Beasts of Beyond

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[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Well, without a doubt, this visit was long overdue. The last time Roy arrived at Snowbound's border was back when they were still neutrals. It was his mistake not to visit as soon as the alliance was formed, it was honestly quite foolish of him. A new month quickly came upon them, to which Roy decided he was going to do ten times better at his job. He has to be a good ally, they've been making their way to go out to the Ascendants, so he'll make sure he'll do the same.

The melanistic bobcat came padding up to the border, holding a basket in jaws. In the basket were gifts, which Roy hoped would be of good use for Snowbound. Some of the gifts happened to be books, journals, herbs, candies, and more. The Flame Alchemist placed the basket in front of him, blue eyes scanning the territory for anyone nearby. "Roy Mustang, ambassador from Ascendants- I'm here for a visit, and I brought gifts." Roy called out to Snowbounders in the area, deciding to introduce himself and state his reasoning for showing up at the border.

With a flick of his ear, he sat down on the ground, waiting for Snowbounders to arrive.


i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash had been waiting for The Ascendants to visit, so whenever Roy came to the border, the Hailcaller was glad to see him. "Ah, Roy, welcome back!" The she-cat chirped as she bounded over, the burn wounds inflicted on her a few weeks prior gone by now. She still bore a triangle-shaped scar on her shoulder, as well as a scar in the shape of an elliptical hole in her neck. It still was sort of hard to talk, but she was able to manage it. "What sort of gifts did you bring?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


  Yaaay visitors. Blegh. That meant more people that they had to greet. Snowbound was supposed to be peaceful, but that doesn't mean they were nice. ... Well actually most of the faces here were pretty friendly, but that doesn't mean she has to be nice! The crow landed in front of the bobcat with a huff. She stared down at the basket before looking back up.

  She didn't have a great past with gift baskets. The last time they got a gift basket, a typhoon monstrosity decided it was a good idea to peek into her mind without permission and decided to not tell them they demanded gifts back. It was disgusting. In her own mind, she had a fairly fine reason to not trust this roy character that strolled up. She sneered, What's the catch?



Predictable as ever, there comes Izuku trodding after his friends. The dragon's ears are perked as he settles next to Atbash. .. She probably shouldn't be talking as much as she is. Just in general. He won't say anything this time, though, because it's probably necessary. Mental intrusions weren't fun. They gave Izuku headaches, and he hadn't had to deal with nearly as many headaches since he shapeshifted. Who knew how strangers or at least non-Snowbound members would respond?
Izuku glances a little nervously at Cry as she sneers. He hopes there isn't a catch. There shouldn't be. But, regardless, Izuku's tail sweeps and he allows Roy a little grin, apparently having decided against scolding the bird. He understood her reasoning, anyways. "Thanks for visiting! Um, do you want a hot chocolate?" Izuku offers. As he says this, he conjures the flask in question and pushes it towards the bobcat. He'd been slacking on his 'hot chocolate' duties lately, but he'd pick it up again, just you wait.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]


[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Thankfully, Roy didn't have to wait as long as he expected. Before the bobcat knew it, three Snowbounders were making their way over to him. From the three Snowbounders that gathered, Roy recognized Atbash- who Roy spoke with before at their border and over in Ascendants. Speaking of Atbash, the Flame Alchemist looked over at her first, with a nod of greeting. "Hello Atbash," Roy began to speak directly to her, gaze locked momentarily, "I apologize for the late visit." For a moment the male fell silent, ears pricking up when Atbash questioned what gifts were inside the basket. "Inside the basket are books, journals, herbs, and candies." He answered the question with a flick of his ear, before the next Snowbounder grabbed his attention.

Roy hasn't exactly had a bad experience with gift baskets from allies. While he wasn't a fan of Tanglewood in the slightest, their members that visited them had overall been quite pleasant. They were certainly far better than their immature leader, that's for sure. Roy wasn't aware of what happened between the Typhoon and Snowbound, but perhaps he'll know soon. Roy couldn't help it but raise an invisible eyebrow at the bird's sneer, thrown off by the question. What's the catch? I can't help it but wonder if this bird is aware that I am an ally, He thought to himself for a moment, quickly thinking of what to say in return. For a moment, his eyes narrowed as the Flame Alchemist opened his mouth to speak. "What an interesting inquiry for you to ask me," He said with a slight frown, feeling as if he wasn't being trusted, "In case you did not hear me the first time, I will repeat myself to you." Roy already stated why he's at their border. If he had anything else he had to say regarding his visit, he wouldn't have forgotten to include it.

"I am Roy Mustang, an ambassador from your ally, the Ascendants," He began to repeat himself to Cry, "I'm here for a visit, and I have gifts for you and the rest of your clan." This time, Roy decided to be a little more specific, if that helped at all. "There is no catch." And with that, Roy tore his gaze away from Cry and onto Izuku- who already seemed far more welcoming, especially with that grin and all.

While Roy appreciated the offer for hot chocolate, the male shook his head. "Thank you for the offer, but I have to decline." Roy didn't really drink hot chocolate- back at home in Amestris he'd rather drink coffee over hot chocolate. Hot chocolate doesn't give you that caffeine like coffee, which was why Roy mainly avoided it. And now, he hasn't had a brew of coffee in months after arriving in Ascendants.

"How has Snowbound been recently?" He questioned them, wishing to get caught up with their ally. Roy knew it's been a long time since he visited, he was expecting to hear a lot.


henri knew clans had it in them to be charitable. they'd shower each other with ambassadors and gifts all day but alliances fell apart so easily. still, despite his beliefs... he was here now, a snowbounder. he'd have to go with their traditions if he were to get what he wanted.

henri liked the books he had brought, until he realized they were flat books and had no braille. he squeezed his eyes shut as he turned to roy as he grinned, putting on his usual farce. "greetings and salutations, roy! i'm henri. it's a real treat to meet you," henri spoke eloquently, having a large vocabulary. it made him seem more lively and made up for the fact he was blind and his movements were stiff. "snowbound is doing pretty good! well, we're still getting over our beef with the typhoon, and little tiny baby clans are beggin' us for alliances, but we're thriving. how's the ascendants?" for once, he was actually curious, since he had never heard of these ascendants people. were they like the rest of the clans? vile and unspeakably violent? he wanted to found out. 


Black paws brought the kitsune forth, as she sat quietly, the newcomer not sure if she should speak, especially since she was unaware of Cry's reasoning for the tone. "W-why would there be a catch?" She said quickly, and quietly, struggling not to stumble over words as she did so.

Unlike others in Snowbound, Gwen didn't have it in her to scold people for being rude, avoiding confrontation at all costs, and pale blue eyes avoided landing on the tiny bird for now.


  cry huffed at Roy's snarky remark. That was what the typhoon said as well. Kindness of their hearts! Only to stab them in the back when they didnt return the favor. She ignored the rest of the conversation, retreating into her own personal bubble of thoughts. The bubble popped when Gwen spoke up. She blinked sympathetically at the kid. She didn't know what horrors were evaded here before she arrived. Last time someone showed up with gifts, they were in outrage that we didn't return the favor, so I'm warry of anything given to us for free anymore. She tried to keep the poison out of her voice for the kid's sake. She had no reason to be mad at Gwen herself, but she was overly expressive of her emotions sometimes, including anger. She did not want the poor kid to get the wrong message and think she was mad at her.



i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
"Cry wasn't here when I announced you guys as allies," Atbash was quick to defend her feathered friend, forcing back the urge to bite her lip at the small amount of tension between Cry and Roy. "She's a returning Snowbounder and whenever she was here during Jacob's reign, The Ascendants weren't allies so she probably just assumed that never changed." Atbash still had to write down the alliance in the paper in the Banquet Hall if she was honest. "But thanks for the gifts!" She agreed with Henri, clearly trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. She chuckled at the blind feline's comment about how smaller groups had been coming to them for alliances, her short tail twitching in amusement. "I wouldn't exactly say 'begging', but they have visited and inquired about an alliance." She clarified. "Have they done the same to you?" Maybe The Ascendants could help her decide which one was best.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi