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STORM OF BLOOD / open - Printable Version

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STORM OF BLOOD / open - cyantist - 08-07-2018

[color=#6ABAE8]「NIGHTSKY MORTEM — it's a quarter past midnight
Prestige's death in the first one that he sees. The meeting leaves the young tom near shellshocked. It is something that most children are shielded from seeing until they are older, until they can accept and come to terms with it. Nightsky is a smart boy, a resourceful and curious soul, but he is not a mature one, and the death in front of his eyes hits him harder than he can admit or iterate.

It happen so quickly, from the blur of the lioness' movement and pinning down his mother. His heart lurched in his chest as he watched helplessly, unable to scream out or cry but instead being frozen. When the lightning cracks and kills Prestige, he can't take it - he just can't watch the life drain from someone else, someone that is a clan member, a Roseblood, so he bolts, running away from the meeting like a coward and finding somewhere to hole up. He retreats to his own spot, his little hideaway hidden away from the rest of the clan. He sleeps alone amongst his books and the view of the stars and spends his days in that small room.

He doesn't want his siblings to see him cry. And cry he does - he bawls into his blankets until the tears sting at his eyes and then he cries some more. Nightsky doesn't even know the man that died, but he died for his mother and he died right in front of him. He still can't take it, so he hides away his weakness in the loft of the mansion. There's no way for anyone to enter apart from a small hidden away hole in the wall, big enough for a small domestic feline like Night to squeeze through.

Nobody comes up here anyways, so he's free to bawl and sob and try to come to terms with what's happened alone. He can't... Amren was so cold, Mimi was bound to take it better and Sayonara would be okay, he reasons, but he can't be there to bring them down right? The thought of him disappearing for a couple of days doesn't strike him as something that would make his family worry. He doesn't think about that, he thinks about what a mess they'd find him, how useless they'd find him.

He only emerges three days later because he's starving and thirsty. The water reserves that he keeps there are empty, and he's beginning to hear his stomach growl at night as he stays awake with his thoughts. Thankfully, the room is a room where there are no monsters - Night picked that the room because the stars watch over him and keep him safe. But the kitten tentatively makes his way downstairs, trying to find something to eat before he makes anyone worry.

He's already probably made his family worry, but is that worse than being weak?
[align=right][color=#6ABAE8]「& the sirens are mending some hearts — ROSEBLOOD CHILD」

Re: STORM OF BLOOD / open - axiom - 08-07-2018

© lexasperated
Charon, closest to Ayon out of all her younger siblings, felt terribly off the last few days - and she doubted all of the bad voodoo came from the blasted meeting. She still remembers Prestige's broken body, seeing it whenever she shuts her eyes for even a wink; she feels less safe in the mansion than she used to. Like Night, she spent most of her time now in her room with the door closed, reading by candlelight and desperately trying to rediscover the power that brought lightning to her paws. She also grows colder to those outside her family, and especially to the Simul Stamus; she holds Jiyu personally responsible, as the guard.

Spotting the small kitten heading towards her - in the direction of the kitchen, as far as she can tell - the young cheetah's fur fluffs as she remembers his face at the meeting. And she knows, in her bones, that he isn't alright; like how she knows that Ayon isn't alright.

"Night, were are you going?" she asks him, wandering over to his side. Her gangling legs make even her slowest walk far outpace his, so she slows to a snail's pace to walk beside him. Oblivious to his three-day disappearance, she nevertheless knows he is haunted by the meeting, and so she attempts to comfort him with a touch to his shoulder with her fluffy tail. As his older sister, she wants to help him.

Re: STORM OF BLOOD / open - SAYØNARALULLABY - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]   One, two, three. / One, two, three. / One, two, three.

   The moon didn't come to him for three days.

   While Ayon searched for the moon, he asked the sky where he was, and oncoming storm roared. / He asked the trees where he was, and they shuddered as the winds howled. / He asked the world, and it stopped spinning for a few seconds.

   One, two, three. / One, two, three. / One, two, three.

   ( He was here. / There he was. / Where was he, now? )

   Mind lost in the sea, Ayon is limping just outside the mansion, paws against land. / With twisting stomach, and aching foreleg; the star child is nearly falling ( can you hear his vulnerable heart calling for help? )

   Ocean eyes mists up, and down his faith go, he grimaces when he enters the house and senses the eyes. / All looking. / All eyes black. / All on him. / Ayon averts his own and continues, inhaling broken wishes, exhaling tragedies.

   One, two, three. / One, two, three. / One, two, breathe.

   Ayon notices Charon's presence standing near the kitchen. / A fire found in the dark. / The kit scrambles at her direction to reach the flickering comfort hidden within her gold crafted heart. / Though, he spots a speck before the cheetah and halts.

   One, two, three, it him?

   He takes a step forward, small, almost afraid. / Afraid it's just someone who appears a lot like...

   Ayon begins to pant as darkness gradually takes over his visions. / Reality bleeding unknown black. / He's falling, and falling, and he tries to breathe, breathe, breathe

   One, two, three. / One, two, three. / One, two, three.
   One—❝ N-Night... Night... ❞ / Soft. / A tint of hope. / Small, but it shone nevertheless.

   Two—❝ ..N-Night.. Ni..Night... ❞ / Confusion. / Burning wonder. / Constant wheres flickers across dying mind—where, where, where...

   Three—❝ N-N-Night... Ple..ase.. Pl-please, come... ❞ / The stars cried, and so did Ayon, as they all faded away.

   NIGHT! ❞

   Ayon launches himself towards Nightkit, his moon, and wraps his web wrapped foreleg over the other's neck before he pulls him close to his heart. / Oh, how it weeps for the night light. / Though, he can feel himself burn at the contact, let him be for all he cares his brother's eyes are white.

   ❝ Gonegonegone—g-gone. I-I th-tho-thou—y'were g-go— ❞ Dark clouds rolls over celestial mind. / A flash of the lioness swallowing the solar crown, and the tears falls. / Ayon furiously shakes his head and letting out a wheeze, he presses his face against Night's furs. / Teeth within brain clicking home, home, home.

   His brother is at home, and finally, the sky can be full of life again.