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if you had been the moon / joining - Printable Version

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if you had been the moon / joining - emil - 08-08-2018

an island. a piece of land, surrounded by ocean. ocean. one of the things he loathed about the world, having nearly killed him at a young age. and where was his father for that? off some place fucking the void, or whatever his husband was. eros couldn't have cared less about that guy. perhaps if the two had been around for his childhood he wouldn't have been such an ass—then again, maybe not. it was hard to rid yourself of assholery when it seemed to run in the family.

the wolfdog tromped through the water, glaring at the gate stretching into the sky in the distance. who the hell thought it was a good idea to live on a deserted island, miles off the mainland? it was stupid, he thought, and yet he was still headed there for reasons unknown. maybe he just wanted a change in scenery; or maybe he just wanted some people to bitch to instead of yelling at trees and plants and frightened little forest creatures that were unfortunate enough to witness him. the stupid little beasts weren't good company, anyway. they were only good when he snapped their necks and ate them for lunch or dinner, whenever he seemed to be having his daily screaming fits.

having daddy issues was no easy task.

eros stopped just past the gate, whiskey eyes glaring into the jungle. a grumble escaped him at the feeling of sand between his toes. fuck, he hated sand. beaches were the worst. islands were the worst. why the hell did he decide it would be a good idea to come here? it was stupid, even for him. in the act of aggressively shaking a paw to try and rid it of the uncomfortable grit, he smacked a bell, sending it swinging and ringing loudly. "ah, shit—" the canine hissed out, paw shooting out to cease the thing's noise. he supposed that was one way to get their attention. if not simultaneously making them all immediately loathe him.

Re: if you had been the moon / joining - ADAKIAS - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]Sylvina didn't mind the obnoxious ring that the bell gave off - on the contrary, she learned to grow accustomed to it. Afterall, it signified someone at the border and there was nothing the minnow enjoyed more than having a bit of entertainment to lighten up her day. There were many reasons why someone might seek the attention of the Typhoon, however she preferred the interactions where matters were tense and between politics with other groups .. the Bengal was most definitely her father's daughter in that aspect. Newcomers seeking refuge or looking to join the ranks could also bring enthusiasm to her mind; there were some interesting creatures out there.

The kitten would pad forward to pause in front of the gate as olive hues began to instinctively investigate the foreign male. He seemed a bit frustrated - uncomfortable maybe? Thankfully he didn't seem within the manner of being a threat. Besides, if he had a negative intent Sylvina would probably perish by now. She wasn't exactly the most intimidating opponent being all but five pounds. "Hey." The ebony pelted feline would simply greet with an impassive expression. She'd leave the questioning up to her more experienced and older crewmates.

Re: if you had been the moon / joining - VANDAL R. - 08-08-2018

Re: if you had been the moon / joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-08-2018

The bell was definitely something that Caesar had to get used to, but he grew to like it since it signified a visitor. The demon pricked his ears at the sound of the bell ringing and stopped whatever he was doing at the time to make his way towards where the bell typically was. It seemed that Sylvina and Vandal beat him to being here, but that didn't matter. He was here, right? "You really should fucking remember you own damn rank." Caesar grumbled to Vandal as he finally arrived, his ears flicking irritably at her. "She's a fuckin' Privateer." He grunted as his gaze turned to the stranger that had rang the bell. "And I'm her superior. Officer Caesar Cipher." Might as well say his name to get that over with.


Re: if you had been the moon / joining - bubblegum - 08-08-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro injuries

goldenluxury enjoyed the bell. she certainly preferred to have it over having someone sit at the gate for hours waiting for somebody to pass by. it made things easier to grab their attention, at least. the girl had been a bit away, trying to learn how to use her electric elementals on her own. she'd rather do it away from others to avoid shocking them. she certainly was doing better, but they were still mostly out of control whenever she got too wet.

she still managed to arrive just after caesar, though, and would step silently beside vandal and sylvina, offering them a warm gaze. the girl's tired green eyes gave caesar a small glare, twitching his ears at his words. what an idiot. "nobody gives a damn what you are, caesar," she'd say blankly, rolling her eyes before turning towards the stranger.

the feline's harpy eagle sat upon her hind, seeming distracted by something in the distance. she offered the wolfdog a small smile, figuring he probably wasn't here to cause trouble as she waited for his response. most of the time people didn't ring the bell when they wanted to cause issues.

Re: if you had been the moon / joining - PINCHER - 08-08-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was a reserved man. One that was not fond to be shoulder to shoulder with anyone. He had been born on the island and had been the one to establish the Typhoon crew to remain in his birthplace but not out of wanting to cling to the memories of his short childhood innocence he had when living among the jungle tribe that his mother had led before being dragged away by his father. No, Pincher was one for advantages and strategies. His mind was always constantly weighing the options on a scale, what were the pros and what were the cons of any situation he came across. It was how he had been trained by the lessons of his piece of shit father figure, the one that demanded that to survive, one had to always be thinking of what was considered best. And after careful choosing, the male had picked the island for it's advantages. It was built upon volcanic earth, the dirt considered the most fertile and it allowed for plenty of food and growth. It was surrounded by water and this was an advantage on not being raided without being surprised and there being only one land-based choice for one to reach them. It had been perfect and the male had seen how well they were on a territory that was nothing to what other groups had.

But of course, Pincher was not satsified. He was tempted to build forts surrounding the island to increase security especially with how large the group had become but he knew that wouldn't make it appear very welcoming and the Typhoon was all about diversity, good and bad living among each other under the belief of freedom. It seemed to be working well enough but there was always that mocking voice of his father ringing in his ears when he would observe any flaws that his ideas may hold. For now, he was glaring at one stray boat that bobbed lazily in the water a few yards away from the entrance, noticing that some of the jet black paint had been peeled off a bit so he mumbled a soft curse and made a mental note to get it fixed as soon as possible. The male was ready to leave when he heard the bell ring, his round ears pricking and turning towards the direction. Someone wanted their attention, huh? Curious, the robust jaguar followed shortly after his crewmates, a soft chortle escaping his lips as he heard the banter that was flying in the air.

He did notice his daughter had cursed but he knew not to think about it too much since she was old enough to. He went to softly brush against her, his head bending down to softly press against her head with a soft purr rumbling in his throat before he turned his attention towards the rather irritated looking male, electric blue gaze locking onto him as he commented lightly "And I'm the superior of that walking lemon you see before you. I'm Pincher, the captain." Might as well introduce himself as well as poke fun at Caesar with his desire for everyone to know his rank.

Re: if you had been the moon / joining - Luciferr - 08-09-2018

"what does that make me? the local attack helicopter?" an amused voice rumbled from behind the gathering group, idly shooting Vandal a concerned look, she hadn't been too right since the bite and the void prince worried.

still he inched an eyebrow at Ceasar - ah the ever cantankerous officer - somewhat amused at watching the back and forth in front of him - or tired like a dad stuck with too many unruly children, either way.

Lucifer only snorted however "Lucifer grimm - a striker, since we're dragging out credentials" he shrugged spiked shoulders, watching Goldie and Sylvinia a moment before mercurial silver and unsettling red went back to focusing on the stranger.


Re: if you had been the moon / joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-09-2018

"Well to fucking bad, because I'm saying it no matter what you or anybody else says." Caesar growled back at Goldenluxury before fixing his posture and the look on his face as Pincher came over. The demon forced himself not to roll his eyes at the way the Captain spoke and referred to him as a 'walking lemon'. He completely ignored Lucifer's comment, since he didn't really have anything to add regarding that.