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I LAUGHED AND CRIED // Snowbound Ambassador - Printable Version

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I LAUGHED AND CRIED // Snowbound Ambassador - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-06-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
It had been a week since her last visit, and Atbash took it upon herself to try and get her Ambassadors to visit every week. Did she specify that in the meeting that introduced? She didn't think so, so that was definitely something to reiterate on Wednesday. "Hey it's Atbash!" The orange-tinted she-cat called out, wincing a bit as her throat twitched from the movement it took to talk. "I've brought gifts." She gently set the basket down that she was carrying, waiting for somebody to come by.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I LAUGHED AND CRIED // Snowbound Ambassador - melody - 08-06-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The little calico padded up to Atbash, smiling sweetly as she sniffed at the basket. "Hi! Is it someone's birthday?" The kitten asked, head tilted. She didn't understand the concept of ambassadors or alliances yet, but she was excited for someone's birthday. "I'm Melody!"

Re: I LAUGHED AND CRIED // Snowbound Ambassador - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-06-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
He wasn't perfect, but no one was. He tried his best to recognize those that he came across so that he didn't feel like an idiot, but with the issues with his memory that was getting harder and harder for him to do. The Freelancer didn't know all of the outposts that existed jointed to their own, but he did know who they were allied with and that was important with the aspect of War on their backs and other issues that were presenting themselves at the same time. The soldier had no reason to think that holding back against the likes of an enemy was an option. He had experience with leaving an enemy alive and it would just end in more trouble for the future. He was morally grey after all and did what it took to get the job done no matter how difficult it was for him to go through. There was still a lot that the Freelancer didn't know about, and he knew that would come in time the more experience that he got with everyone else. Washington oftentimes patrolled the borders by himself during the day and went on an early run while most animals were usually asleep. At least, that's what his schedule consisted up and there was constantly something strange and surprising that happened basically every day.

He had to be ready for everything and keeping himself in good shape was one of them. He could work with lack of sleep he gave himself, he was used to that, but everything else was certainly taking a toll on his shoulders. Washington heard a slightly familiar voice and one that he wasn't used to. The Freelancer had no way of checking scents thanks to the helmet that he wore on his face and had to find everything through sight and hearing. He preferred it this way though as it meant that he wasn't like some kind of animal that had to go smelling his lunch out. He wasn't like that and actually refused to eat the likes of raw food because he still believed he was going to go back to being human again. That was his current objective and he was slowly working towards it. He was making updates to his helmet, which he recently unlocked another function of his helmet. He was glad that he was at least making some sort of progress as he wasn't able to do all that much when he had his broken arm, but now that it was healed he was making sure he got everything done. The War with the Typhoon was in the back of his mind as he had no reason to think he needed to be in said War anyway.

He came across two cats, one that he recognized and a young animal that he did not. But considering their position on the border it was obvious that they lived here. His helmet covered head looked at Atbash, remembering the females name and where she came from. [b]"You are from the Joint Base correct?" The Freelancer questioned, and there seemed to be a pause before he realized that no one would know the military term that he had just used. Oh. That was embarrassing. He flicked one of his ears inside of his helmet as he cleared his throat before speaking again. "I mean.. the outpost designated Snowbound?" He simplified the term that he would use to describe that of an alliance. He still wasn't used to using the terminology that everyone else used. His gaze then turned to look at the basket that the other had brought, keeping his distance not just from Melody but to Atbash as well. The armored smilodon stood there for a second as he tilted his head to the side. That was strange. Peace offering? But they were already allies. "Are bringing gifts customary for jointed forces?" Washington questioned the basket as he raised one of his paws and pointed toward it. He had never seen someone delivering gifts because of the good of their heart, and as always he was basically suspicious of everything that was happening.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: I LAUGHED AND CRIED // Snowbound Ambassador - rhosmari - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Joint forces. She was actually curious if outpost Snowbound was such a thing. Would they come to their aid if they requested it from them? Would they attack with them against the Typhoon if they asked for them to come along. She was tempted to speak about that right now because she wanted action. She wanted to see them squirm and that was very much unlike her. Sure she was competitive and she had a drive to do whatever it took to stay on top but she never enjoyed taking a life but only saw it as a necessity of war. Now though something had changed and whatever that was was unknown for now. Despite that the woman moved forward with ease after Washington, eyes of blazing amber shifting over the one that she remembered from before. Not too long ago gifts were brought from some place. Moonlight Vale? These names for these outposts were so strange and she filed away yet another custom they all seemed to have. Bringing gifts. Tilting her head a bit the woman would allow herself to settle down beside the other Freelancer, eyes focused on the gifts for a moment before she gave a light nod of her head. "I remember you, Atbash. Nice to see you again. Is your outpost doing well because we might need your forces." Small hint but she didn't say anything after that because she was going to see what the answer to her question was going to be.

Re: I LAUGHED AND CRIED // Snowbound Ambassador - Suiteheart - 08-06-2018

Suiteheart loved Snowbound. Those that lived there were warmhearted despite the cold. They were constantly welcoming the Ascendants to events and the like. Suite knew the Ascendants needed to start hosting more events (even if they were just little things), and she knew Snowbound would be the first to be invited.

Having heard Atbash's call, the alabaster feline moved towards the scene. She wore a smile as she broke through the foliage, and she nodded a greeting to Melody, Washington, and Carolina. "I don't think it's anyone's birthday, Mels. But who knows?" she asked before turning to Washington. "Usually, we give gifts whenever we visit allies. It's just a nice, little thing to show our thanks." Carolina's question caused her to flick an ear. "Hey, no worries about that stuff. We'll be alright." Hm. It was a shame Suite couldn't practice what she preached; she was worried, but she wouldn't show it.

"But like Carolina asked, how're things, Atbash? And thanks for the gifts."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags

Re: I LAUGHED AND CRIED // Snowbound Ambassador - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-07-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash couldn't help but purr in amusement as Melody's question hit her ears and she smiled down at the small kitten. "No, I don't think so." She chirped, confirming Suiteheart's comment. Although birthdays were random, so the Hailcaller wouldn't be surprised if today was somebody's birthday; she just didn't know of anybody. As Washington spoke, Atbash tilted her head up at him and flicked her short tail in thought. "It's not so much mandatory as it is a kind gesture," She responded thoughtfully. "Just to make sure we're still in good terms and all that, you know?" She continued on to explain, before looking at Carolina. Snowbound might be needed for something? That was... ominous and the she-cat wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that. "We're, uh, we're doing fine." Atbash replied to both Carolina's and Suiteheart's question, although her tone revealed how confused she was at Carolina's statement. "Is everything alright with you guys?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi