still, no matter how he felt towards vigenere, other demons didn't get the same 'saved me from suicide' pass. he hid behind morgan, eyes narrowed. of course, he didn't know leonidas was in fact a demon, but had his suspicions anyways. "alright, leonidas." what a name. it's kind of cool, i guess... but he's totally overcompensating. "my name is malphas. i'm the medic here, so if you need any healing, come see me, i don't give a shit what your issue is." he had dealt with a fucking building crushing on somebody, he could pretty much handle any illness at this point.


Re: SUMMONING 101// OPEN + JOINING - Leonidas - 08-08-2018

another tangler known as malphas would make his next appearance eyeing leonidas. the looks made him snort more or less to himself. "noted." the male would respond towards the other male's statements. he really didn't see that much of use for medics, but he supposed they were yet another vital part in the functioning of this world. but hey, people still proved to find them as necessary for their survival. cyan eyes trailing back to vigenere, he supposed this would be a fine place to stay for whoever knows how long. "alrighty." the male responded, mentally documenting each individual's name in case they become something else in the near future.

//museless rn ahah

