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tanglewood feedback - Printable Version

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tanglewood feedback - impy. - 08-06-2018

hey guys!! i have a quick question! what feedback/crit would you give tanglewood to help us improve? our activity's been flunking and falling in the mud lately in comparison to typhoon/ascendants and i wanted to see what exactly's been driving people away icly or oocly!!

Re: tanglewood feedback - vellichor - 08-06-2018

I’m gonna be honest, I’ve joined tanglewood a few times and am a current member and it always feels very uncomfortable there. I’ve had multiple experiences where people were very pa towards me or seemed to take ic actions extremely personally ooc. I think Tanglewood has a lot of potential but the community can be really uncomfortable and intimidating ooc.

Re: tanglewood feedback - toboggan - 08-06-2018

i like tanglewood, it’s one of the two clans i have a character in, but to be completely honest, all i want is more ooc activity on the site. since most, if not all, of the chitter-chatter and plotting goes on in the official discord, a lot of the plotting threads put up in the ooc boards get overlooked. another reason why less stuff should go on in the discord is that everyone has it; all the funny stuff we get into on there is only exclusive to the people bothered to make an account for the application. and besides, some of the discussions that go on in there can be clique-y.

hey, i even like using the discord, but i know deep down that all our glorious ooc convos should go on here. the only real reason why we should use discord is for convenience purposes, but since a lot of us are lazy and impatient, we find discord VERY convenient. how about we use both the ooc boards and the discord at the same rate instead of one more than the other? that’s my opinion of course.

i also just realized that this could be applied for a majority of the site’s groups. hmmm.

Re: tanglewood feedback - aureate - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]I'm highly dittoing Toboggan's note on onsite activity. I dislike using discord, and dead chat and plotting threads, or people using discords more than places where I'm willing to go makes me feel extremely out of place in an OOC community. If the discord chats themselves aren't carefully monitored by one or several people, they do get cliquey and troublesome pretty quickly. I also agree that my comments on relying on discord too much apply to all of this site's groups, not just Tanglewood, but I'm here for feedback on that one lmao.

IC, I've never really gotten many responses to my threads there and it's another thing that kind of kills a group for me. Seeing other threads get three or more posts in the time it takes for mine to get one makes me feel anxious and drains my muse for the character and group, so I think that's something that could be worked on.

Re: tanglewood feedback - adomania - 08-06-2018

[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Yeah gotta,,, ditto basically all that's been said so far, it's not a solitary issue im afraid. A few times I've found the ooc community a bit passive aggressive towards things and that's an easy way to deter me, im afraid. the discord thing is an issue everywhere, so I won't highlight it here so much, but I do fear that it's hard for me to.. integrate when the plotting isn't big and I'm already scared of the ooc community to begin with.

Likewise I've noticed that other threads tend to be replied to more/only rather than mine, and I get that it's mostly due to my high muse but... it's rather disappointing to be ignored in any context, especially when supplying a tldr + saying multiple times that others don't have to match muse whatsoever.

Re: tanglewood feedback - nefarius - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]With everything that's been said thus far already having been covered (and something I agree with), I had an experience a few days ago where I joined the discord and it just felt very unwelcoming as a whole. I felt like I couldn't join in on the conversation and that at the end of the day it wouldn't be worth spending my time there because nobody really ... showed an interest? It made me disappointed, especially with all the suggestions I got to join Tanglewood beforehand.

All in all, it seems that Tanglewood's OOC attitude is overall toxic and driving potential roleplayers away. I suggest being more inclusive and trying to make every corner of the community as loved as possible, whether it be onsite or offsite.

Re: tanglewood feedback - Orion - 08-07-2018

(08-06-2018, 11:31 PM)AUREATE™ link Wrote: [align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]I'm highly dittoing Toboggan's note on onsite activity. I dislike using discord, and dead chat and plotting threads, or people using discords more than places where I'm willing to go makes me feel extremely out of place in an OOC community. If the discord chats themselves aren't carefully monitored by one or several people, they do get cliquey and troublesome pretty quickly. I also agree that my comments on relying on discord too much apply to all of this site's groups, not just Tanglewood, but I'm here for feedback on that one lmao.

IC, I've never really gotten many responses to my threads there and it's another thing that kind of kills a group for me. Seeing other threads get three or more posts in the time it takes for mine to get one makes me feel anxious and drains my muse for the character and group, so I think that's something that could be worked on.
From a personal and staff point of view, I am going to hop on this and say I agree wholly. While I do have Discords listed as an alternate option and counted as ‘official’ for fast responses + chatting, it should never be our primary source of OOC interaction. Those without Discord will definitely feel left out.

Going to be honest though also, I have had to step in on the Discord for problems before, hence why I suggest on-site OOC interactions because it includes everyone.

Re: tanglewood feedback - tricky - 08-07-2018

    firstly, i would like to apologize to all of you and to those out there who feel the same -- i should've done more to keep things from becoming like this. i will also admit that i am the one who was sensitive to in-character drama, and i have no excuse for my immature behavior. and while i try to keep everyone happy, i guess it's just impossible, right? either way, if i or tanglewood has ever made you uncomfortable, i am truly sorry and will do anything to make it up to you.

    regarding the discord, i feel as though it would be best to simply delete the server and move onto the site. i have been thinking about doing so for a while, but multiple people have disagreed with this. but i don't see any other way to deter people from using the discord.

    as far as not receiving as replies to your threads as you imagined, i myself have experienced this, so i don't think it's truly discriminating against newcomers as it is people being too busy or museless to post. however, it's still a valid point, and i will try to revive the unreplied threads list we have in the ooc board when i get the chance. and i apologize for not being around more, having been busy with marching band and now the first week of school.

    i hope that we all can work together to make these changes though!

i wasn't really thinking straight while editing this since i was coming home from band practice, so edited it.

Re: tanglewood feedback - aureate - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Thank you for saying that you'll work on this, and I just want to say personally that it's definitely okay for things to not work out. It's a learning experience for all involved. Every leader has to start somewhere and the fact that you're working on this is a wonderful start. I certainly wouldn't say you've failed with how determined you are to help things improve.

For the discord, I would suggest shutting it down temporarily to start? Perhaps for a few weeks to get the onsite community settled and growing, and then test the waters with it again to see if things have improved there.

Re: tanglewood feedback - impy. - 08-07-2018

I have noticed that the longer posts/threads tend to get brushed under the rug. Which tended to happen on redacted site too but should be addressed.

And like Aureate said, completely deleting it wouldn’t solve problems either, just a temporary shut down maybe? To encourage on-site plotting rather than off-site.

I can agree with everyone else that the ooc community comes off as.. really odd? It just seems very stiff and hard to get into when you just join. There’s not really any flow/it seems very superficial and no connections are made.