Beasts of Beyond
Any jobs around here? | intro - Printable Version

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Any jobs around here? | intro - Dragon- - 08-07-2018

San Creado. Murder Capital of the World and the place that his mum decided to drag him and Sam after her damned divorce.

Michael knew that his mother couldn't afford to move anywhere else, his grandpa already lived here and they were able to move in with him, but he still resented that she had to drag him halfway across the country and away from all his friends.
Sam, Michael's younger brother, wasn't happy with it either but he had at least managed to already make some friends. Michael had nobody.

It hadn't been that long since they had moved in, Michael didn't have much to bring except for his weights, but his grandpa's house did not feel like home. He doubted that it would ever actually feel like home, with all those weird-ass stuffed animals and the odd obsession that his grandfather had with root beer. it wasn't even that good a drink but his grandpa made a huge fuss about them not drinking it. He needed to chill, like, seriously.

The town of San Creado seemed to have a very punk population, with leather, piercings and funky clothes everywhere, so Michael decided to grab a leather jacket for himself, just to fit in a bit more, y'know?

The teen was currently strolling the boardwalk, arm draped around his younger brothers shoulders. Sam was rattling off nonsense about his comic books, as usual, when something seemed to catch his eye. The younger kid would shove Michael's arm off and run off to wherever the hell that he wanted to go, with Michael quickly following. "Sam! Slow the hell down!" Michael would shout, struggling to keep up with his brother in the thick crowd. "SAM!"

He wouldn't notice the guy that moved in front of him until it was too late. The teen would slam into the back of the guy and promptly fall backwards, slamming his head on the boardwalk. He would grimace and lift a hand to press at the back of his head, feeling a bit of moisture. Blood? ow.

Michael would narrow his eyes slightly as he stared up at the guy. "What was that for, dude! How did you not notice me?"

Michael's head would throb and he'd wince, a slight scowl on his face.
Template by Quill

Re: Any jobs around here? | intro - MARKO ! - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — marko enjoyed watching people. he felt better at it than talking sometimes, and on nights where san creado's boardwalk found itself with enough people on it to be considered half-full in certain chokeholds, it was an excellent activity to partake in. besides, the people scared off his pigeons, so he decided that maybe picking someone out and following them around would be pretty fun. rooftops were his go-to, leaving him nearly invisible if he kept himself a certain distance from the walkways themselves, and after a short amount of time he found himself a keeper, a kid probably around marko's physical age with some younger kid, the two of them talking. tourists, probably. readying a hunt for ghosts or ghouls or something else that was stupid and made-up.

those two found themselves in the thickest area of the crowd, nearby the old concert space (that seemed about as full as things ever really got around town, maybe some band thought it'd be fun to tour there?), and marko was following along from the rooftops. then the kid ran off, towards what he was pretty sure was a comic store that marko’d heard was around for longer than the town's vampire issue, and the older of the two ran after him and, oh, straight into someone. and, oh no, he fell down, too!

marko couldn't help himself, practically crying with laughter. it was a good call on his part to watch those two, and the dazed look on the dude’s face made it all the more worth it.

of course, he settled down quickly. this was a special case, one where the boardwalk was moving at more than a slug’s pace, and he had to act on his instincts as soon as he got them. it wasn't all that often where he decided to eat out in the open, after all. he checked a pocket for his knife, straightened his posture, and jumped off the roof, making a beeline for the kid.

oh, there was one problem with his plan, one that marko didn't think about until he was up close and personal with him. the kid was rather attractive looking, hair puffy and nice, physique… a bit more chiselled than the other guys out there. marko decided upon a plan to decide what his plan would be later, and to just get himself alone with the kid first.

still holding back a snicker, marko reached out a hand to the kid, finding no reason not to hide his fangs. "you new 'round town?" he asked, making a few decisions right then and there. he definitely was new, his leather jacket clear of any scuffs or patches or spikes or, like, anything. much different than marko’s, just about every inch covered in a different piece of fabric. maybe using himself as a benchmark would be a poor idea, considering the years he'd spent on his jacket, but marko figured that his favored subculture of the tiny town would work well enough. "or are you just out here for the concert?"

he'd need to make sure it actually was a concert that was going to happen, but having his meal just be there to sightsee would be an easier excuse for him to chow down than if he was actually a resident. or maybe marko should just get going and kill him before he got an answer, put the poor guy out of his misery from such a “bad” fall.

whatever. marko would just let his own charm take him through to whatever logical conclusion the situation would end up at, even if that just meant helping the guy up.

//mobile, hopefully this doesnt look/read horribly omg

Re: Any jobs around here? | intro - alexander - 08-08-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Alexander didn't particularly like being out during the day, but it seemed like the more active the town got, the more they were out in the sunlight. The vampire was dressed in a t-shit and jean shorts, enjoying the summer weather under their umbrella. There wasn't much to do at the moment, other than window shop and watch the tourists and civilians alike wonder around the boardwalk. It was a good day to be out nonetheless, one hundred bottles of sunscreen wasted or not.

They hum along to the faint music playing from the amphitheater, burgundy eyes drifting past the shop windows to the people walking around them. They're seriously considering heading to Rialto's carriage until they catch the sight of Marko walking along the rooftops, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. Just what did he think he was doing, when he knew he should be down on the ground, healing some broken ribs and all the other injuries he had acquired during his fall? Alex bares their teeth, marching toward the closest wall so they can glare up at the Undertaker. They open their mouth, a threat already on their tongue, when -

When someone bumps into their side, making them stumble slightly to the side. They whip around just as Marko jumps down from the roof, a scowl dragging down their lips. "I didn't see you because there are better things to look at." Alexander snaps, already annoyed by this man's attitude. They shoot a glance Marko's way, raising a brow at his questioning. The youngest vampire wasn't usually this curious about his food, though they couldn't fathom what else he could want from this human. He looked like a tourist, or any of the other newer residents of San Creado. There was no reason to pick him out, at least not from what they could see.

They huff and step back behind Marko, bringing their umbrella closer to their head. The young blood could have this one - that attitude probably made his blood bitter, too. They lean casually against their friend's back, making sure the umbrella also covered him and pretending that they weren't. They give Michael a once over, at once realizing why the Undertaker was giving him some extra attention. The stranger was dressed in a biker getup, though a lot less flashy than Marko's own. Alexander frown pulls into a sharp-toothed grin, eyes scrunching into half moons in their amusement. "Hey, young blood! This one looks like you when you were just fifteen. Look at his jacket." They giggle, leaning over his shoulder to smile down at the human, a hand coming up to cover their mouth. Oh, this just turned much more fun.

Re: Any jobs around here? | intro - Dragon- - 08-08-2018

Michael would sigh slightly, closing his eyes for a few moments as he collected himself. "Sorry, man. I've just been having a bad day, didn't mean to snap at you." he'd say, a tad bit quieter than before.

He would startle slightly, giving a quiet squeak of surprise as he looked up and found a hand directly in front of his face.
The teen would would firmly grasp it with his clean hand and pull himself upright, wiping the bloodied hand on his jeans. "Nah, I ain't here for the concert. I just moved here." He'd answer the owner of the hand. The hands owner was certainly,, something. Michael had hesitated slightly at the view of what appeared to be fangs but the dude may have just needed some serious dental work and he wasn't up to being rude about it.

Michael would laugh lightly, not wanting to seem offended when it was said that he looked like a fifteen year old. "haha, yeah. I just got my jacket, it's certainly different than his." The blond's jacket didn't seem to have a single free space on it, a variety of patches and a tassel-y thing covering it.

"I'm Michael, who're you two?"

It would be rather odd to be standing here with the two boys. The local humans would give them a wide berth, knowing that it was all too likely that the brown haired teen could be yet another face on a missing persons flier in the coming days, not moving to intercept or save him for risk of their own lives and families.

Michael was too oblivious to notice the pitying and nervous looks, going by the close moving tourists and assuming that everything was alright. If only he were right.
Template by Quill

Re: Any jobs around here? | intro - MARKO ! - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — marko barely heaved as he helped the kid—michael, apparently—up, looking to alex in surprise. he was so focused that he never even noticed the older vampire, really, not until they spoke. it made him laugh, as most things did, the comment about his... previous looks. "look, man, i at least had a few patches on my old jacket back then!" he said, moving a hand to his mouth in an attempt to stifle his laughter. the vamp looked so, like, bad, back then, too scared of others' opinions to explore his... anything. michael was much better looking than him, even during his last months as a human, marko would've felt almost jealous if he wasn't laughing over the idea of himself at fifteen.

now then, what the hell did michael actually say? he said that he was actually living in the town, which was a bit of a relief. he was starting to really enjoy the look of michael, his sparkly eyes, his everything. his name was cute, too, although it certainly... reminded marko of something.

"michael, huh? my name's marko, michael, and this is alex," the undertaker said, stepping out of alex's grasp to face him easier. "you remember before i officially dropped out, alex, the michael i killed? the swimmer? looked similar to this michael. maybe less handsome, though. shame it was, what, twenty years ago, right?" it was almost shocking how much he'd matured since losing the ability to age. he got more confident, better at thinking through things, better at being safe (though his side was still very much bruised from a certain crash), everything. it felt so long ago, really.

now then, back to the main issue at hand. marko took another step, this time less about being "further from alex" and more about being "closer to michael." he pushed his curly hair out of his face, paused a moment, and ran a hand through michael's, cupping the human's cheek and cocking his head in near-curiosity. he wasn't entirely sure whether or not he'd feed on the kid or not, yet, but was starting to think up a middleground idea. a fun middleground.

a middleground he'd never performed before.

marko took a step back, glancing at the crowds around the three. er, avoiding them. if michael wasn't going to the concert, then he'd have no need to be surrounded by so many tourists. he glanced at alex, giving them a sly smile, before turning back and speaking. "so, michael. how about i take you around town? show you the sights tourists don't know about?" he held his hand out, ready for michael to take it and follow him.

Re: Any jobs around here? | intro - Dragon- - 08-10-2018

Michael's eyes would crinkle at the corners as he laughed, bringing a hand to rub at the back of his head. "I wasn't plannin' on putting patches on it but I could!" The patches were rather interesting, to be honest. It had a bunch of patches of varying size, colour, fabric and pattern, as well as what appeared to be a..multi-coloured shoulder tassle? that was pretty rad.

The dude, Marko, as Michael had just found out, had a really nice laugh.

Michael would chuckle slightly at the repeated use of his name, also noting the name of the guy that he had previously run into. "Yeah. You totally killed another Michael before you were even born, haha." Michael would say, voice full of mirth. "if you did that, I killed two people a hundred years ago."

The brunet would be evidently uncertain as he felt a hand brushing through his hair, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he opened his mouth to speak. He would pause, words falling short, and a quiet squeak would escape him, a blush enveloping his face as Marko cupped it. He felt very warm in this moment and was unsure how to break the intense eye contact from the other teenager. Huh, Marko had really nice eyes.

Michael would simply stand there for a few seconds after Marko had stepped back; still trying to register what had happened. He would shake his head slightly and straighten up, awkwardly twitching his hands at his sides. He wasn't sure how this other dude got him flustered but it was sort of bothersome.

He would offer an awkward smile and nod slightly as the blond spoke once more; offering a tour around the town. "Sure! That'd be great, dude." He'd say in reply, a bit too quickly, although he didn't understand why. He would stride forwards, clasping his hand around Markos. "Hell yeah, lets go!"
Template by Quill

Re: Any jobs around here? | intro - alexander - 08-10-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Alex wasn't in the mood to mess with Michael right now - Marko seemed to be planning to do that enough for the both of them - so they took the apology for what it was. They acknowledge the boy's words with a nod of their head and small tch. They break into a smile when Marko mentions another Micheal that he had killed, a laugh bubbling in their throat. They raise a brow when Michael joins, and only laughs harder at his skepticism. They push an elbow into Marko's side, wiggling their eyebrows. "Looks like the newcomer's already one-upped you, young blood. He's been killing for as long as I've been a vampire!"