Beasts of Beyond
NOTHING LEFT TO BURN;; O, Joiner stuck in a trap, injury - Printable Version

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NOTHING LEFT TO BURN;; O, Joiner stuck in a trap, injury - Whisper - 03-31-2018

Cynical, Narcissistic & Cannibal
Contrary to popular belief, Windigos were not made from eating your own species's hearts out of their beating chests. At least, Inortis hasn't felt like a windigo since partaking in said meal, and it's been a good month since he had such a delicacy. He's been debating chasing another pather down for the same reason, but he ends up killing them before he can really manage it off.

He had been curious of tanglewood for quite some time since one of his catches ran and stumbled into one of their traps and it had been a painfun to salvage any kind of meat off of it. He had taken to hunting close by their borders after the event. Reducing a good deal of their possible joiners and- yeah it probably marked him as an enemy if he wasn't so sneaky. Inortis was good about it though, and if it were because of his picky pallet or the thought of joining well- either here nor there now at least.

There is something said about a hungry animal never being loyal, which wasn't much true. Inrotis could be loyal if he put his mind to it, and the help of taking down his own kind for a meal was a very good initiative to let bygones be bygones. So it was with His own brand of carelessness that he wondered to the border- intending to join and Got stuck in a bear trap, because of corse. Honestly, if he wasn't hyped on the concept of someone helping him hunt, he would be pissed.

Re: NOTHING LEFT TO BURN;; O, Joiner stuck in a trap, injury - valo-kas - 04-01-2018

[color=salmon]eheheheheh ya dumbass...” valo-kas had been nearby making a gooey red puddle out of a toad. not eating, just squishing. some kind of violent impulse that they were hesitant to claim as their own because i know i’m not the sunniest but talk about razor sharp edge! had compelled them to seek, kill, and pulverize a small thing. any small thing. the toad was just unlucky.

valo-kas approached with no obvious desire to help. the mutant, in fact, seemed as though they’d enjoy letting whoever the hell sweat it out a while longer there far more than assisting him. “[color=salmon]since you’re pro’ly not goin’ anywhere soon, what’s the scoop? who are ya, whatcha here for?” they prompted, hunkering into a loaf form.

Re: NOTHING LEFT TO BURN;; O, Joiner stuck in a trap, injury - Belladonna - 04-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Oh. Oh joy. A newcomer had a paw stuck in a bear trap. Belladonna had arrived after Valo-kas, who was already mocking the poor fellow stuck in the trap - and she sighed, stepping forward as she moved over to the trap, peering at it intently.

Glancing between the newcomer and Valo-kas, she sighed. "Hey, Valo, would you mind helping me get the release on this trap?" she asked, before adding bitterly, "If they're an enemy we can let them bleed out, but if they're a joiner, I'd rather not see a possible ally die from blood loss." she mewed, before glancing back to Inortis; she didn't want to let him die, but if he was a Typhoon member, she wouldn't go against Beck's wishes. "You're gonna have to answer wisely unless you'd like to die with your pants down, sir."
