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gayphoon feedback pls - Printable Version

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gayphoon feedback pls - Cheeters - 08-07-2018

lemme jump into the bandwagon bc i crave improvement akfbsjf. anyways yeah i would like to hear of what you guys think of the typhoon! if you have any suggestions/advice, i would love to hear what you have to say so i can make the typhoon a great place for everyone C:

Re: gayphoon feedback pls - adomania - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]way too gay, heterophobic, how dare you
BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS I HAVE LIKE,,, nothing bad to say about that clan waduwad,, the ooc and ic community is diverse yet welcoming almost 24/7, it's easy to get into in both, and there is a healthy amount of ic drama that never impacts ooc opinions of others. The clan is active not only among itself but with others, and as a result it's just... A+ in my books. Everyone tries their hardest to reply to what they can, and none of my posts have yet to be ignored ;o; the ooc community on site is also active, although discord is still the primary means of communication

Re: gayphoon feedback pls - aureate - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Honestly I really love this group a lot. I haven't really had much experience with the OOC community yet, though I want to say that plotting threads don't seem to get nearly enough attention? As in Theo got,,, two people. And while I did get some responses to his joining, which was REALLY nice, it was a little discouraging to see some people after me get eight+ people when Theo got I think three. However, that thread went on longer than most joinings do and I'm super grateful for that, I was pleasantly surprised that people actually kept the thread going with me. Like I said, I really love the group.

IC there are a lot of confusing things like the bracelets and the joining ritual, I feel like it would be beneficial to have a way for new members to get a summary and introduction to that? Maybe in a separate guide or through an actual IC introduction/tour thread for new members.

Re: gayphoon feedback pls - Grimm - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]the typhoon is one of my favourite groups out of all the time i've roleplayed which is quite a while at this point, the ic and ooc community are both extremely welcoming and i actively enjoy writing again when i know there is so many diverse characters around which makes it a lot of fun to get to write with everyone and see where things are going to lead. as aureate said some threads don't get too many replies while others get a lot but i have yet to see a thread go without at least one or two which is really good

i do agree with having clear guides on the bracelets and rituals would be a good idea, while i can get at least a basic understanding on them from what is already up it still is a little confusing

Re: gayphoon feedback pls - axiom - 08-08-2018

gayphoon is my sanctuary :3

i do think a lil more activity with the divisions might make sense? like a place where people can sign up to put their characters on a list for the divisions and the division heads can post event links for their divisions?

Re: gayphoon feedback pls - Cheeters - 08-08-2018

aaaaa thank you guys so much for the feedback!! I will start to bring in more focus on the ooc community here than to depend solely on discord because i do know some members are not in it and i can def understand how that may make anyone feel a bit left out. I would like to personally apologize to Aureate if that happened and I will reply to his plot thread bc Theo is a really interesting character to me. And concerning about some confusion about the tradition, I will make sure to mske a guide about it and make monthly threads for people to make their bracelets as well as their joining rituals. And about the guides, I have a rough draft to make a thread where we can keep track of everyone in their divisions so it can be clearer, I will most likely have it up today or tomorrow hopefully!! <33
( excuse any typos, im adjusting to a new phone owo )

Re: gayphoon feedback pls - lexasperated - 08-08-2018

first off, i would just like to say that the gayphoon has one of my most favorite ooc environements of all time. when i first scampered into the discord like the true gremlin that i am, i didn't really expect much because i've always been really shy and unsure at first - but i was welcomed so warmly and so kindly that i immediately felt at home and started joining in on the chaotic fun. it didn't take long until i was completely at home and comfortable with everyone, chatting until the sun goes down, talking about anything and everything and just... chilling. everyone is so nice and friendly and open and it's just... really a beautiful environment to me!

i do have to agree that we also need to focus on on-site plotting and chatting because not everyone has discord, and personally it's hard to plot specifics on discord because everything is moving too quickly and it can be overwhelming. while it does have its good points (the birth of cars au and spicy chinken wangs will always be a favorite moment for me), everything is quick to get lost in the fun and games that it loses some of its seriousness.

i do agree about having clarifications for the traditions, as well as a bit more focus on it: personally i've only gotten to the jungle juice, which only two people responded before dying which kinda sucks ya, and then that's it. vandal doesn't have a bracelet yet, and i'm really interested in gayphoon traditions, so having a separate guide/clarification/ic threads for it would really be mucho mucho helpful. divisions too!! i really like the divisions but don't really see them at all so having that would be fantastic.

but yeah!! mostly just seconding what's been said here because i'm not original yikes. you know how much i love the gayphoon, cheets, however there are still some improvements that can be done (although, let's all admit here, everything can always be improved - like my life, can my life be improved pls thanks). the gayphoon is like a home to me and i completely adore it.

ps i love how i didn't even call it 'typhoon' even once in this post jkdlsjfksd

Re: gayphoon feedback pls - Luciferr - 08-11-2018


I love the gayphoon
I agree on the guide thing bc that initially kinda did confuse me tbh? oof
also the stuff on the divisions would likely be useful on keeping track of where evryone is and where they'll advance :0