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EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - Printable Version

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EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - madster - 08-07-2018

he was here. this planet was so nice! the blue sky was so pretty, and there was green everywhere! the textures were all so new... the grass was crunchy under his little paws, and then the breeze on his fur calmed him. he could understand how life came to be here- it was perfect for life! he breathed in the oxygen, releasing the carbon dioxide. he had done so much research, he understood how mammalian bodies worked. he was a mammal! if he was female, he could have experienced the miracle of live birth, though he couldn't really decide that. he was a male, carrying both an x and a y chromosome! that was amazing, he thought. two different chromosomes!

once he got over his feelings about his body, he decided to figure out where he was. he was in some sort of field, surrounded by cute little pink and blue flowers. the sun rose, signifying that it was morning. he studied a pastel blue flower, then crouched down. "hello, fellow native lifeform of this planet! my name is amnia! can you tell me where we are located?" of course, the flower didn't respond, but that didn't trouble the child. "oh! i see you don't have a speaking apparatus. that is alright! i will ask somebody else."

he turned. there was just a bunch of the flowers and nobody else. well, he'd have to get to asking every one of these flowers, and he started.

Re: EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - GRIMNYTE - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Stellamaris had seen quite a lot of weird things in her day. Before she'd arrived in Sunhaven, she remembered meeting an acquaintance by the name of Tim. Now, not only was Tim a lion, but he had been a half-horse, and being so young at the time she'd been too scared to even approach him, nonetheless talk to the creature. When he noticed her fear, he had only let out a hearty laugh and told her that he didn't bite. It was not too long after that that they were joking about and playing, and soon, they even became friends. Thinking of him now made Stella's heart swell; where was he now, she wondered? He had wandered with lionesses before, she recalled distantly, but was he alive and well? She hoped so. Truly.

For now, her time was spent in this new group, learning the ins and outs with stumbling legs. Animals often approached her in an attempt to initiate conversation, but even that was returned sparingly, her indifference - although polite - stunting any further attempts. Admittedly she did not mind it. When she was younger she had been more open, but as time passed she closed up like a clam and relished the independence that came with it.

It was no surprise that she became bored with the constant bustle of camp and returned to the mountains, where the fields of flowers comforted her just like they had when she had joined. She was gliding through them, enjoying the soft petals that tickled her paw pads, when she heard a voice. It took her a moment to recognize that the voice was too high-pitched and young to be a threat, and when she did note this was when she followed it to the source. "Who are you talking to?" she inquired, a frown on her wide-eyed visage.

Re: EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - madster - 08-07-2018

"so none of your species can speak?" he asked the next flower, tilting his head. "of course! you're vegetation. a living organism which lives by photosynthe-"

he heard another voice, and his fur stood on edge. since he arrived, he hadn't had any real communication- besides him in and the flowers, obviously. he was able to perfectly understand what the voice had said. good, he learned the right language for this, then. he turned to witness whoever it was. he recognized it as a neofelis nebulosa. a clouded leopard- in its full glory! he leaped over, sending morning dew scattering beneath his small pink paws. amnia was simply not capable of fear, and thus was extremely intrigued about the larger figure. she was female- so two of the same chromosomes, unlike him. gender and sex wasn't exactly something he understood easily, but he got it in a scientific sense. so if it was female, he'd use the pronoun she to refer to her, as that was what this strange culture dictated.

"i was attempting communication with the flora, but it seems they don't have any method of speaking." he replied sheepishly, until he gasped. "but you can! you've got a throat, vocal chords, lungs, and a tongue! you're a work of nature itself! do you realize just how wonderful you are, how rare it is for you to exist and be capable of putting voice to your thoughts?" he paused. "anyways- my name is amnia! if you'd like, do you mind communicating with me? i'd like to know where we are. well, i know we're floating in space, millions of miles away from anything else- but i mean more locally." he was certainly a strange, eccentric child who knew too many words for his age. however, he had a childlike but scientific curiosity for the world, especially this world which he didn't understand. 

Re: EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - GRIMNYTE - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Stella hadn't expected him to jump at her as soon as he spotted her, and the sheer unpredictability of it sent her scrambling backwards at the last minute, not quite falling but looking completely vexed as she crouched. Every muscle in her body screamed at her to be ready for anymore surprises, and this time, she listened. "Where are you from if it's so amazing for another animal to speak?" she asked, a hint of spite lacing her tone but repressed enough to go by unnoticed. Stella had never taken well to compliments, even if she tended to get them by the handful - mainly by those who had never seen an animal that looked like her before. It just - were they necessary? She didn't hate herself. She didn't love herself, either, but she wasn't exactly pouncing at the chance to be reassured of her validity by strangers.

"We're in Sunhaven. It's a group full of other creatures that can ... talk." she paused, picking herself up into a less tense position when she figured he wouldn't try to move at her again. "Why are you here?"

Re: EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - JA´SUNNA - 08-07-2018

Re: EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - madster - 08-07-2018

where was he from? at the thought, his face turned red. "i'm from somewhere else than here! somewhere very far away! i don't like talking about my past, though. i've learned to live in the moment. just taking a moment to feel the breath in your lungs, or the grass on my paws... it's exhilarating!" he didn't realize he was rambling. so they were in sunhaven- he could understand why they had named that, now the sun shone bright on him. "and anyways, i just really like thinking about how lucky we are to be alive! do you know the chances of being created, of that specific sperm and egg creating that specific zygote? you lifeforms are so amazing!" he said, beaming from ear to ear.

"why am i here, you ask? i am here to seek out new experiences! new breaths of air! new grass to feel under my paws! does sunhaven offer these joys?" he asked, looking at ja'sunna. another talking creature! so there were many just like him. well, not like him, but they were like each other. "my name is amnia! i have existed on this planet for four months! i enjoy many things, like the crunch of seaweed or how that sun makes me eyes feel funny!" he was talking about how the sun hurt his eyes, although didn't really have a concept of pain being a bad thing. "i'd like to learn what you all like! is it normal to join a group? if so, i'd like to see what wonders await me as a member of sunhaven!"

Re: EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - rhosmari - 08-07-2018

Kids seemed to get lost here all the time it seemed. That was something he had witness before but the two kids that had gotten lost before had been fox children. Though he hadn't gotten to know them before he really wished and hoped they were okay. Kids on their own troubled him greatly and he wondered if that was really him, or a side effect of his curse. Motherly instincts was a strange concept to him even if he had previously been a female because back then he was....worse for wear. The curse changed him and made him understand that life was not all about him in a way. But still he was highly amused by the kid. Watching as the other talked to plants. Plants of all things! Definitely a peculiar little scrap of fur but then again he couldn't judge the manners of how someone else thought or how they saw the world. It was evident that the kid saw this place as marvelous and he was curious about that. There was a need to understand what the kid saw in this world. Perhaps it was the same way in which he saw the ocean now and he quivered with excitement before he bounded over.

Webbed paws thudded against the ground as he headed over to the group. Already curious about what the group was talking about. Pearl colored eyes scan over the pretty clouded leopard and he stumbled back a bit, putting on the breaks to try and seem more mature maybe? He wasn't sure but he puffed up his chest a bit and walked forward slowly before he gazed over to the kid and allowed a closed lipped smile to form on his maw. Waving his fin in the air he gave a half nod of his head before settling down and wiggling in that spot. "Oi there, laddie! Name's Monroe and yeah this is definitely Sunhaven. But what do ya mean floating millions of miles in space?" His head tilted a bit to the side as he watched with intrigue before he gave a light chuckle before shaking his head a bit. Didn't want to rush into the questions and he had already started. "Ya more than welcome tae stay if ya like tae. We got room and board for yae back at the village." Wow and he thought that he asked a lot of questions.

"For starters, ya probably shouldn't be lookin' at the sun if it makes ya eyes feel funny. That ain't good for ya health. Also ya bet seaweed is the best and that stuff is definitely good for ya health. It's normal tae want to be a part of somethin' bigga than ya so why not join us. Ya are definitely welcomed tae do so."

Re: EVERY OTHER GHOST — open, joining - madster - 08-07-2018

as amnia rambled about the beauty of this world, he heard somebody else approach, and turned. now, he had studied a lot of species- enough to remember their scientific name, even, like he had done with the clouded leopard. still, he had never even heard of a creature like monroe. would he be a felis cuvier? maybe a galeocerdo catus? no matter what nomenclature described him, he was interesting. he had weird, stretchy skin and pearl-hued eyes, and an oddly endearing manner of speaking as well. it was all so foreign to the child- then again, everything else was.

"well, we're on a planet, i presume! we're just a big orb floating in the beautiful cosmos! we're just an odd existence characterized by chance!" he said, giving a little respectful dip of his head. he listened in- so these people were offering a home here? in sunhaven? he was about to answer when monroe spoke more, telling him about how the sun was bad to look at it and his desires were normal. "ah, in that case i'll gladly offer my existence to sunhaven! i'm curious to see what this place holds for me, and all of us! together, we can forge a group that's stronger than steel! that's what it's like being on this planet, isn't it?" he asked, smiling sheepishly.