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Can you break me down (open, joining) - Printable Version

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Can you break me down (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

Slender paws crunched the snow below them, easily alerting anybody of Gwen's presence, as she carefully made her way towards the border, pale blue eyes darting towards it, the scent line that was not visible, yet held a strong message: we belong here.

Did Gwen have a place she belonged anymore? Probably not. That was something she wished she had fought harder for, her right to stay where she felt comfortable, but even if she did try harder, it'd most likely be useless.

For now, she said nothing, wrapping her tails around herself as she waited. She wasn't the type to announce herself, not in front of absolute strangers, who she didn't quite trust just yet.

So why was she here? Maybe because she didn't have many other places to go, besides these clans. And a secluded mountain-dwelling one seemed perfect for her, at least, in her eyes.

Re: Can you break me down (open, joining) - galexiux - 08-06-2018

  How the ever living fuck did a fox have that many tails. Seriously. Did they have like. Extreme spinal damage or something? Were they okay??.... D-do they need a doctor?? The crow grimaced at the sight of the tail blanket, raising a confused brow. It honestly just looked like it hurt... The bird shook her head. Whatever. A visitor was a visitor. The bird opened her wings and flew down to greet the what she didnt know was a kitsune.
  Cry clicked her beak, shaking her head as she grew closer to the creature. It was just weird. And not in a good way. No one needed that many butt scarves. Crystal sighed, rolling her eyes. Fine. Speech, speech. What do you want, kid? She cawed out. Per usual, she never was one for greetings or warm welcomes. She preferred to get right to the point.


Re: Can you break me down (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

Ears prick, and Gwen's blue gaze quickly lands on the bird, tilting her head for a few moments. "U-uh, I'm hoping to join, if that's okay." She struggled a bit, at least with trying to pour confidence into her voice, even though it was a tiny bird who greeted her.

She had been hoping this stutter, this shyness she had, would go away once she left, and the frustration slowly building up in the grey kitsune wasn't visible.

Re: Can you break me down (open, joining) - arcy - 08-06-2018

Wherever Cry went, Izuku was sure to follow. .. Wherever anybody went out of camp, Izuku would inevitably end up worrying himself so much he'd go find them. Izuku was, of course, a damn mess, and a huge worrywart, at that. You couldn't blame him. All of his clanmates got into so much trouble. It was hard to keep up with, sometimes.
.. So here he is. There's Cry, and there's a joiner. A Kitsune. He hadn't seen a kitsune since Hisoka, wasn't that funny? The dragon's tail swishes a little nervously, before he plods through the snow and settles beside Cry. His ear twitches and he shuffles his talons, but allows Gwen a bright grin. "Um, okay! Welcome to Snowbound!" He chirps. She seems nervous. That's okay, Izuku could relate. His tail gives another restless sweep. "What's your name, by the way? .. And do you want hot chocolate?" He says, maybe a little awkwardly, but still friendly. He conjures a hot chocolate flask, as per usual, and reaches a talon out to offer it to the other. As per tradition, and also Izuku's typical 'hot chocolate dealer' ways.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: Can you break me down (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

"Gwen." To be honest, any resolve she had had a few moments ago was slowly being chipped away, with every new person that joined. It wasn't their fault, no, of course not. Never. More her own, something that had been ingrained in her head in an attempt to make her more confident. Naturally, that only made it worse for the girl, and a black paw raises, as she moves to take a step back, before she steels her nerves.

She could do this. She could do this. Gwen just had to get through this, and adjust. At Izuku's offer of hot chocolate, she shook her head no.

Re: Can you break me down (open, joining) - madster - 08-06-2018

henri was like a moth- he had poor vision and was just drawn to whatever interested him. instead of light, though, it was sound, and he heard cry's rude words and then izuku's cheerful voice. it was comforting, hearing the voices of clanmates he had gotten to trust. well, not cry, because she was a kind of a bitch, but izuku was alright.

he replayed the words in his head, and could sense somebody else there. the blind cat stood by izuku, and flashed a grin. so her name was gwen? that was a nice name, he decided. "ah! greetings and salutations, gwen! you've got a lovely name. of course you can join! my name is henri. and i'll gladly help you out with anything you need!" he said, in his usual too-cheery voice.