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HAD TO SWING FOR THE FENCES || Meeting 8/8 - Printable Version

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HAD TO SWING FOR THE FENCES || Meeting 8/8 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-08-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Another week as gone by and Atbash was ready for another meeting. This time, the she-cat had no pendants to offer but that was fine; this was a slow week, after all. "Snowbound, gather around for a meeting!" Atbash called as she moved towards the Banquet Hall, hoping her tribe caught wind of her voice. Once at the cabin, she went inside to the Banquet Hall and waited a few seconds as the tribe started to gather. "First off, I'd like to welcome Wendell, Hitoshi, and Gwen to the tribe!" She chirped, casting the three of them a smile once they showed up. "Today's a short meeting so I'm just going to go ahead and revert back to our old style of doing things, so I only have one promotion this week, and that goes to Henri. I'd like him to step up to Polarheart." Hopefully the blind male could handle that. He seemed to do well with everything else. "A shoutout goes to Cry as well, you've done a great job being around so thank you!" The raven definitely was worth something, that's for sure, but Atbash wanted to wait a week before promoting her. "Izuku is currently holding tryouts for the Evergreen title, and I'm giving out Weekly Tasks this week. In addition to that, I'm also having a discussion about what we should do regarding Sunhaven so please stop by to get your opinion in. This is extremely important since they did ask for an alliance with us." That was all of the events this week, so what else was there to announce?

"I've noticed that there has been a little problem with people not being interacted with." Atbash's voice was stern as she spoke now and she didn't look at anybody in particularly as she talked. "I'd like to remind everybody to be nice with one another and try to interact, regardless if you don't actually get along. I don't want anybody feeling left out in Snowbound please." Alright, that's one problem down. Atbash closed her eyes and inhaled a breath before she continued on with a much softer tone. "A group known as The Pitt are now enemies. They're a smaller group, but they're the group that Stryker had run to after he got exiled. I have a feeling they played a lot whenever he attacked Izuku, so I'm not going to risk anything. However, please don't go seeking trouble with them. Snowbound is still a peaceful group." The last statement she emphasized, just in case. "Finally, there's going to be changes to our shop system. First off, Syamine is no longer currency and won't be used as such from now on. We will be accepting prey and herbs as our source of 'income' so to speak, so adjust your prices accordingly if you have a shop. I plan on opening a flea market type of deal where groups from all over - besides enemies - can come and buy things off of in exchange for the resources mentioned above. Snowbound's territory makes it hard to find prey and herbs, so I thought this might be a good way to get help with them." She stated, hoping that everybody was following along. "I'll be updating the shop system rules and such soon, so keep an eye out for the sheet of paper I'm going to have here soon." There was a pause before Atbash continued, "Also, if possible, I'd like to have some help with Weekly Tasks and OOC Prompts! Anybody is free to help, and you can sign up here." Now was that all? Atbash ran through her checklist in her head and gave herself a mental nod. "That's all. Unless anybody has any questions and my HPs don't have anything to add, meeting dismissed."

- Welcome to Wendell/Toboggan, Hitoshi/Charry, and Gwen/Mirror!
- Henri is promoted to Polarheart, and Cry receives a shoutout!
- Check out Izuku's Evergreen tryouts, Weekly Tasks, and the discussion Atbash is holding in regards to what we should do about Sunhaven (links are above).
- A few concerns have popped up about there being small cliques in Snowbound. Please try to reply to as many threads as possible, especially those with zero replies. Snowbound is supposed to be an open and friendly group! Any sort of interaction is okay, since it's absolutely fine to have your character hate another, so long as it isn't taken into OOC.
    - Adding onto the OOC bit, I did not add this in the IC meeting but I would like to remind everyone not to mix IC and OOC. IC actions have IC consequences, and sometimes things are hard to stop and think about before they happen. Some drama is okay, and in fact, sometimes they help with activity!
- The Pitt are now enemies due to Stryker being there
- The Shop System has been changed and I'm going to work on a Guide in the OOC board. From now on, only prey and herbs will be accepted as 'currency', due to Snowbound's terrain making it hard to find those. Syamine is no longer a thing. Keep an eye out for a shop Guide in the OOC board!
- Don't forget that there a sign up for Weekly Tasks/OOC Prompts! The link to that is above.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HAD TO SWING FOR THE FENCES || Meeting 8/8 - toboggan - 08-08-2018

One of the first to attend this meeting, Wendell shuffled into the ornamental banquet hall, sitting his rump down once inside, excitedly eyeing the leader in anticipation of these announcements. It had been a while, and now, the wolverine had hunch that he understood how things rolled around here.

The welcoming of him and a few other newcomers were the starting announcement. Wendell would return a grin as Atbash spoke his name aloud. The rest of the news wasn’t too enthralling: Henri had been promoted, good for him, Cry had been given a shoutout for good work, a group called the Pitt denounced as enemies, and something about cliques/interacting with others. Wendell had done his best to aid the last topic, but it would take more than just him.

All in all, it was a pretty moderate meeting.

Re: HAD TO SWING FOR THE FENCES || Meeting 8/8 - NUI HARIME - 08-08-2018

狡猾 / THE SLY

Making an entrance into the illuminated room of the banquet hall, Nui appeared on nimble limbs and a kind, graceful little smile upon her face.

She was the second to arrive, attention aimed wholefully at the Cipher as they spouted a list of newcomers, promotions and events.

They had gotten quite a few joiners this time around. Snowbound's force would grow exponentially.

And their currency system was changing. Practically being broken down and remade. Their wares would be sold for herbs and various other prey items; not a bad idea, in all consideration. Nui liked the sound of this, and pleased was she, that the crescent upon her lips tilted upwards, even further.

The Pitt were foes. Stryker, the traitor that had been exiled and chased out of Snowbound were affiliated with them. The felidae blinked thoughtfully. It all added up, yet Snowbound would not chase them down or attack the other group. They were set in their ways.

Settling back onto her haunches, Nui raised her frontal limbs in a gentle clapping gesture, the epitome of quaint satisfaction painted upon her face.

"Congratulations, Henri. Noted, Atbash."

Re: HAD TO SWING FOR THE FENCES || Meeting 8/8 - arcy - 08-09-2018

.. Izuku was kind of tired for anything right now. While he usually loves meetings, he really is just kind of .. lethargic. That was probably partly because of Locket. Her presence wore him down a lot. So .. he hadn't left his cabin a lot for the past few days. That was unfortunate. Still, Izuku dragged himself to the Banquet Hall when he heard it was being hosted. The dragon curls himself up on the ground as he listens, ears pricked. Henri is promoted, events are announced. Uh .. cliques. He wasn't part of that, was he? Izuku's ears turn nervously. .. He'll try and do better once he's feeling better, just in case. 'Feeling better' did not, in fact, include now. .. The pitt. Okay, Izuku is a little nervous about that. Enemies meant more injuries. Oh dear. .. Changes to the shop. Okay, good, he didn't need to worry about Syamine anymore.
"Understood! Congratulations, Henri," Izuku calls quietly from where he rests. But that's it, really.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: HAD TO SWING FOR THE FENCES || Meeting 8/8 - MirrorEdge - 08-09-2018

Gwen was one of the next few to arrive, offering a small nod to acknowledge she heard Atbash, the changes to the shop system not meaning much to her, but making a mental note to bring prey next time she needed something.

"C-congratulations, Henri." She said quietly. She may not have been heard, but it was okay.

Re: HAD TO SWING FOR THE FENCES || Meeting 8/8 - TSUYU. - 08-09-2018

After everything that had happened, Tsuyu was stumped. She was helpless, tired. Her limping was still there, sadly, and as the frog hybrid unsteadily hopped into the meeting area, she didn't seem to care about how late she actually was.

Charcoal eyes watched Atbash speak about their new enemies, and Tsuyu glanced down at the ground, before sighing softly under her breath. More enemies, it was terrible. But, that stupid lion had attacked Midoriya, after all.
"Congratulations, Henri. Ribbit." She croaked out, tilting her head to the side a bit.