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Plot with this armored smilodon? - Printable Version

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Plot with this armored smilodon? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-07-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Hello! Meet Agent Washington, a former human that has come from another world. His current goal is trying to become human, but strange things he's not used to keep popping out of nowhere so its constantly sidetracking him and his comrades. He's extremely naive of what is capable of being done in this world, and doesn't believe that vampires, demons, spirits, powers etc. actually exist. He always tries to explain everything in a logical manner, and if it doesn't make sense to him, he just gets confused or just pushes it to the back of his mind so that he doesn't end up reacting. He's an armored smilodon! Wearing armor on his head, chest, and his arms. He has a lot of powers but has only discovered one so far! More details on his personality are in the tags below. Washington is currently dealing with a mental problem that was caused by basically an entity trying to kill itself inside of his head. So, he deals with some memory loss, and episodes that happen when he is under a lot of stress. Despite being in the Ascendants, anyone that attacks him, Washington will mark as an enemy and will attack your character to kill them so keep that in mind! Other than that, this what this soldier is open to!

Open to:
- Friends (slow burn)
- Friendships
- People following him around
- People asking him for help with something that he will reluctantly do
- Enemies (very easy to accomplish)
- One-side crushes on him
- Trying to explain an aspect of this world slowly so that he may try to understand it, he is incredibly stubborn and may just end with saying that it isn't possible
- Teaching how to do regular tasks as he's not used to paws (cooking, writing, he will refuse to hunt however)
- Introducing him to many different types of food that are close to what humans eat (he will be suspicious of food given to him by enemy groups and will refuse to eat it)
- Someone there that will mentally support him but won't crowd his personal space
- Any and all positive plots are welcome!

Closed to:
- Love
- Litters
- Capture
- Torture
- Any sort of injury as I have plenty of injuries planned for him in the future
- Death

Any plots that are not up above feel free to ask about it below! I'm hoping to get a lot of plots and interactions going with this guy as I want to get him out there c :
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: Plot with this armored smilodon? - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-08-2018

I have this guy here how i actually have enough gems for now to give him his direhound body!! I have just been trying to figure out different ways for him to lose this body so he can found a new one. Maybe Washington could do that?. Kazumi is in a rather unstable state right now so he goes around and kills people little left and right without caring to hide his tracks or anything, so maybe Wash could found one of Kaz victims how have been completely drained out of blood or catch him in the middle of the feeding? (if you wanna give Wash a difficult time for not believing in the supernatural xD)

Kaz how has no powers and not really in a size to compete against Wash will lose and be killed c': Kazumi won't put up much of a fight though since he tries to found out ways to get back his powers and despite him not knowing if he will be able to posess a new body or not will be in a 'idc mood' and just be curious to see what will happends, and if that might trigger his powers or something xD

Re: Plot with this armored smilodon? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-08-2018

(08-08-2018, 02:56 PM)KAZUMI link Wrote:
I have this guy here how i actually have enough gems for now to give him his direhound body!! I have just been trying to figure out different ways for him to lose this body so he can found a new one. Maybe Washington could do that?. Kazumi is in a rather unstable state right now so he goes around and kills people little left and right without caring to hide his tracks or anything, so maybe Wash could found one of Kaz victims how have been completely drained out of blood or catch him in the middle of the feeding? (if you wanna give Wash a difficult time for not believing in the supernatural xD)

Kaz how has no powers and not really in a size to compete against Wash will lose and be killed c': Kazumi won't put up much of a fight though since he tries to found out ways to get back his powers and despite him not knowing if he will be able to posess a new body or not will be in a 'idc mood' and just be curious to see what will happends, and if that might trigger his powers or something xD

Oh hell yeahhhh a fight would be amazing! However, Wash doesn't have the morals to really care if someone is killed, but of Kazumi were to attack him, Washington would certainly try to kill him then and there as he doesn't appreciate being attacked by anyone haha. But I can totally have Wash discover another one of his powers during the fight, and since he can only uses his paws to fight its a little bit difficult xD Maybe Kazumi didn't get enough to feed and wants to attack Wash bc he's still hungry? Would that fit his personality? But oh yeah, Wash will be completely confused as to what Kazumi is even doing, will think about vampires and be like "nah that's not possible" xD But if you don't want Kazumi to straight out attack Wash first, since Wash knows that he's from the Typhoon, or at least the last time he met him, he still was, that could mean if he killed an NPC ascendants member, then he would probably just outright attack him bc he's an enemy and enemies are supposed to be killed haha. Do you want the thread to be private, private then open? or open?

Re: Plot with this armored smilodon? - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-08-2018

Wash is a bear sized creature right? it wouldn't make much sense for Kaz to attack someone that bigger then himself xD Kazumi wouldn't be that arrogant haha. But yeah he is from the Typhoon and since i think his clan lays behind the locked in maybe Kaz could provoke Wash about that? like if Wash ask if it is his people how did that and Kaz how not really knows if that's the case or not will because he is an ass be all like 'yup that was us!' or something, idk. I figured out since the two clans are very tensed at the moment Kaz showing up would only worsen the situation.

I would prefere private, if you want it open afterwards for some development or something i'm fine with that. The body can happend whatever with afterwards, ditch it, burn it, throw it back at the typhoon *shrugs*

Re: Plot with this armored smilodon? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-08-2018

(08-08-2018, 05:50 PM)KAZUMI link Wrote:
Wash is a bear sized creature right? it wouldn't make much sense for Kaz to attack someone that bigger then himself xD Kazumi wouldn't be that arrogant haha. But yeah he is from the Typhoon and since i think his clan lays behind the locked in maybe Kaz could provoke Wash about that? like if Wash ask if it is his people how did that and Kaz how not really knows if that's the case or not will because he is an ass be all like 'yup that was us!' or something, idk. I figured out since the two clans are very tensed at the moment Kaz showing up would only worsen the situation.

I would prefere private, if you want it open afterwards for some development or something i'm fine with that. The body can happend whatever with afterwards, ditch it, burn it, throw it back at the typhoon *shrugs*

Oh no no he isn't bear sized. He's the size of a regular lion! His weight class though is close to that of a bear c : thanks to his armor and how much smilodons weigh in general. He isn't overally big hahaha. And I figured he wouldn't be, he has a smarter personality than that after all haha. OOOOOOO yeah yeah!! Kazumi could pull fun at him and say that he realizes that the Ascendants is in the lockdown and threaten to tell the Typhoon, or mock Washington and say that he won't be able to get them out. Washington would simply kill and attack him so that intel wouldn't get to the typhoon at all haha. And that works with me! Probably private and then open, just because characters in the Ascendants don't realize that Washington is willing to kill someone without a second thought xD Who makes? : D Wash will probably just bury the body so that the Typhoon won't be suspicious if a dead member is just on the border haha

Re: Plot with this armored smilodon? - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-10-2018

well a lion is still big in compare to a dog xD all of that sounds good for me! i think it would be smoother for me to make?, consider the plot it might be easier for me to make it? It might take some time though because my muse for Kaz is low and i have been so tired this whole week for some reason.

but i'll try to have it up as soon as possible or make a short starting post.

Re: Plot with this armored smilodon? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-10-2018

(08-10-2018, 02:11 PM)KAZUMI link Wrote:
well a lion is still big in compare to a dog xD all of that sounds good for me! i think it would be smoother for me to make?, consider the plot it might be easier for me to make it? It might take some time though because my muse for Kaz is low and i have been so tired this whole week for some reason.

but i'll try to have it up as soon as possible or make a short starting post.
Yeah plot wise it would make a lot more sense for you to make it : D If you're okay with that of course! OH Yeah a lion is going to be a lot bigger than a dog xD Oof, sounds like you're having one of those weeks? Try to rest up as much as possible my friend!! And do whatever you feel is right, it doesn't matter to me ^.^

Re: Plot with this armored smilodon? - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-10-2018

No problem at all!, i can totally make it Smile thanks <33 it's strange though since i have not really broke my normal sleep scheme so like i have no idea why i'm so tired?? oh well it might just be a such week as you said cx I'll tag you once the thread is up!