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do i look like a loser to you? - o, joiner - Printable Version

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do i look like a loser to you? - o, joiner - fabrie - 04-01-2018

[glow=#590a04,2,300]▶rosepaw scholz - tags - ascendants - observer - she/her - kitsune◀[/glow]
Dark paws carried her across the land, as she was dead set on her destination. It was the dead of night, and nearly silent asides from the occasional clicking of the metal around her paw. Rosepaw had a plan, and she wasn't going to let it wait until the morning. She really just wanted to get over to her future home. When she did, she could finally put her past behind her. No longer would she be Winepaw Idoni, but Rosepaw Scholz. It was refreshing to put everything behind her, even if she had to live a complete lie. In fact, lying was the least of her concerns.

After what felt like hours, the kitsune made a stop at the border, red eyes trained forward. She took a seat, and almost out of pure boredom, dropped a deck of cards in front of her. she'd been carrying it along with her for awhile now, and she honestly never went anywhere out without it. Taking her eyes of of the deck, she looked up again, only to see that there was still nobody there. Clearing her throat, she figured she'd speak up. "Parddone-moi; I know it's late, but I'm here to join." While she wasn't particularly loud, her voice had a high enough volume to at least attract someone. Although, for the time being, she opened up her card deck and began playing some solitaire. She didn't know how long it would take anyone to show up, and she figured that she might as well do something to cure her own boredom.

//hh, i'm writing this at midnight + i'm tired, so please excuse any errors/it being kinda dull. c':

Re: do i look like a loser to you? - o, joiner - BASTILLEPAW - 04-01-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
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Gods, was he tired. His headaches had been draining him lately, and when he wasn’t going stir crazy he was sorting through every damn herb he could think of in an effort to make the damned things disappear. He was starting to think he would never recover from the constant headaches. Aside from a brief reprieve that morning, he’d been plagued every minute of every day, it felt like.

”Welcome to Ascendants territory,” the bengal said idly, suddenly phasing into visibility in front of the stranger. Bastille didn’t seem to notice his invisibility had kicked in, and continued idly, ”I’m Bast. You’re can stay if you’d wish; the Observatory is just behind us.” He jerked his head towards it as he spoke, quite to the point.

Re: do i look like a loser to you? - o, joiner - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 04-01-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE —It had been quite a while since he had last had a restless night, although it seemed his insomnia was rearing its ugly head once more. Ah well, he didn’t want to sleep anyway.

Bouncing along through the darkened fields, Vinny didn’t actually expect to come across anyone, Rosepaw’s voics taking him by surprise. Making his way over, the massive kangaroo gave the kitsune a tip of his head, gazing at her in curiousity before speaking. “Hey. Sorry that took so long, you took me by surprise a bit. Err, anyway- welcome to The Ascendants, I’m Mementomori, but you can call me Vinny.” He said, introducing himself with a small, friendly smile. — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE
