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sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - Printable Version

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sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - lessa - 08-08-2018

✯ — honestly, it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, always hoping for good to be
Perhaps it was odd the botanist had access to such a large, perhaps posh house, but... The Ren-Solo family was not exactly poor.  Her grandmother had been a prominent politician, her father a high ranking military man and so on went the line.  The young botanist herself... Well, she was happy living modesty, especially when she was often traveling.  But her father certainly never minded when she came back here.

The Ren household was actually somewhat modest, as far as rich people's houses went.  Her father had also been on the move a lot. It was on the smaller side of mansions, but it was tucked away in a beautiful countryside that Lessa adored getting lost in.  There was a perfect, if not a little overgrown - which added to the charm in her opinion - garden off to the side, and down through the forest path, a little lake.  She remembered swimming there as a child, and spending plenty of days feeding the ducks that stayed there.

Overall, it was a cozy place, almost entirely removed from the rest of the world and it's concerns and that made it perfect for her when she wanted to a break from the city.  She spent many weekends here, often alone as the place had not a single servant, but sometimes her father or grandfather were around to keep her company.

It was a great place to invite friends over.  Cozy, quiet, with plenty of open space to have relaxing picnics during the day or to do stargazing at night.  Her father had never minded before, so Lessa had no qualms inviting everyone over the weekend.  The weather looked potentially stormy though, so she decided to slip in mention of perhaps turning it into a mass sleepover. The place had the room after all but even then, it might be fun to have everyone huddle in the living room, all sleeping beds and couches - she'd leave the sleeping arrangements up to them and what they were each comfortable with.

With the invite having been sent out, Lessa cleaned up the house - it got dusty when she didn't keep her visits regular enough - and started on brewing some tea and hot chocolate.  She'd admit cooking was not her strong point, but she decided to set to making some a few batches of chocolate chip cookies as well.  It certainly kept her busy.  Granted, some of her time was spent trying to convince Sergeant and Lima - her St. Bernard and her father's rottweiler - to stop trying to steal said cookies off the counter whenever she was not looking between batches.  Even Calum, the trained hawk, seemed overly excited for the day and kept playing with her hair, messing up the brunette's braid on more than one occasion.

She grumbled and huffed at each in turn.  When everything was ready, the young woman adjusted her prosthetic legs, curled up on the couch, dressed in a pair of starry leggings and a "best botanist on mars" T-shirt ( the most appropriate sleepover clothes in her opinion ), with animals in tow to wait.  Lessa was no people person, but she appreciated her friends, and hoped this made the weekend nicer for them.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px cornflowerblue; font-size: 12px;"]— lessa ren solo

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - MirrorEdge - 08-08-2018

"So this is where you live, huh?" The younger girl, hands clutching the pillow she had brought with her, poked her head into the room Lessa was in, offering her a grin.

The stormy clouds could be seen outside the window, looming down on the house, and it quickly had Thea's facial expression morphing to one of worry. "You think the others have arrived yet? Or do you think they might be caught in the rain?" Plopping herself down on one of the couches near Lessa, she eyed the cookies for a few moments, before making up her mind and grabbing one. "These are good!"

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - ★ HAZEL - 08-08-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel had been, unfortunately, caught in the rain, and was nearly drenched by the time she reached the estate. She'd ended up draping her rain coat over her bag to keep the contents dry. She didn't enjoy the rain, but she didn't particularly mind it, either; her hair was already a lost cause in every situation, and her shoes were dangling from her fingertips five minutes into the trek towards the Ren household (which wasn't as far away as one might think.)

She was...fairly used to sleepovers at this point in time; she'd been living with Shay and Margy for the majority of her time away from her old house. On rare ocassions she would fall asleep at Bastille's, usually by accident. He'd never really woken her up and reminded her of the time, but instead left her to sleep. Anyway, Lessa's message had taken her by slight surprise: she didn't know the girl all that well, but still felt honored that she had invited her over.

After arriving, Hazel hesitated half a moment before letting herself in, a bit adverse to standing in the downpour. "Uh," She started a bit awkwardly. "Thanks for inviting us, Lessa. Do you possibly have a towel I could use to dry off with?" Hazel asked sheepishly, picking at her sopping shirt. "And...a bathroom I can change in?" Because she was not about to sit on Lessa's nice furniture when she was soaking wet.

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - VERSAILLESPALACE - 08-10-2018

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - MOONMADE - 08-10-2018

[size=9pt]"Second thoughts, V?"

Moon hustles up onto the footstep beside her, shoulders hugged high to his ears and a lobsided smile on his lips. There's the sound of his bike wheels still running, where he'd hopped off and thrown it to the ground as soon as he'd arrived. The boy is completely drenched. He'd never been the type to remember umbrellas. Besides, he wore the drowned rat look well. "I get it. Don't know why the fuck I'm here, either." He's dressed in a shaggy old top, so worn in it hangs loosely around his neck, and sweatpants equally as old looking. There's a bruise blossoming on his cheek, his lips are bitten, and how he looked wasn't exactly the trendy vintage thing a lot of kids his age were pulling off, recently, but it was something. At least he was dressed.

His voice is softer than usual, mostly because he sees the hesitation in the girl, the struggle, and he recognizes it. He knows how it feels to not know if you're welcome, to have your self deprecating thoughts win you over. If that was even it. Maybe he was projecting. "It's all good, though. We're in this together. I got brownies in my bag that'll make it worth our time." With a wink, the tall, disheveled disaster of a boy lifts his hand and knocks a tune on the door. "Big T's Escort Service!"

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - lessa - 08-11-2018

✯ — honestly, it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, always hoping for good to be
Lessa was glad she left the door unlocked - it made it easier for the young woman after all - and she beamed, albeit a little shyly, as Thea made herself known.  Looking very at home and comfy, which was good news to her.  She scratched the back of her head, and clicked her tongue.  "S-sort of... M-mostly weekends, it's my father's place," she explained, shrugging her shoulders back loosely.  "Grew up here...  For the most part." There was... A bit of time spent in between homes; between her father and her grandfather, who were almost always centimeters close to a full on custody battle, especially during her early childhood.  Their little family - well, it was far larger than most realized, she supposed - had a decent balance going for the time being. That being; they were often miles and miles apart from each other.

Those weren't exactly happy thoughts though and she quickly focused in on the rain, pattering out the window, chewing her bottom lip.  "… Hopefully it dies down a little."

Her checks flushed a little at the praise before her chocolate hues locked in on Hazel, poor girl drenched.  "O-oh there's a bathroom... Just down the hallway a bit, to your right, f-feel free to use some towels.  I-I've got some heated blankets t-too I can get out for you if you're still cold after.Or just in general really.  Lessa supposed thermal blankets were about to be extremely handy if everyone was coming in the rain.

'Big T's Escort Service'. Calum's shriek answered before Lessa scrambled off the couch, adjusting her prosthetics before quickly darting to the door.  "H-hey," she pushes her hawk off her shoulder as she opened the door, shooing him quietly.  "C-come on in." If anyone understood shyness, it was the young botanist. Barely a year or two ago, she probably would have never invited so many people over. Or even known that many by name, really.  It still made her stomach turn into knots, but she did her best to work around it, determined to be a friendly, caring face for anybody to call on.  "G-got blankets 'an fresh cookies."

Hopefully everyone warmed up fast.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px cornflowerblue; font-size: 12px;"]— lessa ren solo

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - VERSAILLESPALACE - 08-11-2018

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - BASTILLEPAW - 08-11-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille was caught in the rain, technically, except for the fact that the rain bent to his will at his leisure. The droplets arched and fell to the ground around him as he walked, leaving the 19 year old perfectly dry as he headed to Lessa's apartment. He wouldn't have gone normally, but Hazel had given him a very pointed look the other day and informed him that it would be rude to ignore her invite and besides, if she was going to go he could at least keep her company. It was hard to argue with that logic, and so there he was, grudgingly trekking across town for a... sleepover. How exciting.

He relaxed somewhat as he spotted Moon and Vi waiting, however, and was catching up to them with a yawn when Lessa made an appearance. [b]"Yo," he greeted idly, sounding just a note bored, but at Vi's mention of her shitty ass apartment situation he scowled. He'd told her that area was terrible, and he pointed out dryly, "You could always just move into my spare room. You know, like I offered last week, and the week before that."

He may sound a bit petty, but Bast thought he had the right to be concerned for the health of his long lost baby sister. He gave her a pointed look as he stepped past her, knocking his shoulder into Moon in greeting, and offered Lessa a hasty smile. And then he was carrying on, seeking out Hazel (he could feel the bond pulling them closer), and was relieved to find her with Thea. "Hey," he greeted, offering the girl a smirk before his attention dropped to Thea. "Who invited the squirt?" he teased, because he was an ass.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - MirrorEdge - 08-11-2018

Thea risked grabbing another cookie, and had been happily munching on it as she watched the others arrive, casting a look close to worry, or as close as she could get, to Vera. "I mean, unlike Bast, I can't really offer a place to stay, but I still hope it gets better!" She lived with foster parents, currently, and while they were nice enough, were a bit worried by the fact Thea had almost no friends her own age, and stuck with those older than her. So asking to let Vera crash would earn the young girl a quick 'hell no'. They had barely tolerated her coming over here as it was. Hopefully the older girl understood.

At Bast's words, Thea's eyes narrowed, and she tossed the pillow she had in her arms at him. "Jerk. I'm at least more mature than you." No hostility in her voice, and the grin on her face made it more clear she was joking. And the claim that she was more mature than him was a bit questionable, but eh, details.
Template by Quill

Re: sleepover au [...] drew our own constellations - ★ HAZEL - 08-12-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel’s shoulders sagged with relief at Lessa’s offer. “That’s perfect, Lessa — thank you.” She said, locking her jaw against the chatter of her teeth as she shuffled down the hall. Hazel had forgotten that air conditioning made rain (even during the summer) a lot less fun the moment you stepped inside, turning the house into a winter forest. Then again, she reflected, it was her choice to trek to the estate in the downpour. She’d gotten her fair share of fun out of it, especially in trying to get Bastille’s powers to break by splashing water at him. (She couldn’t believe he actually joined her; for all of his complaining, she thought he wouldn’t go.) Besides, she always enjoyed jumping in puddles. The only part that became tedious was if the storm turned into a torrential downpour — then it just became painful.

Hazel stripped down and changed as quickly as possible, the concept of a heated blanket nearly as enticing as warm cookies and friends. Not knowing what else to do with her wet clothes, she shoved them back into her bag and made her way back to the living room, flannel pj pants swallowing her feet and tank top covering just enough skin. She managed to reach them right as Thea tossed a pillow in Bastille’s direction, laughing under her breath. “I second that, Thea.” She mused. She didn’t, not really, but Hazel was down for a bit of fun and games whilst she struggled to braid her mop of hair.

“Does...anyone know how to braid?” It was more than embarrassing: being 17 and unable to braid her own hair. Generally she just tossed it up in a bun and left it to perish, but with it this wet? No thanks. She sat down in the floor with a towel wrapped over her shoulders, trying not to dampen everything in the room. That was when she took notice of Vi and Moon, straightening before smiling brightly at them. “Hi, guys. Nice of you to drop by. Though I can’t see why you let Moon tag along, Vi.” Hazel teased, sticking her tongue out at the boy of subject.

(Shrieks mobile post I didn’t proofread)