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SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT | q&a / weekly task - Printable Version

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SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT | q&a / weekly task - Beatrice - 08-06-2018

When Pincher had given her this task, Beatrice wasn't entirely sure how this it would go. She had to pick a place to hold a questionnaire of sorts. Truth be told, there were lots of places within the Typhoon's territory that would make a wonderful place for a Q&A session. She decided on Barracuda Bay (her first choice had been the Capricorn Tavern, but she figured children might not be allowed there).

Beatrice gathered up several beach towels and then laid them all out in an oddly shaped circle, where she sat at the helm. The area was underneath the shadiest tree she could find, and with the sun beating down on the entire earth, the cool shadow of the palm tree felt wonderful. A tub of all sorts of drinks (water, juices, even alcohol) was placed in the center of the oblong circle, and each refreshment was chilly thanks to the ice-filled tub. It wasn't much, but the ginger canine was not the best event planner.

"Hey, I'm holding a Q&A if anyone's interested," Beatrice called, voice loud and clear.

Re: SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT | q&a / weekly task - Grey - 08-07-2018

Naturally, there were the weird ones and the normal ones. The ones who stood out and the ones who didn't. In this universe, Bakugou realised that it was the ordinary who were considered peculiar. He became no stranger to the ideas of entities who were thousands of years old, children capable of taming tides and steering ships, beings that existed only in fairy tales. For that reason, the ragdoll has no problem with the fact that he is a sixteen-year-old in a younger body. 9 months old still counted as a child, right? Well, those were the thoughts that swam within his mind as he wafted the smell of alcohol before noticing the array of beach towels assorted across the sand. Then the male notices the other drinks but doesn't quite offer them the same amount of interest as before. As for whether or not the tom was particularly interested in the idea of a questionnaire, he wasn't. He was more or less here to snatch a bottle but seeing his age, he isn't sure what counted as 'legal' or if there was some unspoken law to drinking. He scrunches his nose and sits down instead, still exchanging glances with the alcohol, and with a final puff of air he reluctantly says: "I'll join."

[ ooc ] in-class post lmao

Re: SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT | q&a / weekly task - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-07-2018

If this had been Caesar, it was likely that he'd still choose the Tavern over anywhere else, just because of him being able to drive and be comfortable there. He didn't care about the kids' safety and innocence, he cared about what he wanted. "You don't just 'join' Q&A sessions, dumbass." Caesar snorted as he came over at Beatrice's call, his rounded ears flicking before he turned to the aforementioned female. "Where'd you disappear to?"

Re: SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT | q&a / weekly task - Grey - 08-07-2018

His fur rises, eyes slanting at the male. "Well why the fuck didn't she leave it so ambiguous?" he roars back to the officer, his gaze burning before he looks at Beatrice like she had tricked him. Of course, Bakugou wasn't exactly a social tom. He usually skipped gatherings so although it was more than obvious that the questions were for the Typhoon to get to know the female right in front of them, the ragdoll was always quick to assume everything concerned him. Still, the male refuses to even think that any of it was his fault. His ears, however, were hot from the embarrassment he was trying to hide. He turns to the female and snarls: "That's you're bloody question - why the fuck did you leave this so ambiguous? You tryin'a make a fool out of me? Well thank the fuckin' gods that it was me who made the mistake so big ol' piss-fur could fuckin' expose my ass."

Re: SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT | q&a / weekly task - VANDAL R. - 08-07-2018