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CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - Printable Version

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CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-07-2018

Atbash has stated she would do this after Sunhaven’s visit, and it was about time she got this started. ”I’d like everyone to meet me in the Banquet Hall to discuss Sunhaven.” The she-cat spoke telepathically, trying to broadcast her voice as far as possible as she made her way to the Banquet Hall. Atbash took a seat inside and awaited for her tribe to gather.


Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - Leigh - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Magika had been tending to his garden when the message reached him, startling the bir for only a moment before he registered Atbash's voice. He'd get used to the telepathy at some point, he figures, muttering a curse under his breath as he calmed himself. Shaking off the soil from his wings, he lifted himself up into the air with a few powerful beats and glided down to the banquet hall. As he entered, he realized he was one of the first to show. His eyes met Atbash's and he smiled. "Hey hey." he greeted, taking a seat at one of the many tables. Sunhaven. One of the new groups popping up, he assumed. He hadn't been around when they visited. A pity, really. Magika enjoyed new faces. Maybe next time.

Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - MirrorEdge - 08-07-2018

To be honest, Gwen was a bit startled to hear the telepathic message in her head, the grey kitsune jumping, and quickly composed herself, making her way over to the banquet hall, taking a seat at one of the unoccupied tables, blue eyes settling on Atbash as she waited for it to begin.

Sunhaven. While Gwen hadn't been around during it, and couldn't form an opinion based on her own experience and interactions with them, the name itself sounded welcoming. But the whispers about the visit worried her, and Gwen choose to, for now, to wait to see what was said.

Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - arcy - 08-07-2018

Izuku .. wasn't that fond of Sunhaven. They put him on edge. .. In all fairness, a lot of things put him on edge. Izuku was a pretty paranoid person. Not by nature, but through hardship. Well .. you couldn't exactly blame him.
But, well, regardless. Izuku isn't there to argue with the general opinion, whatever it may be. The dragon frowns at the announcement, feeling his head ache at the presence, but quickly makes to the Banquet Hall regardless. When he's there, he just .. curls up on the ground. No need for tables. With this, he will wait in silence. He isn't in much of a talking mood right now, anyways. He just .. hadn't liked Quantum. She reminded him of stuff.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - Dimitri - 08-07-2018

Dimitri had been in his cabin and nearly jumped out his fucking skin when he heard Atbash’s voice. He was used to voices, yes, but Atbash’s tone still striking his mind every now and then still spooked him. He was very aware of his personalities so an unwelcomed voice always spooked him.
From what he had seen, Jericho seemed to be okay with the alliance and it was just the tiger being confrontational that made things get rocky. He hadn’t stayed the whole time. The mention of the Typhoon nearly triggered Delta and he didn’t want to make a scene.

He moved, trodding out to the hall to join the others.


Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - madster - 08-07-2018

henri had been running his paw over a letter from somebody dear to him when the message got thrust into his head. it was so different than his usual thoughts, he was shocked. was it a moment of psychosis? he decided he'd go there, and if it turned out that he was alone, well, he'd go see a doctor. he arrived, smelling dimitri and padded up to him, brushing against him with his body. "greetings and salutations, miss atbash!" henri laughed, going to take a seat.

Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - toboggan - 08-07-2018

The chipper Brit was the next one to jaunt inside of the grand Banquet Hall. Traces of unwelcome surprise were still present in the wolverine’s expression, most likely from that electrifying telepathic message he had received while practicing his cocktail preparation skills (there was still some mess left to be cleaned up). Nevertheless, he was glad to be included in a clan activity, even something as little as foreign affairs. He hadn’t been present the day of the Sunhaven visit, thus he had no opinion on the group. "I’m here," he’d chirp, as he grabbed a seat by for himself.

Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-07-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Alright, this appeared to be mostly everybody. "For those that aren't aware, a smaller group known as Sunhaven recently visited us. They were seeking a possible alliance, but one of their members spoke up some concerns over rumors about Snowbound and our political affairs." Atbash started to explain, trying to figure out how to describe this as accurately as possible. "While I do believe it's fair for them to be wary of having an alliance with us due to previous actions, they were the ones who came to us first." She went on. "So I brought everyone here to discuss whether or not we should accept their proposal. Thoughts?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - MirrorEdge - 08-07-2018

"I-if they're just rumors, if we're able to prove they were untrue, they should have no concerns, or less, at least." Gwen said quietly, pale blue eyes settled just over Atbash's shoulder, not meeting anybody's eyes for now. "Maybe instead of jumping headfirst into it, suggesting a t-trial alliance, and that way it's easier to break off if we aren't happy? L-less hard feelings on both sides."

She was doing her best to remain logical, rather than emotional. Maybe it was easier for Gwen, since she hadn't seen firsthand how rude some of the Sunhaveners were when expressing concerns. That, and she tried to see the best in people.

Re: CHECK MY RESUME // Clanwide Discussion - Dimitri - 08-08-2018

"I think Jericho had good intentions, but that one member just wanted to cause a problem... I'm sorry, I can't input much else. I think a trial period would be fine." Dimitri added, speaking up, but not having much else to say. That's what he saw on it. 
