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wait a minute + open, hurting london - Printable Version

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wait a minute + open, hurting london - Guru - 03-31-2018

Tanglewood has been dealt with. Vladimir had served his time within her capture, but it was onto a new horizon. Snowbound. Now, she had never been through their territory just yet, but she found her way through pretty neatly. Eventually she perched herself on a mountain's cliff with a smug smile spread across her lips and a devilish glare staring out into the distance. Underneath her lied a simple path in the valley that led into the entrance of the caves. When someone would come out, she would make the simplest of conversation to suit her egotistical needs, but if they approached her in a rather violent way... well... there would be a mistake, now wouldn't there?

As she heard footsteps, she crawled closer to the edge with a shiver. Fucking cold-blooded fools. How did they even survive here? Figuring that this should probably go faster, she let out an obnoxious yell. "Hellooooo~" she cooed with all her might. Hopefully, someone would come.

//you may post and make conversation beforehand
[member=215]london r.[/member]

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - london r. - 04-01-2018

London had yet to fully explore the Snowbound's full territory, so, after having set up her little tunnel within the camp, the girl was ready to go looking around. All the snow and trees, surely there were some really beautiful places to discover, friends to make. It would surely be a wonderful time. Hearing a voice from outside the main cave, a smile would form on the clouded leopard's features. Maybe this could be her first friend? "Hello!" the girl would greet. The scent of this stranger was unlike that of the snowy forest, so perhaps they were new here too? Maybe they could go exploring together. Oh, how utterly clueless she was. The albino was sure to be in for a nasty surprise.

//thank you for making it!

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - cry - 04-01-2018

  Why did Cry follow this young girl around? .... she was not sure, she had to admit. She could not do much during recovery. As far as her own knowledge went, she was still a wild animal to these folks. A pet, for lack of a better term. A clan mascot. A cute little critter to keep around and take care of. Perhaps it gave the young ones a sense of responsibility and purpose. ... Damn her soft spot of children. They were too innocent to yell at like she did the elders of the village. She always did have a sense of justice. There was no purpose in fighting and besting someone that could not fight back. There was no accomplishment out of that. One would even be called cowardly if they took out an easy target. There was nothing strong in that. It was just a waste of the gift of life. It was .... sad.

  Cry was a warrior. A guardian. A protector. That was the role she was given by her people at birth. Well. That's what her instincts told her anyways. Even though she still practiced her species's natural traditions with her brother, she grew away from her grove. In the city. Where she learned how to fight on her own (how strange it was to be two feet tall in a karate class!). Despite that, she was still a protector by heart. She only deemed a very small set few worthy of her protection, but a protector none the less. She had an acute sense of when something was going to go wrong. She was a bit paranoid, yes, and a good seventy five percent of the time she's just panicking. But! Things do go wrong. And she could feel something wrong here. Something churning and brewing deep in her gizzard. Something was wrong. Something was very... very wrong.

  Cry huffed as she came out of hiding, pressing close to London. Weave the facade. The raven stared up at the girl, a coo caught in her throat. She wouldn't show weakness, but she wouldn't show strength either. She did not trust this beast that came up to their borders. She had an aura. An aura that she did not trust. Cry bit back a growl, her feathers puffing up. Do not trust. Do not trust. You cannot trust. Trust and it leads to your demise. You only need you. Keep your family safe.

... What she would give to get rid of her instincts.


Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-01-2018

Killua had never been a protector. He had never been given the reason or really feeling to protect those that he didn't even know. The assassin had simply been raised to kill those that tried to protect others. Or simply kill those that had been asked to be killed for payment obviously. The assassin didn't care about protecting others when he was younger, as there was no need to. He wasn't allowed to have any sort of friends, and the only time he was outside of that damned castle, it was because of the factor that he had a job to do and was already paid for it. The Zoldyck's usually asked for payments in advance, but for harder jobs, they usually had to wait till the kill was made and then give the client prove that they have indeed managed to take the kill. When he was just a kitten, he was given what the laws of the world were like. It was kill or be killed and there was no such thing as fighting dirty when it came to survival. There shouldn't be any sort of honor when it came to fighting, as long as he won, that was all that really mattered. Which is why when it often came down to fights, Killua often expected others to do the same with him, but instead they had to fight in means that would give their opponet a means of possibly winning. What gave them the idea that the opponent wouldn't try to kill them in a fight? Killing an opponent would sure send a clear message on who not to mess with and who should most certainly stay away from. These groups had far too much mercy in that regard, but he had to admit the fact that he didn't enjoy the fact of killing apprentices. Killua wasn't a good guy in the means of the fact that he killed those that were around his age. Especially if the apprentice was the offspring of a leader or was related to someone that was extremely famous. This usually happened if someone held a grudge against the parent and simply wanted the kid dead. It was nothing personal that Killua would feel against those that he did end up killing. The Zoldyck's rarely holding a grudge against those that they came across in the first place out of consideration that it wasn't worth their time unless they had really done something to piss them off. The wildcat had yet to accept a job that made him kill someone younger than what would be an apprentice age. He had accepted a job once when he himself was barely an apprentice and thought nothing of it. He psyched himself up thinking that it was just going to be another job and that he would be in and out in a moments notice. The first few jobs that he took over the years, meant that he was going to be followed by his brother to make sure that he didn't fail. The Zoldyck's having never failed an assassination request. Which was one of the reason's as to why they were so highly regarded, but also heavily feared as well. Killua had found the target that he was supposed to kill, but instead of killing his target, he simply stood there. Looking at how the kitten was playing around with a butterfly that was fluttering around. Killua felt a small pain of jealousy out of consideration that he had never had the joys of playing around when he was younger.

Yet, he couldn't bring himself to kill the kitten. It was during this time that his brother had appeared next t him, and told him how weak he was and that he shouldn't feel any sort of emotion before a kill. That he should just let his bloodlust take over instead of worrying about the possible development of his morals that he was going through. The young male watched as the black tiger approached the kitten, and of course with the youngster not thinking any better approached the larger creature. The kitten ended up getting a needle straight through the skull, which for once had caused Killua to wince. He didn't take up any more jobs that dealt with killing youngsters. He left that to his older brother all things considered. Most of the time when it came to the clans, Killua didn't bother to help them out in any sort of regard to their safety. If a group wanted to burn the entire clan to the ground, sure he would let them do it. But if they targeted him or if he wanted to stretch his limbs a little bit he would ultimately involve himself in the battle anyway. However, he wouldn't go out of his way to save someone's life if they meant nothing to him. Which had happened in the clan previously when they were raided by a group and Killua just wanted to have some fun, letting others get injured in the process just because he didn't care. The assassin wasn't sure if he was going to stop what was about to happen. When he caught the scent of where the female belonged to though, the assassin couldn't help but flex his claws a little bit into the snow as he was sitting down at the bottom of the cliff, about to walk along the path. He wasn't really in the mood to deal with the female that belonged to the group that lived on the island. He per say didn't have a horrible time when he visited the group, but what was one of them doing here? He had met a wolf and only a wolf, a wolf that somehow managed to say that she knew him when he couldn't even remember who she was. It caused him almost to go into a panic, but he at least knew the name of the place. Typhoon. His sapphire blue eyes watched as London made her way toward the path that Guru had taken to set up her search. A huff escaped his jaws as he raised one of his paws and rubbed the front of his face. This was going to be annoying. Having air elementals to conceal his scent completely and keep his pawsteps also muffled to the point where no one could hear him move, he decided to move silent toward the side of the cliff that Guru was on but making sure to hide constantly so the other wouldn't end up seeing him.

He used his metal claws to keep a grip, and his climbing leaping ability as a serval to eventually perch himself on the edge of the cliff that was directly above where Guru was laying down. Trying to be kind. As usual with everyone in Snowbound, he refused to believe that anyone was kind from the depths of their hearts. He still believed that they were trying to hide something from him. Having snuck his way up toward where his perch now was, he laid himself down, his metal claws fully unsheathed in a passive-aggressive manner as he acknowledged Guru. "The Typhoon huh? What's one of you doing here?" Killua questioned in a calm manner toward the caracal. She was bigger than him, but it wasn't like he cared, he was the size of a full grown domestic cat already thanks to his log legs, and not his muscle mass. He made it seem like he was inspecting his metal claws. "Did you visit us out of the kindness of your heart?" Killua seemed to snicker as a smirk spread across his facial features. After his run-in with Argus, he wasn't exactly sure what to think anymore about his own thoughts. That frustration usually turned to aggression. If the other was trying to dig for information like he did when he visited the groups, then he wasn't going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Now, his sapphire blue gaze turned to look down slightly at the caracal from his own perch on the cliff that they were on. There was no light to be seen in them.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - Guru - 04-01-2018


A child. She was never fond of them thankfully. They were too oblivious, just like the younger female that was before her. It only made Guru's scruff puff up a few. Though, she kept calm and let a smile slowly plaster onto her lips at the kind greeting. Even if it was kind, it would not stop the female's fate. She leered over the edge, slowly growing closer to the cliff's edge as she moved subconsciously forward to observe closer. "Why, aren't you a gorgeous girl," she enthused in a facade of politeness. "What's your name?" Though, it seemed like they were not alone.

A new contender had arrived. They stared at her, making the hair on Guru's hair stick up. Cry was an interesting figure. Though, she wouldn't completely visibly panic. After all, she was a professional. All she had to do was go in, hurt the child a few, then out, and then run to the Typhoon like nothing happened. If they chose to follow, then it was fair game... then again, it was always fair game to her anyways. It seemed like Cry wouldn't be much of a fighter anyways, but another had wandered up. This one seemed rather... different. Metal claws, passive-aggressive, and inquisitive. The true fight she'd been looking for, but today was her petty day. She couldn't deal with outside bullshit. After all, Pincher told her to stir things up, but not majorly. Then again, she was hurting a child. That would bother them further. Nevertheless, she seemed not to care, as Pincher was her baby daddy and she could use them against him.

Seeing that Cry had nothing to say, her gaze moved onto Killua. "Exploring, like always. Already traveled through Tanglewood. Thought I'd might take a peek through Snowbound to see what you have up your sleeves," she reminisced. "Just like Tanglewood, I did visit out of kindness." Her smirk grew.

In a sudden movement, she moved away from the cliff. Her claws unhinged from their sockets and attempted to slash at London's frontal chest area and neck. "APRIL FOOLS!" If that was not successful, she would pull off to the side and proceed her attacks later on. In truth, she was looking for a reaction more than some blood spill.

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - london r. - 04-01-2018

The way this stranger spoke to london made the girl just the slightest bit uneasy. Sure, she was rather naive and youthful, but the girl wasn't so young that she appreciated baby talk. The appearance of Cry was rather strangely comforting though, even if London had not yet interacted much with the bird. It was a welcome notion, and maybe by some chance they could be her first friend, as this stranger proved to be a bit difficult to befriend. "It's London, miss. What might your name be?" the girl would answer, her soft voice laced in her British accent. She tried her best to relax, believing that this stranger was not attempting to give off the strange vibes that seemed to slowly fill the girl with unease.

Then came Killua, speaking of a typhoon? Oh, was that another clan? By the stranger's response, it seemed she'd gotten it right, wow, look at that. Go London! Though, what was with Killua's strange laugh then? It seemed as if he knew something about this group that she didn't but then again, that was blatantly obvious. If only she could know what he what was going on in his head, she could always ask, but it seemed incredibly rude to interrupt their conversation. Maybe another time? They resided within the same clan, so it shouldn't be too hard to speak with the boy. He was pretty mysterious too, like this Typhooner? Was that what they called themselves? Well, it didn't particularly matter. And this Tanglewood that the lady mentioned, that was probably another clan too? It sure did seem like it, from the way she spoke. Typhoon and Tanglewood, those were both such lovely names.

Oh, but it seemed she had been sucked into her thoughts, no longer paying attention to the strange woman. As a shout rang within the albino feline's ears, she couldn't help but jump, her eyes going wide. Oh, but alas, it was already too late now. She should have been paying attention. She managed to hide her neck, but claws slashed across her monochrome chest, spilling blood rather quickly and profusely. Oh no. Oh no, this was not good, this was not good at all. "I don't know what I did but I'm sorry!" the girl would apologize, legs shaking. So much... so much blood.

Her mother had warned her of this once. That there was something wrong with her, but she shouldn't worry too much, because Mum was always going to be there to protect her. Well, where was Mum now? And why was she bleeding so much, surely this wasn't normal? Of course it wasn't. What was it called again, Hemo... philia? Hemophilia, yeah, that was it. She wasn't normal at all, her blood was different. It couldn't form clots as easily, which meant she would continue to bleed profusely until someone was able to help her. Oh dear. Why would anyone who seemed rather nice, albeit weird, do such a thing? It was rather hurtful, not just in terms of the injury, but also the girl's feelings.

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-02-2018

Killua knew that there were plenty of different ways to kill other animals when one came across them. It didn't seem to the clans that it was extremely easy to kill anyone with the small powers that they had with them at the same time. He could simply conjure up a knife and stick it into someone's throat and that would be the end of that. When it came to studying the target that he was going to kill, Killua usually took several different factors into account before putting them into action. When he was just a kitten, he was forced to read textbook after textbook of anatomy and exactly where the vulnerable spots on a certain species would actually end up being. That was probably the most boring part of his training when he was younger, but it was also the most needed because he used the knowledge that he had gained from that to this very day. There would be times that he would brush himself up on his knowledge if he met a species that he wasn't really familiar with. He memorized things the easiest through repetition, like any other animal that was in existence at the moment. Repeating the same process over and over agian certainly made it stick. There were certain factors that Killua would also take into a factor on his method of killing others. Killua preferred to get his paws dirty, willing to do physical contact instead of poisoning something and waiting for them to die in the poison. That wasn't fun now was it? The younger male would have made sure that no matter what job he took he would find it riviting, as there was no other point to taking on a job if he didn't enjoy it while he had the chance. Back then he enjoyed the thought of taking the life from others. The satisfaction he had of taking someone's life from them. Over time though the same process began to dull over time and he didn't find it all that fun anymore after he saw the fun that he clanners ended up having and he alienated himself from having any sort of fun when he was on missions that could possibly distract him from his goal. Either way, he knew of some animals that weren't in the greatest health. They ate too much and had issues with their blood or even their organs had difficult working. Killua didn't go to the likes of a vet to get their medical records if he was going to kill someone, instead, he simply observed. Most animals were more than capable of smelling disease in a couple seconds, and so he would pay attention to the type of corruding scents that would stick to them and use that to his advantage. One of the mutations that Killua had to deal with that worked in his favor was Hemophilia. The body not wanting to clot its blood made it fairly easy on himself because he could deliver a near-fatal blow, and no matter what it was going to be fatal in the process as the blood would just continue to pour from the wound. Sure it would make the crime scene messy, but that was bound to happen with someone that had hemophilia. That was when he was an assassin though and everything seemed to work in his favor because he made it so. He wasn't about to leave any room for his plan to go wrong, because what kind of assassin would be then? He had a reputation to uphold as a Zoldyck. Meaning that he wasn't supposed to fail a mission and didn't end up failing it either.

The wildcat had a lot more experience than what clanners would honestly expect. The current body he lived in also helped on the factor that he was incredibly fast, especially for his size. He was decent when it came to keeping his stamina up, but even he had his limits here and there. His unhealthy diet also probably didn't help. Killua had an issue with his own blood, but it wasn't Hemophilia. Thanks to constantly having poison injected into his system when he was just a kitten, the antigens that his body created made it so that his blood was toxic to other animals. Making it so that his blood could technically be used as a weapon if he really wanted to. Killua had been watching the other's mannerisms from the distance that he was at. Sure he was further away from the snowbounders but he didn't think that was really going to matter in a situation like this one. The wildcat rolled eyes at whatever the female said, not believing for a second what she was really saying was really true. "You know that's bullshit at this point." Killua would state with a bitter tone as he addressed the female. His claws flexing onto the ledge that he was on, but evidently, he was right about her motives. He watched as the caracal rushed forward. He could have stopped if he could have used his teleportation, but his instincts told him not to use it around so many faces that were capable of remembering the powers that he had. The assassin cursed under his breath as he got up onto his paws and jumped down from the edge of the cliff that he had been on. The young male didn't notice how much blood was spilling from the female until he ended up stepping in it. A wound like that wouldn't be lethal in any means, especially so close to the camp after all. Killua's sapphire blue gaze looked down at his paws at the crimson liquid and noticed how large the puddle was growing. His eyes widened as his minds went through what seemed like calculations. What could be making her blood spill out so quickly? Two factors. Either the other's claws had been poisoned, or the other had hemophilia. Either way he could treat something like this. Killua turned his back to the typhoon member, as he didn't exactly want London to die.

She seemed nice even if it was a facade. "Okay, I need to lay down alright? And calm yourself, the more panicked you are the faster you'll bleed out." Killua ordered as he thought about exactly what he could do. The wound was obviously around her chest and neck, an issue because blood vessels were easily broken there. The assassin would raise one of his paws and conjure up several different sized patches of gauze and bandages. He needed to stop the bleeding. He didn't dare use his elemental powers to cauterize the wound, not like he could as he hadn't charged himself in a decently long time. Grabbing the thick layer of gauze, he would aim to push it against the female's wound. If that worked, the blood would seep into the medical supply. And Killua would aim to put enough gauze on her wound to where she wouldn't be at risk for bleeding to death. He would look back at London again. "I need you to push pressure on this, as much as you can no matter how much it hurts." Killua instructed firmly. He knew that he should be able to treat her, and he looked to Cry that was there. He, of course, didn't know her name, but the crow was also dealing with an injury so he expected her to help London while he dealt with a certain someone. The entire atmosphere around both him and Guru seemed to change dramatically. He made sure it didn't affect London in any way shape or form. The albino serval turned his body so that he would face the caracal, who he could easily outspeed thanks to the species difference. Killua's eyes weren't as bright as they once were. Instead, they were cold, calculating, and that of a killer. There was no light in them anymore as his claws were unsheathed when he turned around. A sadistic grin spread across the assassin's jaws as he raised one of his paws, which would really mean nothing as they were a good distance away from each other. "Hey. I got a hilarious joke for you as well! Wanna hear it?" Killua almost seemed to cackle out, and in an instant, he conjured up a kitchen knife in his mouth.

Having raised his paw to distract the other to think that he was going to do something with his paw. Grabbing the kitchen knife in his mouth, Killua would aim to immediately throw it in Guru's direction, aiming for the blade to impale her face. This was a distraction though, a rather deadly one. While the other was probably concern about the knife, Killua would immediately turn on his invisibility, running as fast as he could to one of the sides of the caracal. The albino serval would aim to ram his body into Guru in the direction that she dodged, hoping to knock her to the ground. If that worked, he would aim to pin her to the ground while digging his metal claws in the joint for her arm and her shoulder, which would certainly cause a lot of pain. Once he attacked her physically, he would turn off his invisibility.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - cry - 04-02-2018

//short cuz of lack of muse. sorry c':

Pow right in the kisser! Where was her ten bucks?! Did she see that coming or did she see that coming. Cry screeched out at the invader, doubling on Killua's attack and aiming to launch herself up onto the cat's head. She aimed to sink her sharp talons into the invader's flesh and peck at her eyes. The raven was pissed. She was seething. She could feel her usually cold and bitter blood begin to flow, boiling and simmering from her unkept rage.

Who could do that?! Who attacked a child? Who in their right mind as that much of an idiot that they needed to make someone smaller than them weaker? This stranger probably was on a bloodrush high right now. She was probably ecstatic with herself. Yeaaah! We showed that kid! That poor innocent kid that just returned a friendly greeting. Cry growled, only holding on tighter. It would be hard to remove her, as her rage gave her a new strength. Her broken wing strained, attempting its hardest to keep her balance. The bandages became unwound and unraveled, the healing wounds ripping back open after being exposed to the elements once again. She continued to scream and shout, ignoring her aching body. She turned to Killua. ]Go! She cried out, I won't let her escape! Get help!

//feel free to throw her around. Just no major injuries c:


Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - Guru - 04-02-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]MANICURES AND PEDICURES, I'M ALWAYS TIP TOP
//if someone wants to hit up the typhoon or tell jacob about these things, please do!! pinch is going to have her punished.

What did she do? Well, nothing, of course. There was never any reason for her actions to be prompted beside her own demented sense of flaunting. London was only her accessory... maybe even her soon-to-be accessory for murder, but this time as the victim! How delightful! Sadly, it seemed like she could not provide such a thing, as she had things coming at her already. They couldn't ignore her actions... luckily.

A demented smile grew upon her lips, but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a knife flying in her direction. Her quick reflex moved to her right, avoiding the attack successfully. Guru did not notice Killua's disappearance though. She flew off to the opposite side with a yowl. The caracal tumbled, rolling away from the next attack after seeing she may be potentially in further trouble. As she did so, her own claws aimed to brush at Killua's underbelly.

Except, that was not the only target upon her. The raven's talons sunk into her forehead, but avoided her eye just like the knife had. Guru grumbled in displeasure as she stumbled to her feet, one paw coming up in an attempt to swipe Cry away from her head. Along with this, if possible, she would sink her claws into her side where her broken wing lied(although Guru did not see this before) and then rip off the raven with force. With the raven being removed (possibly) came some of her own flesh because of the talon's harsh grip..

After her attacks were avoided or hit, she would attempt to run away from the scene a bit further, but not leave the territory just yet.

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-02-2018

(for sure! Although Killua probably won't do it himself we'll definitely get someone to cSmile

This was one of the reasons why Killua believed to be so much weaker than the likes of the Zoldyck family. Not counting the factor that those in the Zoldyck family were actually trained when they were kittens instead of waiting to be trained when they were extremely young. The groups were far too trusting for their own good. Something that he himself was capable of taking advantage of extremely quickly if he wanted someone to get on his good side at the same time. The wildcat lied most of the time when he was interacting with others, and that also meant that he could be dangerous if he learned too much information about others. The assassin had to be careful with those that he interacted with because those that got too suspcious had the chance to talk to tohers and how untrustworth he actually was. He couldn't have that happen, especially here and now out of consideration that he just got here. Barely here even a month which didn't seem like all that much of a time in his regard. He knew that he was going to end up running out of time with his brother on the horizon of finding him. He had been too focused on the clan at the moment to really think about much of anything else. He needed to train and get stronger, but he had yet to meet anyone that was at least someone he could train with. Training alone was perfectly fine with him, but he himself even knew that he couldn't manage to do everything himself whether he liked it or not. The issue with him wanting to train with someone was it meant that he would end up revealing his powers to the creature he decided to train himself with. It would take a lot of time before he even remotely accepted that creature to be able to know some of the tricks that he constantly had up his sleeves. He was crafty when it came to the way of fighting, always enjoying the factor seeing the hope in the other creatures eyes when they thought that they were beating him. Having been physically tortured his entire life meant that he had a hig pain tolerance, and him getting knocked around usually did little to no damgae to him. Not like the animal that was attacking him could even know something like that. Thank to the way that his mind worked while he was living inside of a clan, his mind was constantly going here and there. The assassin probably thought a little bit too much all the time, causing him unnecessary stress all the time as he constantly thought about worst case scenario of what could happen while he lived in this group. He had managed to keep himself secret so far, but it was becoming more and more difficult for him to get rid of the damn itch that he was having recently. Especially with his meeting with Argus, the frustration that bubbled inside his chest seemed to be there all the time now as he didn't know why he didn't even remember the female despite her obviously remember him from somewhere.

It wasn't like him to just forget something like that. He knew that with what he was doing now, it would only be a matter of time that others figured out that he wasn't who they thought of him to be. He wasn't someone that was nice at heart, which was obvious at this point as he didn't bother being nice to others when he first met them. Finding no need to if they didn't peak his interest enough. At the same time, he was probably doing a little bit of an overkill when it came to attacking the Typhoon member. Yet despite him thinking that he should calm himself down and just injure the female a little bit here and there, he realized that his body wasn't exactly listening to him. He wanted to kill, for the first time in a long time. His planned at worked though, at least for the most part. He didn't end up hurting her to the point that he had drawn blood yet, but he had at least given a couple bruises if he hit her the correct way. The albino serval watched as one of the female's paws came toward him, and used one of his arms to deflect her arm by hitting it away. Next came the bird, which he honestly wasn't expecting. The other had a broken wing after all and probably wouldn't be much help against a wildcat that literally could eat birds whenever they wanted. Hearing her words, his brow furrowed and a low growl escaped his jaws. "She won't die. I slowed down her bleeding considerably." Killua called back as he watched as the caracal began to struggle with the bird. Sadly, the assassin didn't believe in anyone else's skill to be able to take someone down. Killua watched as the other was risking to pull her own flesh to try and get away from the bird. Killua had positioned himself to be slightly on the side, looking for an opening that he could take. If he had wanted to while the female was dealing with the bird, he could have delivered a lethal blow. But now? He wasn't sure if he really wanted to kill her. Maybe he could drag some information from her instead. His speed was easily quicker than that of a caracal, his speed only rivaled by that of a full grown cheetah. There was no expression on Killua's face as he rushed after the Typhoon member, running behind her, and with his metal claws he would aim to slash forward, aiming to slice through the tendon of the female's back right leg. If that worked, she wouldn't be able to keep the pressure on that leg anymore, and hopefully, it would mean that she would become unbalanced and fall to the ground. If she fell to the ground, Killua would aim to sink his metal claws into the stomach of the female. Not completely sinking the lengths of his claws into the other's flesh, because he would then hit vital organs. The caracal was heavier than him, so if she decided to throw her weight around then it would make it a little bit difficult. "Now, why don't we just have a nice chat huh?" Killua's voice was laced with poison as he spoke, and there was no mercy in his eyes.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: