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Thoughts on Snowbound? - Printable Version

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Thoughts on Snowbound? - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-07-2018

Snowbound has been under new leadership for quite a while, and I've been wondering everybody's thoughts on that! They've gone through a lot of changes recently, and there's still more planned to come (such as changes on the shop system), but the group does seem a tad slow in regards to joiners, so I've been wondering of everybody's thoughts on them. Any feedback at all is greatly appreciated!

Re: Thoughts on Snowbound? - guts - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]tracking for now

Re: Thoughts on Snowbound? - nefarius - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]I think Snowbound is one of the more well-put together groups on the site, and the community (from what i've garnered) seems nice! Unfortunately, I don't hear about it from an outsider's perspective as much as I would like. Just from glancing at the board I can tell that you don't have much going on with the other groups - maybe plot with them more if you haven't already? As someone who's a vet to roleplaying I can tell you that the best way to advertise your group is through IC interaction! :^)

If I have the time (and the muse) i'll go more in depth and join the group myself. You have a good foundation for Snowbound - all you have to do is build on it.

Re: Thoughts on Snowbound? - vvintersoldier - 08-07-2018

Ahh I haven't been in the Snowbound community for long, I recently joined the server so I can get a feel for it if I want to join in the future. And so far I've been a little uncomfortable by what I've seen in the server. From what I've seen, it feels like people are taking in character actions & threads very personally. I've seen some people getting nervous over certain types of threads and possible situations(like war or drama as an example) and that just throws me off in all honesty. To me, that makes the community feel very off putting & awkward- and I'd honestly not want to officially join in the future if the community feels the same way later on.

Overall, I feel like ic threads & actions are being taken way too personally, and that it might even be preventing Snowbound from gaining new, interesting interactions that can strengthen their memberbase and activity. I feel like Snowbound should keep their doors open for any possibilities that can gain them interest and activity that can be fun and engaging for the whole group. To me, Snowbound currently feels in a stagnant and I hope that it can be improved in the future.

Re: Thoughts on Snowbound? - vellichor - 08-07-2018

Honestly, I have to completely agree with Sky. I led SB for a couple months and then tried to rejoin more recently and found that the problems that I’d had before leaving the first time were still huge problems, if not worse. Like sky said, the community is extremely sensitive to ic situations and that makes it very awkward and uncomfortable for new members. Another problem that Snowbound has had for months is that the community, overall, has extremely poor participaton in the events and plots that do happen and rarely make event or plot suggestions. Because of that, I know it can get discouraging for the hp team but Snowbound still needs to be open to new ideas, plots, and events. Ic drama is, generally, a good thing because it allows the story to move forward and I feel like sb is really lacking that  right now.

Re: Thoughts on Snowbound? - madster - 08-07-2018

yeah, i think snowbound needs more ic drama, honestly- it feels a little stale when everyone's buddy-buddy and nothing's going on. minor gripe, but i think the rank names are a little strange? like atbash has to clarify that's shes the leader every time she introduces her rank and i think we should have rank names that are a little more clear to outsiders (maybe like for leader something like snow queen/king or somethin? idk just something More Clear)

other than that, i really like snowbound as a clan and i'm excited to see where atbash takes it!

Re: Thoughts on Snowbound? - elliot - 08-07-2018

i want to second madster with ranks - i like prefix/suffix names, but i think snowbound's are incredibly busy and too easy to mix up as there's no rhyme or reason. i've never rped there so i can't talk about the community, but every time i've looked into joining i'll agree that it seems rather stale event-wise.

additionally, it seems that no one really uses the shop and currency systems. i'd say you really need to put in some hard work to get those off the ground or just scrap them altogether.