Beasts of Beyond
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wait a minute! / open - JUNJI - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]in the dead of the night, junji found himself sitting out on the beach. it wasn't the first time. more often than not, when night came as his crewmates settled into their homes, he was out and about, busying himself with exploring every inch of the island or simply... sitting, as he was tonight. with ocean eyes fixed on the clear sky, he watched the stars in silence, mentally naming constellations and squinting to see if he could spot any comets or shooting stars.

jaws stretched in a yawn, followed by a gentle sigh. he could feel the familiar burn in his eyes from lack of sleep. he knew he should be sleeping, getting his rest, but he just... couldn't. he'd always had the problem. at least, from the day he'd left his mother he had. junji often lay awake wondering what became of her, and if he ever did happen to doze off, he was always awake again later in the night from terrors or simply a noise startling him. in short, sleep was a lost cause to the young angel. so he spent his time outside, doing what he could to keep his mind busy. he hated being without something to do.

junji slumped down to the sand, stretching his paws out in front of him and resting his chin upon them. the boy's tail curled lightly to his side, and with another sigh, he closed his eyes. perhaps he should have brought a book with him tonight.


Re: wait a minute! / open - Character Graveyard. - 08-06-2018

Kirishima had often found himself wandering the Typhoon's tropical forest at night, though he also walked on the beach. The forest had managed to catch the young male's interest, as it was full of life, such as reptiles, birds and insects. He never got the chance to see exotic animals, as UA was located far from any beaches and tropical forests. Sure, there had been the summer training camp, but it had ended horribly with the villains attacking and Bakugou being kidnapped by them. He hadn't been there by Bakugou's side, so he blamed himself for that happening to his friend.

The young feline had decided to go on a short stroll on the beach, as he hadn't been able to sleep very good that night. He had quickly seen Junji and he was currently sitting in the forest, wondering if he should attempt to make small-talk with the other, as he didn't know him that well.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: wait a minute! / open - Luca - 08-06-2018

Luca wasn't really the exploring type. When he was younger he used to go on trips through the woods with his brothers and his sister, but that had ended when he was taken in by the Church. These days he only walked around when he had something on his mind. He preferred the safety he felt when he was home, but sometimes the small space and the constant smell of food was nauseating, and he had to come out to get some open space and fresh air. He hated how much his room reminded him of the cellar he used to be locked in, especially once night fell. It was embarrassing how scared it made him when he was alone, and yet he was getting pretty close to asking someone if he could stay with them for a bit. That might be awkward though, especially with Luca's reputation.

His paws pressed into the damp sand as he walked, his eyes on the ground below him. He didn't see much of a need to look where he was going- he knew his other senses could take care of him just fine. And they did. His nose twitched as a couple of half-familiar scents washed over him, and his eyes moved to look in front of him. He recognised the angel boy, and turned his head towards to trees to spot Kirishima, who was a little familiar as well. Luca couldn't place where he had seen him before, though. The demon tilted his head, looking between the two a couple times. "What're you two doing out here?" He asked eventually, taking a delicate seat.

Re: wait a minute! / open - VANDAL R. - 08-07-2018

Re: wait a minute! / open - Grey - 08-08-2018

Bakugou hasn't been sleeping at night. He was beginning to let his body rest during sun high, lounging like reptilian in the bay. When the moon was out, glinting its silent eyes, the ragdoll was awake to practice his fire. It was like candlelight but floating, hovering in front of him as his eyes determines the direction. Then, after having his eyes lead and guide the small bundle of flames, he stops his pupils from following and tries harder to use only his mind rather than his sanguine gaze. Bakugou shudders a sigh, releasing his elementals and watching the light dissipate, engulfed by the darkness of the evening. He stands and stares at his shadow caused by his illuminated, fire-cloaked tail. When he angles his tail and stands tall enough, sometimes his shape is reminiscent to that of a human. They were old times, existing only in the great chasms of his haunted memory. Although he uses his heat to warm himself, he still feels cold but he doesn't let his attention continue to linger there for any long when he turns his attention to the swarming pile of pirates on the beach. He squints at them at first, originally thinking it must have been a secret, romantic evening until he notices Kirishima was one of the creatures present.

Bakugou straightens his posture, huffing in his dismay. No, he doesn't want to believe it as he trots only the sand, paws sinking as the ragdoll marches over. His ear twitches when he comes into range, hearing Vandal's words about small talk and peace. He scoffs but doesn't say anything. "Eugh, fuckin' pack mentality," he curses quietly, annoyed that he was fooled into joining the heaping mass of members. This was what usually causes gatherings to begin with - one Typhooner checks out another Typhooner, someone follows, then the whole world follows to pile over whatever was happening. Suddenly something as simple as breathing can turn into a big deal.

Re: wait a minute! / open - deimos - 08-13-2018

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]The dead of night was when monsters walked. His paws, crackling against the sand as sand was buried about his bones, gracefully moved. The mane on the tall wolf was ruffled by the night breeze, and his glowing red eyes was what one could see of this beast, unless the moonlight shone against his pelt. He was a walking hunger, aching for blood to cake his maw and to see his lover dead, for hurting him in his past life.

But that wasn't his goal, tonight, that came later.

Primus was out to build a foundation. To build the defenses he needed to complete his goal. And seeing a grouping of people, with a small body in the middle of them, especially in the middle of the night.. Primus knew his target. The wolf stalked over, ignoring most of the people there and focusing on Junji. He tilted his head, his 'friendly' demeanor back on, despite his appearance that could strike fear given the right situation. However, seeing Vandal, he gave a wide smile, his red eyes sweeping over her figure, before looking back towards Junji. "Night is the best time to be awake. It's where it's the quietest, and the smallest things scream noises compared to daytime." What he meant by that, people could never be sure.


Re: wait a minute! / open - snare - 08-13-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare often found himself wandering at night nowadays, whether it was some wild instinct or just his own strange internal clock going strange, he still could often be found walking through the nighttime shadows the Typhoon territory.  Even though he was young and needed his sleep, despite his best efforts he still couldn’t bring himself to sleep.  He often walked about in the night with half lidded eyes and a jaws parting in a yawn.  But still he adventured, because it was quiet and peaceful and often one could find interesting things in the dark of night.

Like his crewmates for example.  Snare padded up towards the group, his pale eyes reflecting moonlight as he walked up tiredly.  ”It’s cool.”  The wolf pup would state his own case in defense of night wandering, the conversation seemingly already in progress.  ”You see weird things, and also the sky is pretty.”  His head would lift as he looked up at the night sky, the heavens clear and starry above the shore.  His eyes shone like the moon in the sky as the starlight caught them, and he blinked up at the navy sky dotted with sparkling stars.

Re: wait a minute! / open - JUNJI - 08-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]a group was the first and also the last thing he had expected. something that always seemed to happen. pack mentality, as bakugou had so elegantly put it, was something that happened quite often in the typhoon. not that it was something that bothered the boy, as he enjoyed the company of others, but it grew predictable and if he had been anyone else, it would have been annoying.

junji, however, was not anyone else. he was himself, and upon the arrival of others, he found himself smiling sweetly to them all, remaining silent as they each greeted in their own ways. to luca, he shrugged once. "stargazing," he said lightly.

lovely ocean eyes then acknowledged vandal and bakugou, lingering on the former a bit longer. "it is peaceful, isn't it? even with the company, i find it pleasant." he murmured. to the latter he said nothing, only offering the younger male a warm, knowing smile. he knew kirishima was behind him, sitting in the bushes, and had figured that the fiery bakugou would not have approached had the other boy not been loitering.

upon setting his gaze on primus, he found his smile to fade for only but a moment. the male was kind in every aspect, but like some others in the crew, junji could not help but feel a twinge of discomfort around him. something in his eyes, the way he spoke so sickeningly sweet, it set of alarm's in the angel's head. despite this, he kept his smile, nodding once to primus. he couldn't find meaning in his words, but they were intriguing. "an interesting sentiment, ser. if i may ask the meaning behind them?" curiosity had always been a weakness of the boy, but in situations like this, with men such as primus before him, he couldn't help himself.

finally was snare, a little minnow he had seen around on occasion. to the pup he kept his smile, widening it a bit with a glitter in his eyes. children always said the strangest things. he knew well of some "weird things" he'd seen before when he was a minnow, but couldn't be sure if snare shared the experiences. a quiet, simple purr rumbled in junji's chest. "indeed it is," the angel cooed in turn to the minnow's statement about the sky. he'd always loved the sky.

Re: wait a minute! / open - ADAKIAS - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]Sylvina was always out and about during night. Same with the morning. In reality, she was always up and exploring the confines of the island the Typhoon took residence on. Questioning if the young kitten actually got any sleep would be quite applicable to her restless self. Her youthful energy sustained her with the power to support her eccentric adventures at the oddest of times - it truly was a miracle that the ebony bengal hadn't stunted her growth with the downtime she seemed to lack.

It just so happened that others held the same infatuation towards the night. Upon spotting Lucifer's large form and various others, she would pad over to the gathered group of crewmates and pause besides Vandal. Sylvina would initially listen like she always did to gather clues as to what was going on. Stargazing. Junji's words resignated within the kitten's mind and she'd instantly look up, olive eyes widening with awe at the speckled sky. It wasn't often that she felt the inclination to gaze above with her mind always occupied on what lied ahead. Seeing the stars always had a calming affect and she'd make a mental note to do it more often.

It wasn't until the resident creepy wolf made a statement did she snap her eyes back before her. Yeesh, was he always so odd in everything that came from his skeleton mouth? Sylvina wasn't a fan of him, yet she'd manage to keep her mouth shut from any retorts that sprung within her head.

Re: wait a minute! / open - bubblegum - 08-14-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she hadn't been sleeping for a long time. it was never something she had been known to do. perhaps for a little bit when she was months younger, as she had been sure to get plenty of rest and naps in her earlier days, but now she would not. now she could not. it's not like she wasn't trying nowadays. her injuries forced her to stay in bed most of the time either way. not that she'd let that stop her.

like most nights, she had been plagued with nightmares earlier. nightmares of his words. nightmares of their eyes. nightmares of the blood. she needed to calm down. she needed to stop panicking. she did not want to wake up the whole of the submarine this time. she has been doing that too often. instead, she would painfully and clumsily crawl out and walk outside, breathing in the familiar ocean breeze.

she hadn't planned on walking very much - she just wanted to calm down and then go back to bed, but she was drawn by various voices. so, the injured girl would drag herself over, leaning on her walking stick for support. her striking green eyes' glow was even more apparent with the dark surroundings and would be the first thing others could see from her as she got closer, her ears perked upward slightly. this was one of the few occasions she didn't wear her accessories - only her blue feather earring.

she listened to junji, her vision tired and a little dizzy because of it. she arrived next to vandal, leaning against her aunt gently with shaking legs. she opened her mouth to speak as junji began to talk about the sky, glancing upward herself, only to immediately close it and stare with a sudden cold fear as she heard another voice. decius' voice. the girl's breaths seemed to stop. her eyes shot towards him for a split second only to immediately after look towards the ground.

she felt like she was going to throw up. her entire body began to shake. she needed to act like everything was alright, though. she couldn't give away what happened. the other words said do not quite reach her ears and her gaze seems to grow distant. she needs to act normal. she needs to calm down. "i l-li-like t-to loo-look at th-the o-oc-ocean mys-ss-self." she commented weakly and shakily, not looking away from the ground and gulping. calm down.