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ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - Printable Version

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ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]//Please wait for Guts to post w/ [member=1893]AINEIAS[/member] before posting! Ty! <3

It was pouring heavily. Rain fell upon the Earth with no hesitation, turning the dirt into mud and lighting danced across the distant horizons. The sun had just gone down minutes ago and the moon cast a dim light over the outskirts of Zealandia's territory. Bright-yellow eyes would suddenly appear from a large cover of trees and a dark gray figure emerged. She was rather odd-looking in her opinion. With gills on her neck, fins on her back and legs and a long shark-like tail, she wouldn't say she was the most friendly-looking creature on the planet. Nor was her sister, Aineias. Of course, Aeneas believed that she and her sister were beautiful in their own ways, especially her sister's pink eyes.

"Well, should we go inside or should we await for someone to show up?" The shark-cat hybrid would turn to her twin and question. "I say we go inside, because it's raining and my paws are getting muddy." She would complain.

Re: ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - Sympathy - 08-07-2018


Re: ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - guts - 08-07-2018

She knew that she and her sister weren't exactly considered normal. When she was younger, she didn't really know that they weren't, considering that they were usually in the water with their family. It's where they stayed, except for the occasional trips onto land. But now that they pretty much lived on land, she had realized how out of the ordinary they appeared. It didn't bother her, though. If anything, she enjoyed standing out from the crowd, with her gills and fins.

The lighter female followed her twin sister, enjoying the feel of the rain on her body. The muddy ground was definitely uncomfortable, though, her expression contorting as she shook her paws free. "Yeah, let's," she replies, grinning towards her sister before turning and walking towards the doors to the aquarium. Pushing them open, Aineias shakes herself off as she enters, tracking mud on the broken tiles. "Ah, much better. Kind of broken down, but it'll work," she jokes and glances over at Aneseas.


Re: ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - Sympathy - 08-07-2018

SAY X AMOUNT OF WORDS ![div style="width: 90%;overflow: auto;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 8pt;text-align: right;"] DEACON - SHE/HER - ZEALANDIA - VIPER SHARK HYBRID
There were many more societies under the waves than anyone on land could possibly fathom. Deacon herself had lived her life with her family until she was ready to go off on her own. And then she helped form Zealandia with a few others. They had never gained much traction until now, thankfully, with a small influx of new and eager faces taking place amongst their ranks. Even now, she could hear the echoes of conversation from the front entrance. The viper shark mutant had been in one of the first floor rooms when she heard them- unfamiliar voices. Curiosity peaking, the reptile slipped through the office door and moved down the hallway, claws clicking loudly on the tile floors, announcing her arrival as she entered the reception area. Her electric eyes moved over the two girls. Twins maybe? They looked very alike. The female grinned. "Welcome to the aquarium, girls. My name is Deacon. Quite the storm outside, hmm? How may I assist?" she asked warmly, approaching the two.

Re: ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]Yellow-eyes would look around the broken-down room as they entered. It wasn't the best looking place, but perhaps there was some sort of secret here. Otherwise, they might not even have heard of this place from a few NPCs on their way here. Letting a sly grin form on her maw, Aeneas would sit down and she would nod her head. "Maybe there's a secret to this room. Like a hidden entrance or something like that."

Then her ears would lift upward as Deacon approached. Aeneas would turn in the other female's direction and she was simply awestruck. She was beautiful. Aeneas would allow a fake shy smile to curl onto her lips as she faced Deacon. "Aha, hello, ma'am. I'm Aeneas and this is my twin, Aineias. We're here to join."

Re: ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - guts - 08-08-2018

She smirks at her sister's comment, shrugging her shoulders. It was possible. The talk of this new clan made it obvious that there was indeed something here, but from what she saw, there wasn't much around save for broken down and abandoned things. She was interrupted in her poking around, though, when someone entered the room, their appearance catching her off guard. She had never seen anything quite like it, despite all their days spent in the sea. But she tried not to stare, instead giving them her own smile.

"Oh, hi there. It's definitely rough out there," Aineias greets the other female, falling silent as Aeneas introduces them. "Yep. We'd love to stay, if you'd let us," even if she said no, she hoped she would at least let them stay until the storm was over. She wasn't too eager to go back out and get muddy and dirty all over again. A bath sounded nice.


Re: ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - Sympathy - 08-08-2018

SAY X AMOUNT OF WORDS ![div style="width: 90%;overflow: auto;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 8pt;text-align: right;"] DEACON - SHE/HER - ZEALANDIA - VIPER SHARK HYBRID
More joiners. This was very good indeed. Deacon nearly beamed, but managed to keep it settled as a more pleased smile. "We open our doors to all creatures. You two are more than welcome to stay if you find the place to your liking." she responded lightly. If they didn't find it cozy- well the front doors were right behind them. Deacon didn't care what they decided. In the end it was their own choice. The shark looked to Aeneas and returned the smile with one of her own, razor sharp teeth glinting through the gap between her lips. "Feel free to explore to your leisure. I would be happy to give you both a tour, should that be more favorable." she offered.

Re: ALIEN BOY / o, dual-joining - guts - 08-09-2018

Aineias grinned, taking one last look around. It wasn't the best looking place, but she and her sister could always stay in the surrounding waters. It was where she'd feel most comfortable, anyway. "Thanks for the offer, but we'd like to take a look around on our own," she motions to Aeneas, then nods to Deacon before heading past her further into the building.
