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CHOKING / open - Printable Version

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CHOKING / open - ANIMA B. - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana"]She notices the flickering early on in the day during her hunting. There's unnaturally large tracks in the forest, and as she follows them and examines them, she sticks out her own paw as a matter of curiosity to see the size difference. It is with a heavy sigh that she realises that she can see the ground underneath her paw, and she watches as her once solid limb seems to move and distort, watches as it becomes semi-corporeal.

She holds the limb up to the light, and the light comes through the gaps in her foreleg. She can see the writhing mass of darkness, congealed like smoke. When it leaves a hollow space - there is no bone. There is nothing there, and within the blink of an eye, Annie is looking at her corporeal limb again. Scanning around, she notices that no one is around and lets out a long drawn-out sigh.

Nobody saw. Nobody needs to see this, she decides quickly. There's nothing to see here at all, so she leaves the prints behind and stalks back towards camp to do something else. Maybe she should practice her singing or sharpen her swords. Anything would be better than watching herself fall apart once.

It happens again later in the day. She catches the reflection of herself in the mirror and shudders when she sees the smoke exhaled from her lungs. Black smoke spills from in between her fangs, briefly hanging around her before fizzling out into nothingness. She feels it trapped in her throat, but she watches in mild horror as her neck begins to fade out of reality, creating the holes which allow the mist to escape.

She heaves up the black mist, choking on it. It brings her back to drowning in the chaos, lost in a sea of darkness as far as she could see. Nothing, emptiness, nothingness and blackness and just... A void. Her own personal void, made for her to sink into and fade away into nothing more than an unconscious force that corrupts all that it touches. The mist corrodes the wood that it touches, gnawing through it and leaving small holes. It warps her appearance ever so briefly into things that should be.

[color=#F0E68C]Your fate calls you, dear sister. You are not meant to exist any longer - let yourself fade into the darkness... And I will fade with you.

His voice causes everything to stop. It is like being frozen in time - and the shadows get worse. Her entire body begins to fall apart, being swallowed by the smoke and darkness that curls around her as she begins to lose her hold on being corporeal. [color=#ff6666]"No, no, it's not my time - I don't have to. I won't let you reform, I won't let you touch me again, I won't." Her voice comes out panicked, arguing against the fragment of another soul in herself.

She tries to grip the floor, but it burns at her touch. And then her paws collapses into nothingness, and so does the rest of her body, flickering in and out of existence like a faulty light. She chokes on the black mist slipping from her throat, through her eyes and her fangs as she tries to keep her body together. Her voice varies from denials that she is meant to be dead to pleading with herself. She sounds desperate, her semi-corporeal form barely holding together as she tries to will it back to being whole again.

[color=#ff6666]"Fuck off Andras, Goddess be damned, fuck me."

She sends a lamp crashing into the wall when her paw solidifies once again, creating a racket that could attract anyone attention. Swearing and cursing more, she concentrates instead of trying to force herself to become whole again, trying to stop the darkness from warping the wood and the world around her, trying to concentrate on being herself, a real life Anima once.

She is not particularly successful.

( to explain, anima is currently fading in & out of corporeal existence & becoming intangible, translucent and invisible. she is attempting to make herself corporeal again, and her body seems to be made up a black mist that is corrupting it's surroundings. )

Re: CHOKING / open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-07-2018

Re: CHOKING / open - ANIMA B. - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana"][b]"Go away." It comes as a hiss between strained teeth, Anima turning around the stranger. She doesn't know who this stranger is but it doesn't matter, she doesn't want to be seen like this. Etro be damned, she as supposed to be above this by now, above wrestling with her powers and trying to keep her head above the water desperately. She takes a step forwards, towards Vigenere, the mist following Annie and reaching towards him.

It wants to claim another. Annie will not allow that, keeps snapping it back to her and willing to manifest physically as her. It surrounded her like a ever-shifting cloak of shadows, writhing like snakes and pouring out the gaps in her body created by the loss of control. [b]"Leave me be." Her voice sounds much deeper, a terse growl rumbling from within her throat. It doesn't sound like her, the voice that is carefree and doesn't care for anything, feeling no threats or carrying no worries.

It sounds... Scared? Angry? An odd mix of both, loathing and resentment and fear.

Re: CHOKING / open - aya - 08-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]This seemed like something Aya would want to test, this smoke, intangibility, but she was very aware that there was a living and hurting person within it all - at least for now. The tortoiseshell didn't have any powers of her own, and without an understanding of what was happening, she didn't want to risk deteriorating the situation. She hated being helpless, but there it was. "I don't think there's anything we can do." She said to Vigenere begrudgingly, ears flattening as she watched Anima struggle. Aya truly hated this.

Re: CHOKING / open - Leonidas - 08-10-2018

leonidas had thought he felt an unnatural disturbance occurring over here; he's satisfied for making the trip to investigate this pressure; the racket she was making simply helped to confirm his suspicion. coming to witness a creature slipping on the edge of the corporeal world is a real treat, especially when it is evident that they struggle controlling the power of whatever it was that desired a new host to take control of. "mmm, cheeky." the male would comment as she forced the black mist away from vigenere. it was clear as day that it wasn't satisfied with its current host, which is probably the reason for anima struggling from becoming non-corporeal. "seems like it." the demon shrugged; what was he supposed to do? it wasn't like it was someone significantly important, and even then he would expect them to be able to deal with their own situations if he deems them as "significantly important". this is something only she will be handling since it is her own power seemingly betraying her. maybe he did have an idea or two; but that will not be happening until something more entertaining occurs. bright cyan eyes eyed anima and her little friend casually despite being somewhat amused on the inside. all present were concerned about the wellbeing of someone who they most likely barely even know; he was wondering how he could his paws on that black mist and today's sweet of the day. decisions, decisions.



Re: CHOKING / open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-11-2018