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bad blood ; open, joining - Printable Version

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bad blood ; open, joining - GRIMNYTE - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]It was pleasing to look upon a terrain as impregnable as Sunhaven's; indeed, for her wide-set eyes squinted as she took it all in, figure going soft in a brief moment of weakness. It was beautiful. The mountains were relatively small compared to the tales a passerby had once strung to her - "they reach the sky," - he'd said, and she'd took his word for the truth, oblivious to the figure of speech. After all, the only places Stellamaris had frequented before were deserts and jungles, where the unbearable heat shrunk to a mere fly nipping at the skin of her ears as she grew. In comparison, here it was cold, and the ground was softer, more forgiving on her long-roughened paw pads.

If she strayed further, the endless green gave way to lands spotted with pretty pinks and blues, colors she had never seen before in such variety but reveled in nonetheless. Her nose twitched as she leaned down to breathe a flower in, sneezing immediately after. She had marred the smell, but the reminder of it clung to her sweetly. Unfortunately, this warmth could not be spread to the slight fit she had afterwards, the pollen evoking a sneezing frenzy out of her small body. "Goodness," she cursed.

The clouded leopard was a little lost, admittedly. It was only a good hour afterwards that she admitted to defeat, wandering in circles just to sit in the field and ogle what she could. Underneath the rosy scents, she could detect markings of another kind - she was unsure if who they belonged to would be hostile or forgiving of her trespassing.

Re: bad blood ; open, joining - madster - 08-06-2018

reflet loved sunhaven's territory. it was peaceful, a welcome change from her previous life. sometimes she would sit in the flower plains and just watch the sun rise- it relaxed her and reminded her life was worth living, even if sometimes she felt like it didn't. today was one of those days, although she had just decided to stay there for now. she was alone, and that was enough.

she heard a voice, and quickly turned. a leopard! she was a tiny cat and had no chance of fighting an animal as dangerous... and pretty as her. reflet found herself attracted to the most dangerous things, and the leopard woman was no different. she found the confidence deep down to walk over in calm strides, trying to hide her nervous interior.

"hello, you're in sunhaven," reffie spoke, feeling intimidated being in the presence of the other. "m-my name's reflet. are you here to join?" she asked sweetly, trying to keep her composure. reign in the gay, reffie.

Re: bad blood ; open, joining - rhosmari - 08-06-2018

He was watching along the fringes, eyes of pearl like colors narrowed in concentration as he tilted his head to the side slightly. It was hard for him to hide easily but he managed it well enough, grey stripped skin flexing underneath the dappling of light that fell through the canopy of a tree. He was intrigued by the trespasser but for as long as he watched she didn't seem to be here to cause trouble. More like she was lost and needed a bit of help. But he was also somewhat nervous to show himself as well. Sometimes things could be tricky but what the hell, he had showed himself to a multitude of strangers and hadn't gotten a bad call yet so this should go smoothly. The mixed predator slowly pushed onto webbed paws, eyes widening just a bit as he made his way over with a slight pep in his step. Lifting his finned tail he waved it over his head so that she might see him before he came upon her. No need to startle her right. "Oi there, lass!" His gruff voice spoke out, holding just the barest amount of amusement as he remembered her sneezing fit when she smelled into the flower.

He paused a bit away from her so that she didn't think he was up to something and he wiggled his rump before settling down, the blood colored pearls shifting around his neck gently. They were a constant reminder about his predicament but he tried his best to ignore his bold fashion statement. "Ya look lost and so I decided tae help ya out. What's ya name?" Hmm he wasn't sure of if he had seen a clouded leopard before or not and so he was perplexed about her coloring. It was...beautiful and he looked down at his leg for a moment, a grimace pulling across his face for just a split second before it was replaced by a jolly express and a light chuckle emitted from his throat. "The name's Monroe, I live here and all of this is Sunhaven. Ya are more than welcome tae take up residency here if ya want tae stay. Ocean side property and a nice view." He glanced over toward Reflet then because he was sure they had said much the same but hell, he didn't always have the best hearing and that caused him to make a face at his own folly, embarrassment making his grey skin become tinged with the slightest of reds.

Re: bad blood ; open, joining - jericho - 08-06-2018

Jericho has never seen Sunhaven's vibrant terrain; his eyes have never graced the mountains, springing forth with color and life, nor the beach town with all of its kaleidoscope houses bobbing and swaying gently with the ocean.  He never will — it's been so long since he first went blind that he only occasionally remembers that something is missing.  In other words, the little tabby has grown to love their land regardless; he loves all of its scents and sounds and tangible feelings.  Seaspray and honey-sweet nectar in the air,  the gentle crashing of wave against the shore and birds singing their blithesome songs, warm sand and cool, wooded boardwalk underpaw.  Entering the canopy and feeling the soft dirt, the sun's intense rays disappearing from his back and his pelt, aglow in a wash of liquid gold, fades back to a muted ginger.  All of these sensations... even if he cannot see this place, he knows it feels like home.  He hates to sound like the giant sop that he truly is, but Jericho knows that's what matters more.

The trees are not his favorite feature of Sunhaven's territory, but the forest is home to so many flowers and herbs that he often finds himself among them nevertheless.  Nor does he ever set out with the intention of stumbling upon joiners, and yet they always seem to find him.  An odd coincidence that is.  Jericho approaches the leopardess after having picked up her strange scent from afar; when he walks his gait, albeit gentle in the impression that it leaves against the earth, is lopsided and his too-large herb bag drags along the ground as he walks.  The closer he nears the more he hears muffled voices until he realizes that his clanmates have beaten him to the punch.  The little tabby arrives shortly after Monroe — after all, as leader he figures he ought to be there for anyone on the border as much as he can.  Honey-liked eyes, warm and mirthful, flicker about until they finally come to rest just left of Stellamaris.  He offers a smile, small in its polite reservedness, but a kind one yet.  "Ah, hello.  I'm J-Jericho," the Helion speaks up, having allowed the others their turns first, "I... think they've gotten the introduction down, but welcome to Sunhaven."  Regardless of whether they comes as a joiner, visitor, or otherwise, Jericho fully intends to be amiable.  He dips his head lightly and then falls silent in waiting for a reply.

Re: bad blood ; open, joining - GRIMNYTE - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The feline reacted to the intrusion the way anyone would; the hairs on her spine prickled and the rest of her form went tense, rising from her sitting position. It was only when a threat was not brought up that she calmed. "I'm here?" she counted herself lucky that she hadn't made a mistake. After all, who knew where she could've ended up? Maybe in that group full of pirates, if she had gotten really unlucky. The stranger - reffie, her name was (she was so small, smaller than Stella) - asked another question, although it took the clouded leopard a moment to answer. "... Yes, of course. I'm Stellamaris. It's a pleasure." her voice was hesitant at first, but with a roll of her tongue it settled into the rough dialect she had picked up over her years of traveling. Much of her young life had been spent alone; her kind were not well-known for their hospitality, so she was stuck with learning from those she met on her journeys.

Another soon joined, and so did a third. The second was so very odd that it took her squinting twice to truly grasp what she was looking at. He seemed to be some kind of fish - but at the same time, a cat! The child in her pulled at her vocals, vying for an explanation of some kind, but it was quickly dismissed by the notion of how impolite it would be to inquire such a thing. "I was lost, wasn't I? I've never really been in a group before. No wonder it took me a while to find one." she answered his question in a orderly tone. Warmth and kindness did not radiate off of her like a second skin, nor did the cold indifference of another; she was more reserved, calm. "It's nice to meet you, Monroe. An ocean, you say? I've never seen one before. It's... water, right? Bigger than streams and ponds." it would be so neat to see one for the first time. Maybe even swim in it!

"Thank you for the welcome, Jericho." she said to the last cat, a ginger tabby. Her ears twitched curiously. "Before I get lost again, would it be okay for me to ask where you all live? I don't trust myself to go at it alone."

Re: bad blood ; open, joining - rhosmari - 08-07-2018

"Bigger than streams and ponds?!" The shark mutant would exclaim with wide eyes that showed his shock that she had never seen the ocean before. He wiggled then, gaze narrowing a bit with a little small smidge of mischief. But he forced himself to settle down so that he didn't do anything rash. After all this was a pretty lady and he couldn't be all crazy. That's not how to impress and he sighed a little before pulling his ears back and going for a trademark closed lipped smile to show that it was okay she hadn't. "If ya never seen the ocean then it is high time ya do now. It's way way bigger then some steam or pond. Bigger than a lake even! Like most of this place we live in is mostly made up of the ocean. Ya'll love it!" Fancy him talking about the ocean and he grinned now because of his excitement showing off those rows of shark teeth that glinted in the sunlight. Turning quickly he lifted his fin and pointed in the direction he had come from and down the hill. "Our village is down there and it sits right next tae the sea. Come on and I'll show ya." He paused then before glancing over his shoulder a little bit, skin tinged with the lightest of reds at how boisterous he had gotten. "Ah, if ya want me tae that is."