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tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - Printable Version

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tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - toboggan - 08-07-2018

This was his first weekly task here in Snowbound: make a mass meet and greet, and give it a twist. Wendell had almost immediately envisioned it when leaving the banquet hall; it was a typical meet and greet, though the catch was that you had to bring an item to trade with someone else. It didn’t matter what the item was, as long as you didn’t mind parting ways with it. Optimistically, there wasn’t anyone in the clan bothered by these restrictions, though you never knew. It was thinking of the twist that was the easy part, spreading the message prove more difficult. The wolverine had tried handwritten cards, but there was always that one illiterate person. In the end, he decided on simply speaking to the several people he actually knew, asking them to relay the memo to everyone they meet so that this game would work out.

The setting was just to the side of the village, where Wendell had gotten set up. The item he had brought with him was a bracelet, dressed in violet beads and a gemstone or three. It was still in good shape, and it looks as if it hadn’t been used as of yet.

It was about the time when this thing began. Here goes nothing. "Wha’s goin’ on, everyone?" he began, regardless of the amount of people there, ”My name’s Wendell Harrowsmith, and I’m th’ one who dragged ye’ all out here. I jus’ joined Snowbound, and, uh... I’m a wolverine.”. Addressing his species was the most important out of all of that, he felt. Ever since he got here, occasional stares were shot in his direction. Wendell knew that he wasn’t a dog or cat, the fact of which bothered him none. He liked being different. Besides, everyone here was a Snowbounder in the end.

”I’m what you’d  call an “alcohol enthusiast”, and a “food enthusiast” as well. Th’ item I brought with me ‘s a bracelet, a nice purple one. Some ol’ hermit claimin’ t’ be a mystic gave me it, sayin’ it had supernatural powers, or somethin’. So yeah, that’s me. Feel free to take the wristband.”

Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - MirrorEdge - 08-07-2018

The grey kitsune was next to arrive, white-tipped tails curling around her body as she spoke. "I'm Gwen. Uh, just Gwen." She had a last name, sure, but it was something she cast aside awhile ago. No need to toss around a name you didn't recognize as your own anymore. "I brought a potted p-pine tree." She was quick to push it forward, "I don't know, maybe use it as a decoration in your home or something i-if you want." Or just toss it out and fail to inform her. It was probably best not to tell her if you did, though.

"I don't really have much that's interesting about me. I like learning new things, if that c-counts."

Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - Dimitri - 08-08-2018

"Oh! Wendell!! You’d get along great with Dagon. When he comes out to drink sometimes he likes to have buddies for the friends!” What approached them was a dapple brown tom with green eyes that were near radioactive in their glow.

"I am Divertimento! I am one of Dimitri’s alternate personas! We have eight total people in our head! Hello!” Oh boy he was excited to be out- Dimitri only used him for social events but that didn’t mean he was satisfied. Maybe that was why he liked attention.
”I didn’t know I was suppose to bring something so I’ll be right back with that!” he exclaimed, running off to their cabin.


Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-08-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Bringing something to trade in order to participate in a mass meet-and-greet was definitely an interesting twist on this simple task, and Atbash was impressed by Wendell's thinking. The Hailcaller decided on bringing some gems from her shop, seeing as she had an excess of them. She hadn't officially set up her shop yet, but she was getting ready to. "Thanks for setting this up, Wendell!" Atbash chirped as she came over, a smile on her face. "My name's Atbash Cipher, and I've been in Snowbound for a while. Three months, actually." She said before pushing forward some of the gems she had. "I brought a couple gems from the shop I'm planning on setting up soon since these are some extras I have." She explained, eyes shining.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - toboggan - 08-09-2018

Some extra treasure never hurt anyone, did it? Gazing at what Atbash had to offer, some pretty gems from a shop she was apparently creating, Wendell wondered how much of an advantage he’d have over everyone else if he had claimed possession of those rocks. He believed in fair play, but it wasn’t cheating if you traded something of your own. "I’m interested ‘n whatcha have t’ offer," the wolverine gushed eagerly, striding towards his leader, ”d’you want m’ bracelet, boss?”

//[member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member] 

Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - arcy - 08-09-2018

Oh. Izuku hadn't realized he was supposed to bring something here, either. The dragon had approached when he heard the call, but had kind of stopped dead when he realized oh. I need to bring something. .. Luckily, this isn't a challenge. Izuku has quite the hoard in his home. So it's just a matter of what he thinks other people would like from it. The dragons looks a little nervous, but he smiles anyways as he settles on the ground.
"Hi. I'm Izuku. I'm the Frosthealer, I've been here since April, so maybe .. four months?" He tilts his head. Huh. He's been here for quite a while, then. This would be his fifth month here, and next would be his sixth. Wasn't that strange? He likes it, though. "Um. I like drawing and analysis. .. Okay. He had other interests, but he was kind of a mess, leave him be. Had he even done proper analysis in a while? He's not sure, honestly. He misses it. Uh .. anyways. Izuku conjures a few notebooks and a blue sweater into his talons, before standing. He wobbles a little, before making to approach Gwen with a bright smile. "Do you want to trade?" He asks. He seems a little nervous, but content enough. A potted pine tree would, in fact, be nice, y'know?
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - MirrorEdge - 08-09-2018

Gwen had sat quietly, listening to the others introduce themselves, and a small smile formed at Divertimento's words, pale blue eyes following the cat as he dashed towards his cabin for something to trade. It was kinda of how she reacted when she was supposed to bring something, and ended up potting a young pine tree. At that thought, she glanced down at it. Hopefully it'd survive being put in a pot like that. She hadn't been as careful as she should've been with it.

Izuku's words reached her ears, and she snapped out of her thoughts, nodding at Izuku's offer. "Uh, here, then. I already watered it, so it should be good for now." With that, she pushed the pot towards him.

//a bit sick, so rushed

Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-09-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Oh, right, the bracelet! Atbash looked down at the bracelet that Wendell had offered and nodded at his question. "Sure, I'd love it!" She chirped, pushing forward the gems she had brought. As Izuku came over, the she-cat looked over at him with a smile. He seemed to be tired a lot lately, and she was kind of hoping the smile would come across as encouraging.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - Dimitri - 08-10-2018

"I am back with something and hopefully Dimitri won’t mind!” Divertimento had... a blanket. The tom had it folded up and hanging between his jaws. Even then he was dragging on the ground slightly.

"I am back with a blanket for you newcomers because it is cold here! I’m Divertimento and I don’t get out in the body as much as I’d like to!”


Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - madster - 08-10-2018

henri was the next to pad over, blind eyes shut. a mass meet and greet, huh? this should be easy. he liked talking about himself. cracking a wide grin, he began speaking. "greetings and salutations, everybody! my name is henri leonidas, but you can just call me henri." he paused to giggle, being quite unnerving. "uh, i'm a polarheart, and i have no idea what that means, but it's cool." he grinned, continuing speaking. "uhm, i'm very friendly! so please don't be afraid to come talk to me. i'm very nice! i'm also blind, but don't let that throw you off, i'd like to think i'm just as cool as a person with sight."

huh, he had nothing to offer. "oh, sorry, i don't really have anything... unless anybody wants my eyes! they're pretty useless, so i'll gouge em' out for you. it's a fun gift, isn't it?"