Beasts of Beyond
SUCH A SORRY WASTE - open; wanderer/joiner - Printable Version

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SUCH A SORRY WASTE - open; wanderer/joiner - rhosmari - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]He was....tired. Perhaps that was why he was wandering so much lately. Maybe he was looking for someone that could exorcise him and put him on the other side where he belonged. Strange though to be dead and to just feel so bogged down and even restless. Everything used to be a matter of time and now there was none. And infinite amount of possibilities laid out before him and all because of his soul being ripped in half from his body and placed somewhere else. Now, he was just doomed to a split fate and what came with that was an inability to truly die. Sure he had no body anymore thanks to his lovely daughter who killed him just because he trapped her in a box. His glowing eyes seemed to roll in their sockets and he shrugged his shoulders a bit, transparent form shifting aimlessly as he looked down at the ground that he hovered over. Dead. The idea of it never frightened him really and to die was something he had expected to happen but this part of what he assumed was death had come as quite a surprise and then when it had happened he understood how his supposed dying worked. He could only die in his world, not this one or the next universe or whatever different cosmoses existed out there. It was stupid. He felt empty and after so much wandering as a ghost he had begun to drift a bit, losing his own consciousness to the aimless wandering and going, becoming hollow and unfeeling. Often just floating through objects without a care and giving others the willies when he was nearby.

Now the spirit was floating through a dark forest really unaware of his surroundings. His transparent form held a strange glow to it from certain areas of his body. His gaze was one of them, always looking as if he was staring straight ahead but he was shifting his gaze here and there. At first he didn't seem very aware of his surroundings, not by a long shot but after a moment his body seemed to still and his head lifted up, head turning to the side for just a moment before his ghostly paws settled upon the ground, half sinking through the solid earth as his consciousness formed words before sentences began to form and then a questioning. Where the fuck was he? He lifted his head up to look at the canopy that blotted out any light that tried to reach the ground. "Where the....hell....?" He jolted at his own voice, lifting up a paw to press it against a transparent muzzle. It sounded otherworldly, too strange to be his voice and he swallowed hard before looking down at himself. Oh yeah, death. Puffing out a breath even though he didn't exactly need to breath he started to walk forward, body still partially in the ground instead of on top of it but it wasn't like he was actually paying attention to that.

Re: SUCH A SORRY WASTE - open; wanderer/joiner - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-07-2018

She had grown tired as well. Only what she had grown tired of? Was making somewhere besides the mansion feel like home, when nowhere else could ever beat where her blood ran strong and she first learned other's could care for her, that she could care for them. Jiyu had tried to make it with other groups for so long after she lost this place and that was why she recognized him the second her ghostly optics locked onto his form. One of the places she had stayed longest? Was also somewhere he had called home before, somewhere she kept going back because she had no home and nowhere else to go. Yet, Jiyu had eventually grown tired of it and the last time he had seen her was long ago, she had ditched, went off the map completely except for the occasional story of her killing some poor sap and eating them. Clearly, a large cannibalistic calico who walked like a corpse, had mismatched eyes like that of dead fish and sabered fangs, stood out in stories. Jiyu never bothered covering her trail often, very few were fool enough to pursue her.

Radioactive was not here for her, but seeing his again was somewhat pleasant. Even if she never could care about him and the other's in the way she cared about Roseblood and those here, she had cared somewhat for her temporary shelter and those within it. "My home, The Roseblood" she had enough nostalgia that he was not greeted in the way most intruders were, she wanted to give him the chance to not be a threat because she really didn't feel like killing someone she didn't have an entirely nonexistent opinion on. Jiyu could only hope the male gave her the same, or she would have to deal with him promptly to keep her 'heart' safe, treat him like any other threatening trespasser and somehow find a way to negate the threat.

"I'll show you around if you promise not to be a threat, this place was home long before you met me." of course she had not been able to find where he stayed for a very long time now, maybe it didn't exist anymore. To Jiyu, different universes and such really didn't matter nor exist, she seemed to just exist even when she didn't want to, so the calico never bothered telling the difference anymore. "You need a place to stay, don't you. If I can make it you definitely can." she didn't have sympathy but she also knew he could be a loyal and powerful addition if she just gave him reason or chance. Plus, as stated before, Jiyu didn't want to fight him right now. "Radio." of course, proof she remembered him was likely a good place to start.

Re: SUCH A SORRY WASTE - open; wanderer/joiner - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-08-2018

peytriviing could assume all of the rosebloods had experienced death at some point, aside from the little one's of course. they were aware that sola had passed on once. felix. cain, he wasn't so sure about but they had heard he disappeared often to the realm. they themselves had died young. though never had they seen someone remain in their ghostly form. radio's was the first true 'ghost' pey had come across.

they weren't quite sure what to classify radio as. ghosts couldn't be trespassers, could they? there were probably tons roaming the mortal plane without solid figures yet, and as far as they knew there was no sage in place around the mansion to ward bad ones away. though a curious glance was sent jiyu's way.

"you know him?" they wondered if perhaps radio was from the rosebloods once before. before they had returned to the living world and rejoined cain.