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play the gf of my gay vampire? - Printable Version

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play the gf of my gay vampire? - ace - 08-07-2018

Hello! I play Catheryn, currently residing in San Creado, a supernatural town for which you can find the guide here! It's basically a quiet little supernatural town, where humans are also welcome, and the ... less than normal qualities of some of the residents is more of an open secret than anything else.

A big part of her development is coming into her own regarding feelings, and letting herself get close to someone, so I would really like it if someone could get together and plot something together with me!

I don't really mind about who the girl is, you can make up a new character or use an existing one, and I'd like to have casual interaction threads to see how compatible they are, but yeah! Just post here if you're interested and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

Edit - Ah, this isn’t first in best dressed so feel free to throw more characters at me! I’d like to pick the best fit for Cat and her development!

Re: play the gf of my gay vampire? - Una. - 08-07-2018

I'm interested! owo

Re: play the gf of my gay vampire? - ace - 08-07-2018

Ah, hey! What's up! Thanks for the speedy reply lmao, what kind of character did you have in mind? You can see Cat's sort of messy storage here for a little gander on her personality! And I can always tell you more!

Re: play the gf of my gay vampire? - Una. - 08-07-2018

Lmao np. I was thinking my character could be on the shy and naive pure side as Cat seems to be very cold and distance from a lot of people so perhaps she could be overly-protective over my character? :0

Re: play the gf of my gay vampire? - ace - 08-07-2018

Aaaa, that’ll work! They probably have to be more outgoing than Cat, like seek out her company and be more of a sunshine person than Cat is just to be able to balance her out and pull her out of her shell. I’m thinking your character would probably make friends with Cat’s current friends before her and then they’ll try and convince her to admit she actually has feelings and it’ll be funny and awkward

And yes! That would work really well actually! Since Cat already has a protective streak for other young girls because of her history, she’ll be all confused and won’t know why she just wants to keep This One Girl safe and repress her feelings for a while lmao.

Uhhhh, would you play a human or some other supernatural entity? We have pretty much everyone in SC from witches to vamps to werewolves

Re: play the gf of my gay vampire? - Una. - 08-07-2018

She'll be a human! I'll start working on her sub rn! How old is Cat btw?

Re: play the gf of my gay vampire? - ace - 08-07-2018

Neat! Love me some drama, Cat is 19 physically but like she doesn’t age anymore so about 80 mentally? She’s stopped keeping count haha