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WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - Printable Version

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WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - MirrorEdge - 08-07-2018

Gwen still had her weekly task to do, but for now, she put it off, the kitsune wanting to do something nice, something to leave a good impression on people.

Hot chocolate. It was something that was difficult for most people to turn down, especially in the cold like this.

The folding table she set up in the shade of one of the cabins, had hot chocolate in a large dispenser, being kept warm, at least for now, with the stack of paper cups threatening to blow over if a strong enough gust of wind were to hit them. Finally, a few jars of mini marshmallows and cinnamon sticks had been set out, and Gwen was quick to stick to the side of the cabin, lingering for now.

Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - Leigh - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Of all the traditions they could have had, they chose hot chocolate to represent their group, and Magikatricks couldn't have been more excited to know it still remained a classic Snowbound staple after all these months. And of course with as big of a sweet tooth as he had, he was bound to show up sooner or later. The bird had been wandering the sidewalks when he caught the scent of warm heaven on the air. Unable to resist, he followed and found himself at a cabin with Gwen hanging around. Had she set this up? Who else would have? She's the only one here. Duh. Wandering over, he waved a pretty wing towards the girl. "Hello. What's... what's all this?" he asked almost hesitantly. He had a feeling, but he wasn't going to assume anything until he got the okay to raid the hot chocolate stand.

Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - MirrorEdge - 08-07-2018

"Uh... a hot chocolate stand. I-I didn't know what else to do, honestly." Gwen mumbled. "I'm pretty sure it's still warm." A bit louder, that sentence was, and she finally added, "I think there's whipped cream and chocolate sauce, there, too."

This had taken a lot out of her, not physically, of course, sticking a few cups and jars on a table shouldn't of, but more mentally, wondering if this was a good idea the whole time, and struggling to push past her worries, and actually get it done, instead of just trashing the idea, and the stand with it, halfway through, like she often did with most projects. For now, Gwen grabbed a cup, quickly filling in and dumping a small amount of marshmallows, a cinnamon stick, and some whipped cream and chocolate sauce on it, not quite sure what else to do. Was it dumb to take a drink from her own hot chocolate stand? Probably. She wasn't too sure at the moment.

Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - arcy - 08-07-2018

Izuku, personally, really liked the hot chocolate tradition. Not for any particular reason besides liking hot chocolate. He'd spent a pretty impressive amount of time just .. making hot chocolate, though. He gave it out to most of the joiners and visitors when he remembered. It was always a nice feeling. He hadn't seen many people besides Dimitri do much with it, though. A mild shame, but one that Izuku didn't really mind.
"It looks nice!" Izuku chirps, tail thumping against the ground. A dispenser? Marshmallows? Cinammon? The cups were kind of funny, but this was a pretty standard warm drinks stand. .. Not that Izuku had seen a lot of those. Just, like .. in movies, unfortunately. Uh .. the cups were a little small for him, but he doesn't mind. He allows Gwen a bright smile, hopefully encouraging, before hesitantly grabbing himself a cup to fill. He likes the toppings, so once he has that he puts .. most of the side stuff Gwen had put up in there, too.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - madster - 08-07-2018

hot chocolate? henri had rather enjoyed it when izuku gave it to him when he was joining- it was such a good drink, chocolately and best of all, a hot drink in this cold climate. henri padded over, smelling something good, curious to what it was. he took a stand near izuku, listening in. oh boy- a dispenser? cups? this was an impossible task for someone with his vision, and he didn't even attempt.

"miss gwen, right?" he asked, offering her a smile. "you see, i'm a little... totally blind. do you mind giving me a cup of hot chocolate?" he asked politely, knowing he was kind of a burden with his useless dead eyes.

Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - MirrorEdge - 08-07-2018

At Izuku's words, Gwen, not quite sure how to respond to such a bright smile, offering a small one in return. Progress, at least for her.

Henri's voice and request had Gwen nodding, before remembering. "Uh, sure. Do you want toppings or something?" She says, black paws grabbing a cup and filling it, and pausing while she waits for Henri's answer.


Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - toboggan - 08-07-2018

So, this was where the fabled hot cocoa was? Wendell had heard a lot about some clans’ traditions while roaming the land. A few involved you wearing some fancy things, and he was pretty sure that Snowbound had a similar thing with necklaces or something, but the hot chocolate tradition that they had here was by far the best. Snow and warm drinks went together like fish and chips, or kippers and toast. Excitement scampered throughout his  currents, as this was something to check on the bucket list. In his entire existence, he hadn’t had this type of beverage. From the sounds of it, it was like chocolate milk, but hot, and covered in marshmallows, along with other toppings. Whatever it was, it struck others as delicious, and Wendell desired it badly.

Strolling towards the cocoa stand, that resembled the juice one Cry was running, the mustelid strolled towards the bustle of clanmates circling around the current barista. Once he got to the mass meet-‘n-greet he was assigned with for his weekly task, he’d surely understand everyone here a lot better, maybe even get acquainted with a few of them. That was then, this was now, and for now, he had nobody to start a conversation with, except the possibility of Izuku. Seeing that cocoa server was currently dealing with a blind customer, the wolverine took it upon himself to serve himself. How did he do this?

What he ended up with was a cup of the stuff, clad in whipped cream, some ‘mallows, and a cinnamon stick. Now, to taste his creation.

"Ouch. Hot."

Gwen needed not to worry about the temperature of this stuff, for it was still fairly burning. His tongue hurt now.

Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - madster - 08-10-2018

henri was glad gwen accommodated him. he knew he was a burden, but he didn't like to think about it. things like this made him think about it and he felt bad for once- why had belial given him this power? why was he blind? was being blind really better than seeing? clearly not, after living in the clans long enough to be promoted. the polarheart just smiled, hiding his true inner storm. "ah, no toppings! i'm watching my weight." it was a totally nonsensical reply- henri was a skinny little thing, and none of the toppings had substantial calories, but he just said whatever he wanted to. "but gwen, you're real good for doing something like this! thanks a ton!" he said, grinning. 

Re: WONDERLAND (open, hot chocolate) - MirrorEdge - 08-10-2018

"O-oh, okay." She was quick to fill the cup, setting her own aside for now, with the whipped cream beginning to mix with the hot chocolate in hers, maybe it was due to the heat of the drink? She didn't know, and passed on the cup to Henri. "Here you go."

After passing it off, the kitsune picked up her own, finally getting around to mixing the whipped cream and extra chocolate sauce into the hot chocolate, the slowly-dissolving cinnamon stick adding a nice touch as it mixed in with the drink as well, before taking a sip. "I didn't think so many people would be here. M-maybe I should start charging for hot chocolate." An attempt at a joke, which hopefully, would go over well.