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THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - Printable Version

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Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - tori - 08-07-2018

"You're gonna die in here, but that's cool."

Alex had been rather calm during this whole ordeal, occasionally checking on people to make sure they hadn't straight up lost their minds yet, and for the most part, it was very on edge. One little push and the Observatory would be full of high strung individuals who would start clawing at each other and even themselves to get out of this confinement. It was like a morbid trip into the mind, and he didn't like it very much. Maybe something was wrong with him for not acting the same. He would figure that one out later, he figured, when all this was done and over with. Whether that was the lock down being lifted or him succumbing to hunger and/or thirst. Either way.

He looked up from where he was laying when Versailles spoke, pushing himself to his feet. He was unaware of this potential food source, perhaps the only saving grace in this darkened, literally darkened time. He stretched, popping his joints and letting a soft whine escape out of opened jaws. "Worth a shot." He murmured, looking down at the ground under his paws as if something would crawl out from the surface. "It would be great to not starve to death."


Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - Tex - 08-07-2018

tex, unfortunately, was the wrong place at the wrong time when the observatory was shut down. due to her apparent position during the time, she had just barely been able to make it outside with a few of the others who had far better positioning. the thought made her sigh every time for her failure to make it out; but she figured that she would do what she can while being confined within this limited amount of space. there definitely had to be a way out, but until that was discovered, they had to make do with what they got. fortunately for her, she was quite the resourceful individual even outside of the battlefield.

the freelancer was all too used to this kind of environment since this was basically the kind of area she would be surrounded by on a daily basis while in the middle of the galaxy. she felt more at home with things like this, frankly not caring all too much about the way others feel since this feels perfect to her. the lioness wouldn't think that someone would be on the verge of a mental breakdown due to intense claustrophobia or whatever condition that makes them anxious as hell in conditions like this - it was just like any ordinary day to her.

making sure to have food was definitely an important part in surviving this crisis until it blows over. granted, she preferred to go off on her own and discover these resources herself, the more bodies the merrier to transport any goods found for those who are trapped in this place along with her. noticing the call of the ember-sparking-from-her-eye individual, texas decided to join in since this was a situation that required unfortunate compromise. "i'll tag along." the agent stated, deciding to continue standing before the two.
Template by Quill

Tags: Updated 8/2:


Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - melody - 08-07-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The little girl had cried for more than she'd intended to. As soon as the lights shut off, the calico panicked, and logically she knew crying wouldn't help, but she was just so afraid. Still, when she heard the scuffling and talk of finding food, the kitten stood right up. She wanted to help, she didn't want to just sit and cry until she choked on her own tears.

So with shaky legs and tears streaking the two-moon-old's muzzle, the tiny kitten scampered after Versailles, Texas and Alexander. She didn't know any of these people, but she called to them, "I want to help! I'm Melody!". She sniffed, trying to hide that she'd been crying - she didn't want these adults to think she was some baby. "Nice t' meet you." She said, loudly and politely, like she'd learned from others, though her voice shook fiercely. She couldn't be afraid, she had to help everyone.



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Gods, was he tired. His souls were cluttered and chaotic, yes, but more so he was worn out by the level of emotion he was sensing daily since the Observatory locked down. In such confined space with emotions running high, the empath was struggling to tune them out: he walked through a sea of stress and discomfort, of Clanmates panicking and getting irritable. It washed through and into him idly, pushing and pulling, and soon he felt like a live wire for other people’s issues. Whatever. It was his job to handle them, he supposed.

He could his sister at the other end of one of those pulls, and joined her slowly. He could see her aura radiating in the dark, making her glow seem even brighter, and he noted the tension rolling off of her. He needed to check in with her later. For the time being he stopped close to her side, almost brushing, and studied the others here. [b]”I’ll come too. How’re you doing now, Mel?” He knew she’d struggled, while Alex and Tex both seemed remarkably calm in this situation.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - no more - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; font-size:9pt; font-family:calibri; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

Little of this place offered any sense of comfort or familiarity, the chilled concrete of the floor was unlike the sun warmed planks which lined the tree house she had come to call home, and over time the tang of salt and herbs present upon her pelt had faded, a worrying thing for it was one of the few comforts she had. The child longed to walk upon the beach, feel the sand between her toes once more and hear the soft lull of the ocean as it rushed forth to meet her, even to see Pincher once more though the relationship between father and daughter had become strained. She wanted to be amongst the other sages, to learn more and be there for Goldenluxury, left behind when she was in an extreme condition and would need any help she could get.

She wanted to go home, to have never left in the first place. In quiet moments she wished she had never dared to turn up to the try-outs, allowed herself to hope she might become something more than a child, only for it to land her here where the ocean she had come to love was nothing more than a memory she clung to.

Dark eyes blinked once, twice, before they focused, a faint glow drawing her attention. Soft tones of gold swirled about a familiar frame, one who had offered her comfort though she came from an enemy group, one who had attacked them only a short time ago, gentle with her when she had expected only harsh words. Shuffling steps drew Aita closer to where Versailles had come to stop but her forward motion slowed when she found another familiar to her, this bringing with it a twist of the stomach, discomfort shown in a frown. It did not matter her attempts to be cordial towards Bastille it always came back to a mix of discomfort and anger, each attempt to push it aside only leaving a sour taste in her mouth. She understood why he had taken them, two children from an enemy group on your land was not something to be taken lightly, and she had seen what one of their members had done to an Ascended. A healer, he had been one of their healers, the heavy scent of herbs had been slightly covered but still noticeable beneath the blood.

“Bastard,” the child offered the greeting towards Bast as she moved closer, tongue poking out slightly in an attempt to not show how shaken she truly was, how her heart began to pound harder simply being close to him, driven to such a response by fear. Though he had been kind so far in allowing her to wander, with supervision though she had slipped away rather easily, and not harming her or Cleo it didn't stop the thoughts.

Moving closer to Versailles the small sage found her attention drawn to the others present, given a once over but she didn't dare question them, knowing her idiotic way with words had a knack for getting her into trouble she had no desire for now, instead making a move to bump her head against Vi's leg to get her attention. “I wanna come.” There was no question about it, Aita seemed rather resolute within her decision and offered a stoic look to the panther, though it seemed more silly upon the tiny child, wanting to seem brave in front of her.

Aita wanting to show off for a pretty lady? It's more likely than you think.

Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - HEARTEYES - 08-08-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]"Versailles! I want to come, can I come? I think some people around here are, um, you know, getting a little hungry." Hearteyes' voice rang out from the dark, small body pressing close against the girl's legs, tail raised above her back. Her eyes had adjusted by now, but she could only just make out the shapes of her clanmates around her. The molly offers a small smile just in case, the discomfort in her chest settling just a bit in the presence of others.

Turning back to Versaillespalace, Hearteyes thinks about her previous experience with the Observatory, memories mapping out a vague pathway through the building. [color=#ff66cc]"I, um, I don't know if I'm familiar with the hallways, I'm sure that, uh, the others know this place like the back of their paws, but I'm sure all together we can find the basement."

Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - melody - 08-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The kitten nodded at Versailles' question - that was okay, she could do that. At Bastille's question toward her, the tiny calico tried to stand as tall as she could and said loudly and resolutely, "I'm fine!" Then, not liking the volume in the dark, whispered loudly, "Thank you f' asking!"

It was then she heard others approaching, saying their words. "What's bastard?" She asked Aita, as she was the one who had said it. The calico was starting to calm now - she felt braver in a group, and she knew some of these people now.