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A REVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF DAY / power discovery - Printable Version

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A REVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF DAY / power discovery - Character Graveyard. - 08-07-2018

It was early in the morning when the young male had gotten up. For once in a while, he had gotten a good night's sleep so he had decided to test himself, by climbing a tree. Of course, he would be going high up in the tree, but he believed that he would be alright. He would dig his claws into the rough bark and he would began to haul himself upward onto a low branch. A few minutes later, he was high up in the tree and his crimson-eyes would look down at the ground and without warning, he would fall face forward towards the ground.

He would close his eyes tightly and without realizing it, he had pulled some of the earth from below around his body, making himself hard as a rock, like he could do in the old world. A shark-like grin would form on his maw, as he would allow the earth around his body to fall to his paws.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: A REVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF DAY / power discovery - ADAKIAS - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]Sylvina had never been a night owl. Nor an early riser. On the contrary, her preference for viable time was always fluctuating between the two common timeframes. Sleep was a necessity that the young feline would always abide to — she’d seen how the lack of it could cause some of her crewmates to go mad — yet she wasn’t exactly a fan of resting. It was boring trying to fall asleep when her mind was in such an awakened state with thousands of thoughts racing throughout her head. Nevertheless, she was aware of how sleep was essential for a growing body such as herself, yet the minnow couldn’t help but view it as a waste of time.

Falling asleep was always a challenge. Waking up, however, was a different story. Sylvina would always spring to her paws the moment a flash from the sun danced across her eyelids. It took no coaxing for her to stir to life; perhaps it was because of the energetic youth her age provided mixed in with her desire to just be on the move. Sylvina was often awake before the majority of her crewmates. She didn’t mind, the oppurtunity presented the kitten with serenity and a quiet atmosphere for an hour or so.

The Bengal would extend her lanky form into a morning stretch at the same time her jowls parted in a hefty yawn. After her completion, olive eyes would scan the camp’s surroundings for any sign of life. She’d notice a flash of crimson in the side of her vision moving vertically — it appeared that someone else was awake and already starting the day off with a climb. Without anything on the immediate agenda, she’d watch for minute as the other domestic continued his feat.

The urgency that others might feel towards the sight of a fellow crewmate falling to their demise was absent within Sylvina’s mind. Upon seeing Kirishima ultimately loose his grip, the vacant emotions were replaced by that of curiosity. The inclination to inquiry before alarm resignated within her mind quit often and had become somewhat common for the kitten. An example of such being when she had crept closer to foreign Utahraptors instead of thinking about the very plausible dangers.

It would appear that panic wasn’t needed anyhow. Sylvina would watch intently was the earth around the tree rose to catch Kirishima in mid-air, allowing the male to reach the ground safely. That most definitely wasn’t something she’d seen every day. The minnow would trot forward, her eyes glancing around the floor beneath the pair as she grew closer. ”I liked that,” She’d simply say, tail twitching with the utmost curiosity her stoic facade could express. ”How’d you do it?”

Re: A REVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF DAY / power discovery - PINCHER - 08-09-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Powers were always good in his eyes but after some debate with himself, Pincher now saw the risks. Sometimes one wouldn't be able to have complete control over their powers or another risk would be that the power would drain them from any energy they had. He had done a lot of foolish things when he had his powers in the beginning and it had taken a lot of practice for him to finally be able to control them almost perfectly. It wasn't too hard for him because Pincher had trained all his life ever since he was a child. His muscles and mind were hardened by lessons and he knew that was the only way one could become good at whatever qualities they had.

The lean figure of the male was nearby, having risen from his bed to head out into work head first but stopped himself to go do his usual morning workout. It gave him time to stretch out his limbs and ensure that he was on his toes no matter how tired he may be. The immortal being had slipped into the jungle to run and climb when the voice of his daughter caught his attention and he arrived with his piercing ice blue eyes locking onto the earth that had risen to save Kirishima. They briefly widened before turning towards the male and halting beside his daughter, aiming to lightly press his muzzle onto her forehead in a loving touch before focusing back onto Kirishima. ”It seems you discovered earth elemental. Or well activated just in time Are you alright? Nothing hurt?” He tipped his dark ash gray head to the side, curious onto what Kirishima had to say about the power.

( mobile )

Re: A REVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF DAY / power discovery - snare - 08-09-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]The young wolf pup hadn’t observed elemental powers that much.  He had seen fire control before, but not earth manipulation.  Could it be possible to control all the elements?  Everything around him that he could see and touch?  Snare was a curious scrap and was certainly interested in the possible abilities he could perhaps discover and learn about one day.  Maybe not something physical on his person like wings, but powers like this could be nice.

Snare would approach on big clumsy puppy paws, looking at Kirishima with pale optics that gleamed with interest as he padded up to stand by his crewmates.  ”That’s neat.”  He would comment, his fuzzy tail giving a pair of wags.  ”Can you do other stuff with that?”  The pup would inquire with curiosity, his mind focused on strange and unique powers and all the creative things one could do with them.  He desperately wanted some of his own the more and more he thought about it.

Re: A REVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF DAY / power discovery - Grey - 08-10-2018

Bakugou's powers were difficult to tame. They were well intertwined with his emotions and sparked ferociously at his rage, thus causing his unnecessarily high body temperature. As Pincher was aware when it came to powers, the constant output of his fire and heat resulted in Bakugou feeling constantly exhausted. It was only when Bakugou was unable to frequently train due to his injuries that he stopped and examined his powers, trying to understand them. His abilities didn't work on sweat, it unleashed everywhere similar to that half-and-half bastard's fire capabilities. He doesn't, however, stop to remember Todoroki for long when he lands his sanguine gaze to Kirishima. His fur is raised along his pack, trickling down his spine in anxiety for his friend when he noticed him fall. Because it was still early and he was tired, he couldn't bring himself to jerk forward and yell in panic - but to his luck, his friend turned out fine. The earth morphed with Kirishima, keeping him safe like a child protected by her mother. He ignores everyone else, clearly infuriated for having wasted moments of his life worrying for his friend. "BE FUCKIN' CAREFUL, YOU PIECE OF SHIT. YOU COULD HAVE CRACKED YOUR SKULL OPEN." It's clear that Bakugou still doesn't trust the confines of this world. Although he has vowed to getting used to his new life as a ragdoll, he's still under the impression that this universe was out to murder anyone it pleased and therefore did not react with one of awe and bromance, only fury. It was similar to a mother's anger who slaps her child after thinking she had lost them for so long.

Re: A REVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF DAY / power discovery - Character Graveyard. - 08-11-2018

Crimson-hues would steadily focus on the ground where he had landed, realizing that he had made a rather large crack in the ground. He would easily climb out of it before he would turn to Sylvina as the young female had been the first to show up. He would offer a nod of his head and he decided to speak. "I actually have no clue how I did this." Then he would simply blink as two others arrived- Pincher and Snare.

He had grown up seeing others using powers. It had been the common thing to see in the old world- people without powers were a rare sight- and it was nice to see that others had powers. Kirishima would lift one of his front paws and he placed it upon his chin, though he wobbled around on three legs for a few seconds. "I don't think I'm injured. I'm just a tad bit startled. After all, this was certainly unexpected." Then the Beta would glance towards Snare and he gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "Maybe, I'm not sure what else I can do yet."

Then he caught a glimpse of Bakugou's cream-colored fur from the corner of his eyes. He would curse mentally and he prepared himself for to hear the other yell at him. He would slightly flinch as Bakugou's rather harsh-but-concerned words hit his ears. Sure, his friend had a bad-temper but Kirishima merely referred to the other's bad temper as "tough love". Ruby-hues would focus on the ragdoll and he shook his head. "Bakugou. I'm fine. I'm not hurt, sorry for the brief scare though."
tags :: updated 7/26: